Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Uhhh..I honestly don't remember what the hell I've been doin since the last time I posted.

Work, of course, but who cares.

Actually last week was pretty sweet cuz I had about 16 hrs or somethin, haha. I randomly just took off Fri and Sat just cuz I didn't feel like workin and Sat was the Canada Day bbq so. And thennn me and L just decided to go on that vacation we keep talkin about but never got into gear, so we both took this week off and now we're goin to LAS VEGAS!!

OMG we've been lookin at hotels and packages and prices and shit for days and flip-flopped between goin to Miami and LA and such. The main thing was the weather (it bein hurricane season in FL) but apparently L's anti-LA/Hollywood so after all that time on the internet, we settled on Vegas. Which was one of the options I suggested in the first place. Bitch, haha. Al is probably gonna hate me tho...cuz she's been tryin to sell the idea of goin to Vegas to Chris for her bachelorette and now I'm ruining it :P

What else? Oh I didn't end up seein Keane cuz it was sold out. Balls. I did get their CD, tho I haven't even had time to listen to it really yet.

Oh last Fri, I went with Al, her friend CJ who I've met, and CJ's friend Stacey who's visiting from Australia. They were takin her out cuz Stacey's here a few weeks so they were takin her out and showin her the city. They are so much fun, and I fuckin love her accent. Our runnin joke was that all she had to do was speak to the bouncer, we'd get in like that, then she'd meet some guy who'll keep buyin her drinks as she talked and she'd pass them behind her down the bar to us, haha.

We went to Panorama for pre-drinks. I've never been and there wouldn't really be any reason for me to go there cuz it's like how many stories high. I heard it's really nice and the view is the best one you can get of the city so whatever, gotta try everythin once.

Good drinks (tho $12 martinis won't be a habit of mine) and AMAZING view. You can see all of downtown and then some. After we took enough pictures, we headed to Level. It was supposedly some 'old school' party thru CJ's friend but apparently that meant weird '80s music that we've never heard in our lives. So we bounced and went to Fez.

I really didn't mean to drink as much as I did :P They were bought for me! Therefore, I have no choice! Haha. Yeah CJ and Stacey went off a couple times during the night so we were in pairs and Al and I met some guys. Well, some guy was just friendly chattin Al up and then she made him get his friend for me, haha. You can tell when someone is diggin on your friend and I was fine to leave them alone but she sent him off anyway. So Al and Ryan were doin their thing and I was very glad that Ryan's friend Adam and me weren't doin anythin like hookin up. Like just once I'd like to have fun with a guy but in a completely non-sexual, flirty way. And I did! We were just gettin along like friends. And he still bought me drinks, haha! He made me try Jagerbombs. I was protesting that I couldn't drink anymore and more would kill me but he was just, "Well, see you on the other side! Cheers!" Hahaha. Wicked night. Too bad that was ruined by all the vomiting :S Yeah I saw it comin and it was my fault. Anyway, that sealed the deal. Again, I said I wasn't gonna drink anymore after that but now I've modified that to 'I'll never drink to get drunk again'.

Well I had work that morning and I was in no shape to be goin in for a 8 hr shift. I absolutely wanted to die. I felt like pure shit and I'm sure I looked it too. I was still fightin nauseousness. Thank god L had Pepto Bismal tablets. And if I don't stick to the 'never drink to get drunk' thing, then at least I'll stick to 'I'll never get drunk the night before I have work' :P

So I somehow got thru that day. Then me, L, and Deb went to Honest Lawyer. WTFam I doin at a bar? :P And I drank cuz I'm a big idiot but I only had one so it's OK. My poor liver. I seriously think it's had it. I'm not made for alcohol.

We met some guy and his friends. Well, he came to our table and just started chattin away. He was Irish and his name was Kieran :) It was highly amusing cuz he's younger than Deb but was 100% flirtin and talkin her up, and she wasn't havin it (in her mind) but obviously she was LOVING it, haha.

After Honest Lawyer, we went to Fox & Fiddle for some good 19 yr-old fun, haha. We weren't expecting to go there that night cuz we were really dressed for dancin but we got down still.

