Saturday, April 30, 2005

I emerged from a coma today, haha. I got so knocked out last night/this morning, I woke up past 2. We hit WEGZ last night and tho there wasn't any male action, but there was enough drinkin. They have a lot of hype specialty cocktails, I wanted to try half the menu. They didn't have 1 of the ingredients for this wicked lookin/soundin drink called the Metropolitan so I got a sour apple martini, but it's like kinda in a shot a martini glass without the stem. That was brutal, it was pure alcohol. And I had some Frozen After Eight, my usual Tom, and Stella. Yes I had beer. Why was I mixin, I dunno. Some beer is not that bad I long as I don't inhale through my nose. Ugh OMG, it smells like absolute hell.

I don't remember exactly everythin that went on except that I lost a Clorets mint in my bra somewhere somehow :P Don't even ask. And the mints that they give you when you get your bill were some Lifesaver ones that tasted like toothpaste. It was gross and our waitress came by just as we were about to leave. I didn't see she was comin and I spat it out into my empty glass (well it had some beer and a pack of artificial sweetener and a long straw in it...again, don't ask) from where I was standin (2 points!) and it made a 'clink' and a 'splosh'. G's like, I'm sorry you had to see that LOL

That's enough of that. I went with G on a whole bunch of errands today. I got the Keane CD for $6 :) Then we picked up Heather from work. We're all goin out to the bar tonight, cuz we're always tellin Heather and Clothes to come with us and I don't think they've ever gone barring before. You'd think they'd hit them once they turned 19.

P also called and said she wanted her new boy to meet up with us, and to tell us how their lil date went yesterday. Oh yeah, and Al's dates! 2 in a 3 days, haha.

Oh and my prof said he apparently misplaced a whole bunch of papers so I'd hafta send my questions again. Balls! I wonder if he'd let me off since he was the one who lost them...I don't have them saved or copied anywhere. He was really sorry about it but we can all make it equal if he'd just give me the 5% :P

Friday, April 29, 2005

I cannot FREAKIN believe this!! I check my email and my Early Cinema prof says that he only has 2 of my 3 sets of questions recorded. I know I did them all cuz I remember postin about it but the thing was, I didn't remember if I emailed them to him or I handed them to him in class. I checked my blog archives for the last week of class and I DID hand them in. I dunno why he doesn't have them. But he said that anybody who doesn't have all their questions in, to email them before May 4. I emailed him back about it and if he can't find my sheet of paper, then I'll hafta read and do questions all over again! Cuz I don't remember what they were! FUCKERS. When I think I'm done school, I get more hw 2 weeks later. But I don't care right now cuz I have til Wed to do it. Tonight I'm goin out dammit.

Fuck, I keep forgettin to call Larry! Tomorrow, tomorrow.

I watched Snoop today. I love him. Wish I was down there so maybe I could be the one that they gave free tickets to the show to :P

L came over when Fish called and I hadn't seen her in forever so I told her we were goin to Timmy's so she could meet up with us. We finally caught up on all the party stories and what everyone was doin at the moment. Good talks. Then she jetted cuz she's insane and jogs ass early in the mornings so she goes to bed at like 10 :P I LOVE her. She peevs me sometimes but she's one of those friends that you can't experience life without. Me and L stayed and talked everythin about life...and death, actually. We can have meaningful conversations :)

We always joke about how sometimes our jeans get this lil bulge in the front when we sit down like we suddenly have dicks and I noticed my pants were doin it and I'm like, how do you like my penis? Hahaha. L's like, how do you like mine? And she lifted up her jacket that was coverin the front and she flashed me her entire open zipper LOL Apparently someone forgot to zip up. I'm surprised I didn't see panty. She's all, how did that happen? Riiiiiiiight. Yup, we can also talk about the most retarded things in the world.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Good game yesterday. We won 8-2...I think. Some interesting ppl at a baseball game (the ones who aren't parents or kids). There was a family in the row in front of us so we had to watch the swearin :P

G and L went downtown early cuz they wanted to do some shoppin so I met up with them later. I hitched a ride with my mom cuz her work is right beside the Rogers Centre (I don't like callin it that, they should've kept the name to Skydome). So I got to see the inside of her work cuz I had like an hr to kill.

Our seats were pretty close. Field level, on the 3rd baseline. We were just scared we were gonna be taken out with a foul ball cuz we had nothing to catch it with and the lights are blindin when you look up. I wanted to get close enough to Ace, the mascot, haha. Every time I spotted him I was like, "Birdy!" We got some crazies a couple rows behind us. Jays fans are a special bunch...sober or not, haha. L threw up a lot more than once :P Fun times.

I spent a lot more than I normally would've on baseball tickets. Everythin goes on credit card, haha. And when I pay for everybody and they pay me back in cash, that cash will be spent :P

The next couple weeks are gonna be crazy. So I'm not goin to the Snoop concert but he'll be doin MOD today, and Coldplay's comin in on the 9th. Sun is the hotel party that P's friend is throwin, next week is my brother and G's bdays, G's bday party thing, and the weekend after that is Kim's drink fest. And I still gotta do the Keane concert...which reminds me to call Larry. Hey he's British, he'll probably like them!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

OK I really am gonna go to bed earlier tonight.

Just went to Q's with P. Tom flicked me in the ass with both hands again. Fuckin guy. He has a thing for hittin my butt. Vick, Al, and L met up with us there after havin dessert or whatever so L could give me the stuff she printed for me and to get her CDs I burned for her.

Jay (army boy) left me a msg on MSN with some snarky comment while I was out. He had a different personal picture up and I couldn't really make it out cuz it was dark but it was him and some other guy out in the field or somethin. I looked at him and I just got this feeling of annoyance,, I remembered how he could bug me :P It's just when personalities don't mesh sometimes and you realize, well this isn't somethin that'll ever be lasting! (Not that I think that far, cuz I really don't). I just thought it was weird that that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw his picture. But I guess that would explain why we have never talked on the phone since we stopped doin things together, like before. Notice how I'm not usin the word 'dating' :P We hardly even talk on MSN really. It's just stupid stuff like randomness here and there or him leavin me some sort of smiley face and then he goes Away or offline when I msg him back. It's never a real actual conversation. I dunno what he's doin on his end over there. Then again, I don't really mind not bein able to talk to him or hang out cuz he doesn't exactly take up a part of my world so I can live without, you know? I think what I'm tryin to say is...What is the point of this? :P

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Geez, I haven't even gone out out yet and it's been a go go go day. I woke up this morning to drive the bro only to have my mom scare the CRAP out of me while I just walked into the bathroom and she abruptly swung open the door. She was drivin him instead since apparently she was already up from drivin my dad to work cuz one or more of our shit cars has problems. I'll admit I'm sometimes oblivious to the ongoings of this house but then again, nobody really informs me of this kinda stuff anyway so there.

So I go back to sleep, which I was more than glad to do, but I went to bed that night later than I should've...and I overslept and was late for pickin my bro up :P Haha, like late enough that he called home from probably a pay phone cuz he doesn't have a cell (nor should he, wtf does a 16 yr old need a cell for? But I'm not gettin started). But whatever to that too, cuz I didn't sign up for drivin his ass to and from wherever in the godawful hrs of the morning. He decided to do co-op and didn't take into account that other ppl would have to take him there. If I'm late, I'm late! It's not like he's got to be anywhere long as I get him back to school before lunchtime is over. Actually, I'm not that horrible...I was speedin on the way there goin, "Sorry, man...I'm comin, I'm comin!" Haha.

Then me and L waited for Al to get off work so we could go buy tickets to the Jays game with her discount. Took a ride in Jerky :) We like erratic turns and rollin back into cars. "Well that was...impressive." LOL

We got pretty good seats for tomorrow. We got photocopied print-outs for tickets tho, which isn't the same as savin normal ticket stubs for souvenirs. It's like an entire sheet of paper you hand over. Different. I like savin stuff from games and concerts and special days and stuff like that :P

We stop off at Shoppers and get food at Pizza Pizza...OMG Al makes me laugh. I won't ramble on about the whole story but she goes and holds up a bottle of spray gel to her face to caress it and says, "Don't ever change." LOL Freak.