Then out of the blue, Deb started feelin sick while drivin. It got to the point that L had to take over and Deb was lyin down in the back. We still dunno what it was but she was sayin that her stomach hurt. So we spent the rest of the night drivin around deadtown lookin for any place that sold Gravol. The only places still open were gas stations which didn't have any and a 24 hr supermarket with a closed pharmacy, which they also lock up cuz apparently they've got that problem of ppl buyin cold medicines to use to make meth. Geez. Poor Deb took it like a woman and waited to get home to get meds.

This past weekend was just as fun as last week's tho. Fri was another Al-CJ-Stacey outing so it was a repeat good time except Al's other friend Laura came too so it was more bodies and more chaos. I dunno what it was, some big get-together or somethin, cuz we all met up at Lot 332 with some more of CJ's friends and some of CJ and Al's friends from university. A couple of them were guys who went to one of our rival high schools down the block, haha. Even more, one of them named Neil, lives on my street! Small world.

It was all one big, packed jam in there. Ryan met up later on too. Lots of hugs and goodbyes that night to ppl I've just met or gone out with once or twice. It was nice.

Sat was the bbq. Lots of food, playin PS2, gettin to see Shaun and Cher. Cher's actually movin to Seattle cuz she got a job with Microsoft so we won't be seein her for like 3 yrs. We did a lot lyin around and just chillin, talkin. The bbqs always last the whole day so we pretty much eat meat for lunch AND dinner :P

It started rainin in the evening and G is really into fireworks so she wanted to go see them at the park but we were watchin Guess Who so she went with her bf and Cher while we stayed at her house, haha.

Al and Laura went to Niagara for the casino and I wanted to go too but I had the bbq to go to. That doesn't really matter now tho since me and L are goin to Vegas!

So Sun I went over to Al's to help her clean cuz she's always goin on about how she needs to and she will but she doesn't. I was sick of it so I offered to help, haha. I've never seen a room so messy, it was disastrous. Shit was all over the floor, like PILES of clothes. Papers strewn, things on her desk, all kinds of stuff. She insisted that she could do it herself and that she just needed me for motivation and make sure she didn't take half an hr breaks or start watchin TV or somethin. I just went on MSN, lookin at her pictures, and searchin for trip stuff. She did make me fold a bigass drawer full of tshirts tho, haha. For all the stuff we got done, the room still didn't look like we made much progress :P It was that bad.

We felt like we did enough for the day so we went to see Nacho Libre finally. THAT was a funny movie. The ppl behind us thought it was the most hilarious thing ever tho. Everyone else was laughin but they kept on laughin for a good minute after. Maybe they've never seen a comedy before, I dunno.

After the movie, we met up with Chris, the other guy from Lot 332. We went to Main St. cuz it was a nice night. We got ice cream and walked around for a while, makin comments about the nice houses we were passin. We dropped Chris home and headed to Timmy's for another hr or two. L called and said Deb was fucked up and they'd meet us there, haha. Apparently they were at Honest Lawyer drinkin and we could tell when we saw Deb's face that she was feelin good. Man, it woulda been so much better if Deb and Al came on this trip with us.

I haven't been doin much the past couple days of my vacation except half-assed 'planning' with L of the trip. We would've/should've/could've gone on Mon if we had gotten down to it. That would've give us a full week. We were this close to sayin fuck it. I was about to lose it with L cuz she was pissin about how she didn't wanna go to LA after all the effort and she just would not let go of Miami, full knowin that it wouldn't be sunny for the time we were goin.

I went to the mall yesterday to get my MP3 player from the Sony Store. I love it, it's cute and blue, and I got a discount on the warranty plan :) Too bad we don't have it at work but what're you gonna do. I picked up a few things for the trip (in the optimism that we were actually gonna end up goin somewhere) and then brought L over to my house to get the crap done.

Last night took forever! But we got the flight, hotel, and even e-tickets to a Shark Reef exhibition, haha. Carrot Top was at the Luxor Hotel, which would've been WICKED cuz he's hilarious, but he wasn't gonna be there the week we were, what're the odds!

We hit the mall again for some clothes and food and whatnot, and to exchange our money. The itinerary will pretty much be: tan by the pool, gamble, and go clubbin every day we're there, haha. Our flight's early in the morning. I have loads to do and yet to pack so I'm peacin out. Back on Tues! Vegasssss!