Right as I get home, I hafta go with my dad to get 2 of the cars from the shop. He's FINALLY doin somethin about the white car that has been sittin in the garage takin up space and bein useless, and I'm gettin the Honda. My car was supposed to have its tires replaced but it wasn't ready yet so I was waitin half an hr in the dingy lil office, fallin asleep on the couch :P

Then everybody's cars were parked in the driveway and the usual jigsaw puzzle sorting went on. Plus my cousin is back from school so it was movin truck commotion too.

P calls and is gettin off work early cuz the water system isn't workin or somethin so she wants to go play. Oops, which reminds me of work before play...I gotta print out my school tax forms at someone's house. Peace out! Haha.

Monday, April 25, 2005

So as I went over with L to G's to watch The Forgotten today, I was hit with some of the biggest news ever. Jason sent me an email with just the words "Please Read" and his website address. I had a feeling what it was about. I get overanxious about readin stuff sometimes that I just skip to the end to find out the important part. Jason proposed to Chris!! They're engaged!! He included pictures and DAMN that ring is big! It's some nice ice...that Jason, makin some serious money down there in Texas.

I was so excited and blown away, I literally yelled at the computer screen, "OHMYGOD!!!!!"

Well they finally did it. These 2 were made for eachother. I mean, I've known them since the 3rd grade and they were pretty much together since then :P We were all wonderin when they'd get around to the marriage stage cuz they've been talkin about Chris movin to Austin and whatnot.

I still can't believe my friends are engaged. I still think it's kinda crazy even tho they're not all that young. Me and Camille were even talkin about how shocking it was that these ppl we knew from hs were gettin married or were already married or were married and had KIDS. Wow, I'm so not at that point in my life. Besides the fact that I'm not seein anyone at the moment :P Not too into the idea of marriage. But I am happy about other ppl who will be doin it.

This weekend deserves a smilie and a gold star :D

Me and P ran into Camille from hs at Q's (and Kendall who was a yr younger). I can't believe the ppl I'm seein these days. We used to be tight back in grade 9 and then of course when you get out of hs, you don't see anybody as much anymore. We used to catch eachother on the bus now and then and even tho we all live in the same area as we did in school, we don't come across eachother, as in anybody from hs. Things are weird like that. It was so good to see her. I remember when everybody was in love with her cuz she's from England and that accent was like the hypest thing we've ever experienced. "Does anybody have a ru-la?" "A what?" "A ru-la." (and she has to gesture with her hands a rectangle shape) "Oh, a ruler! I love your fuckin accent, say it again!" Haha.

Ian was there too. I'm happy to say it was civil :P There was also a way older man who asked for a hug too when we hugged Camille and Kendall (P's like, uhhhh...peace out! *does the peace sign*), and offered me peanuts outta nowhere for some reason, haha.

Oh yeah, that guy I met at the club on Sat had asked me for my email so we could talk on MSN. He was pretty much drunk and I wasn't sure he remembered any of this. The guy couldn't even work his phone to save my address :P At least he didn't get my number. So he added me yesterday and we chatted for a bit before I went out. Here's the funny thing...a part of the convo went like this...

"I remember all of it, I was the one who was sober."

"You didn't have a drink or anything at all?"

"No, drinkin gets expensive, haha"

"Cheap should have asked me to buy you a drink.
No wait, maybe you shouldn't have because I would have walked away."

"Haha, why's that??"

"Because some girls are like that. You buy them a drink and they stay until they finish their drink and then they walk away.
I got caught up in that once...biggest waste of $7 ever."

Hahahaha, that was exactly what I was thinkin of doin that night!! I'm sorry, but sometimes I like to work somethin out of it :P I get a drink, the guy gets to dance and grind or whatnot. They're usually a bit liquored up themselves and start gettin on you from the first moment and they came up to me so it's not like I'm some shark. Everybody's happy, everybody wins, haha. It's not like once I get a drink, I jet in the other direction. THAT is totally using. Anyway, I didn't get him to get me a's like he was readin my mind tho, haha.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

"Arrive Alive, Drive doesn't rhyme, I don't like it." LOL

I hafta stop this sleepin in business...even I know it ain't right makin a habit of gettin up at 3 pm. I dream the weirdest, most random things when I do that too. Hmm.

Last night was somethin interesting! We went to Inside (which L said she'd never go back to since her bday 'debacle', haha) cuz G's hookup from some guy at work called her back and we'd get in free. This fuckin rain is annoying! It's been like non-stop for 2 days. Anyway, things just kept gettin weirder and weirder as the night went on. When we were about to leave the parkin garage, 6 drove by and somehow L spotted him in his car and G's like, no fuckin way! But it was him and he came over and talked to G for a bit. No one really knows the backstory to this so I'll just stop now...but it was funny.

Walkin to the club in the rain, we passed some guy sprawled on the ground outside of Croc Rock with a cop or bouncer with him. We have no idea if he got punched out or just fell down drunk or was in the middle of gettin arrested or what but he was lyin face down in the most awkward position I've ever seen, hahaha. I don't even know how to describe it.

The guy from G's work apparently got her down under her own name for guestlist but they couldn't find her on it so we just said to drop names until they find one :P She said some girl's name that it might be under and the guestlist girl found it and G's like, uhh...can my friend come in after still? I woulda laughed, if that chick came and her name was already crossed off and she'd be like, who the FUCK went in under my name and stuck me outside?? Haha. Cuz she'd never know who did it.

Well, Inside was doin some Vegas night theme so they had card tables and showgirls and magicians and stuff. These random magician guys came up to us during the night and we could never figure if they were some ppl G knew from work or not, cuz of a bunch of her coworkers went that night. A pair of magician guys came up all of a sudden when we were chillin on the couch and me and L were lookin at our shoes comparin sizes for some reason and one of them bends down to look into my face and goes, "Are you OK?" He surprised me and I didn't even get to say anythin before he opened his mouth and like, 'vomited' a deck of cards one by one LOL I totally wasn't prepared for that and just went, "Holy shit!" And he made balls appear and multiply in my hand, hahaha ;) That was freaky.

And more boy trouble, haha...what else is new, the end! As much as I love drunk ppl (the nice drunk ppl who are funny and are controllable), the other kind of drunk ppl make me wanna punch them. There's slightly annoying, like the kind who keep askin you the same questions cuz they don't remember they've asked you already, and then there's the kind who spill beer all over and dance like a fuckin idiot and fall into ppl, like they're the baddest shit in the world. OK, you're allowed to have fun sure, but if you're a total ASS and think this is your house or somethin, you need to get yourself in check. This loser looked at least 27 and he was bouncin around like he was a hip hop jam but I dunno WHAT kinda dancin he thought he was doin cuz that dancin enough made him look like a jackass, besides the booze factor. I mean, doesn't there come an age when you're past that kinda thing? Dude was old enough to have had this shit outta his system. Hur hur...I'm drunk, I'm drunk..heh heh heh. Like, RELAX. He'd take a drink then go off flailing his arms and slammin into ppl then stop and take another drink then do it again. He knocked into me backwards and I almost went flyin but some nice guy caught me and asked if I was OK. Why can't they all be like THAT guy?

Still, it was fun...and despite the movin between floors crap. We went walkin down the club district holdin balloons that we took from their decorations :) Ppl kept goin, ooh balloons! Happy bday!

Back at the parkin garage, we accidentally got off on the wrong floor so we had to go back up by the stairs. L goes to open the door and POW! The handle comes off in her hand!! LOL And like, bits fell to the ground. First we're like, *mouths open*...then we're like, DON'T EVEN!! We are not gonna be stuck in the parkin garage! L's standin there like she couldn't believe her own strength. She's like, OMG! I didn't even pull on it hard at all! with that look on her face like a kid who has broken somethin and is about to get in trouble, hahaha. But then there was a security guy who just so happened to be there and he opened the door from the other side. He's like, need help? Haha. He was there with another security guy and I dunno if they were hangin around there by coincidence or they heard the commotion.

So when you get to the garage, you pay at a machine before you get to your car and you get a ticket that you put in another machine when you're leavin so the door can open as you drive up. The security guys were there at the paid ticket machine and when G put it in, it spat it back out and onto the ground like it didn't want it, hahaha. That has never happened before, it's not cash so I dunno how it rejects it :P So the ticket's on the ground and G would hafta get outta the car to pick it up but the security guy was there and got it for her and put it in. We're like, sorry, we're so much trouble tonight, haha. Geez.