Friday, December 03, 2004

Went to the liquor store to pick up some drinks for tonight. Woman looked at me longer than normal and I knew...she was gonna ask for ID. A day before I turn 24, I got carded. Yup.

So it's not the fuckin black plug...the internet still doesn't work sometimes upstairs. Grrr!

So I did all the research I could do from home for my essay. Now I'll hafta go to the library and watch those movies...if I ever get my ass to school. And I'm not even touchin my work this weekend cuz it's my bday and that's against the law :)

I've discovered a new favourite drink tonight: Raspberry Stinger at Honest Lawyer. I didn't even get buzzed. I think I like bar food too much. Who's gettin fat? I am!

Meen actually pitched me the idea of goin to Vegas next week. She got some cheap round-trip coupons to fly wherever Westjet flies for $130! I'm like, damn. That'd be a first, goin on some unplanned trip in the middle of holiday break. Wicked. I said I wasn't sure's still a lotta money cuz it's hotel and spendin money too. She wants to leave on Wed and be back for Sun cuz she has work. My essay's due Thurs...I mean, you can hand it in earlier if you want but come on, this is me...that's not gonna happen, haha. I just can't get hw done ahead of schedule, I can only finish like last min. I dunno, it's how I get things done. Mabye I work better under pressure. So yeah. If I go on this, then there's no way I'm goin anywhere for New Yr's!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Wow, it's December.

So I started the month off in agony. The hated Aunt Rose finally made the monthly visit and the cramps were so painful as I was sleepin that it woke me up at 8 am. I had to get up and find the heated blanket and pop some Tylenols. Then I went back to bed and was knocked out til 12. Damn these ovaries! So yeah, tired today.

Well Fish liked her presents. She flipped even tho she knew I got the movie for her. She didn't have the other 2 tho....sweeeeet. I was just havin a feelin that she'd like them but might have them already so I was dreadin goin back to the stores and returnin them. And that's the last of the bday presents for the yr!

I was foldin laundry and I was takin some things upstairs to iron them and somethin fell out from somewhere. I looked down and thought it was a crumpled piece of paper or tissue or some crap so I was like, meh. Later my sister's like, who was doin the laundry in the family room? I said I was. Then she held up a $20 bill and was like, I found this...suckas! Haha. I'm like, fuck is that what it was?? I was tryin to remember what clothing it fell out from or if it was even mine. I'm like, did I put 20 bucks in a pocket or somethin? Am I missin money? :P I don't think so...mabye it's my brother's. Should be interesting to see how this works out.

I actually did some essay work. Somewhat productive day. I started to get sick from Mon tho...which doesn't make sense cuz I was home all day. L's like, see? You shoulda went out...then you wouldn't have been sick! Haha.

L took it upon herself to sleep over at my place on Fri night. I'm like, oh you're tellin me? OK! Then she told G about it. Then G was talkin about how she went to some bar downtown she hadn't been to before. They're givin free drinks from tonight til Fri so she wants to go again and that means we're hittin this bar before we go home to drink some more and pass out in my living room. They only give you 2 drink tickets but hey, that'll do it for me. So Fri night has turned into a small party at the hizzouse. I'm like, hey why doesn't everyone come the fuck over, might as well, haha. Bday weekends, baby!

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I was intent on comin home with purchases this time and that I did. We hit 2 malls and were out for 5 hrs. I got those specific black pants I wanted from Jacob and an Old Navy fleece pullover.

Oh and I saw Mike from Q's at the mall. It's just weird to see ppl from there outside of Q''s like they're not in their element...Q's ppl stay in Q's, haha.

Today is Fish's official day of birth so happy bday!! I got her DVDs...a double-pack of Never Been Kissed and Down with Love, along with Love, Actually...cuz she likes those romantic comedy chick flicks. The surprise got kinda spoiled tho. She was goin out to dinner with her parents and Lyn so she said she'd call me when she was back cuz I wanted to give her the presents. She said she'd come by and get them so when she got home, she calls me.

"Hey, hold on......k me and Lyn are just tryin to burn a DVD but it's not workin."
"Which one?"
"Love, know how I LOVE that movie!"
(Oooooh that was a close one!)
"Oh...well, don't worry about burnin it."
"Why, why not?"
"OH!! Is that what you got me????" LOL
"Yeah! But now you ruined it, haha...but I got you other movies too, so you better not have those either."

She was so happy, esp since she didn't hafta get all frustrated with copyin the burned one, haha. She'll be comin by to pick them up since she's gonna be out.

On an unrelated topic...this one falls under DUMB. For the past few days, the internet connection on the upstairs computer has been sketchy and I had no idea why (cuz I'm ignorant and know nothing about computer stuff...I chalked it up to damn Rogers Cable). Sometimes it'd work and other times it wouldn't. I'm like, what the hell, it's kinda fucked up that it's fine on some days. My MSN works and I can click on my email from there but I can't open any other pages on Explorer. I can get to websites on the downstairs computer so I don't get why it doesn't work upstairs. Very weird. So I go to reset the cable thingy and I know it doesn't help it cuz I've done it before and it didn't work...but, just for tryin's sake, I check all the plugs in the back (whatever they connect to and whatever purpose they serve :P) of the box and make sure they're all attached. The big black one was attached but it just wasn't plugged in ALL the way. I'm like, don't even tell me that's what it was. So I waited for it to come back on and it was workin! RETARDED!! That's so ridiculous that if it's plugged in, MSN but nothing else works, but if it's completely plugged in as far as it can go, then everythin's OK. I dunno if somebody's accidentally movin the box around so that the plug comes out a little or what. Geez.

And before my mom left, she said somebody will be droppin off a package (a new internet cable box) so to be home to receive it. Apparently they came today but I didn't even know it. L came over so we could go shoppin and I was gonna go unlock the door in advance but she was already there and I went to the door. She gave me some sticky mail note that somebody had been there but since no one was home to take it, we could pick it up at the mail centre. It said it was at 1:45. It was like 1:46...L had driven up the street and parked and walked to the door and hadn't seen anybody or any cars. I didn't hear no knockin or even the doorbell. What the? Really strange. We're like, the guy's LYIN! Haha. 'Rod' has some explainin to do.

Well this thing scared me when I tried to blog. It said it found no posts to publish and I just went, gah! I thought it lost the entire thing...2 yrs worth of stuff. But now apparently it's fine.

Damn...what was goin on today? I had phone call after phone call while I was online. Then everybody and their best friend came on MSN and it was a few ppl who I don't get to talk to a lot like Tash and Em so I just had to chat. I love how there's nobody online sometimes and I'm like, one to talk to, bored bored bored...and then when that rare person is on, then 5 or 6 other ppl come on and talk to me at the exact same time. It's hardly ever 1 or 2 ppl that I'll talk to and have a decent conversation. It's either no one or everyone :P

I'm still thinkin of where to go for dinner and to go clubbin on Sat. For the restaurant, I hafta make sure it's one where they don't do dumb things to you for your bday. I can pick a classier place but then the atmosphere's not as fun cuz you can't be so noisy. For a quieter evening, like an actual 'dining' experience or a date, yeah...but not for a big group of ppl for a bday.

L and I are gonna go shoppin tomorrow. Basically she wants me to pick out things that she can buy for my present :P Why don't my friends know me? Why can't they innately recognize things I'd like or have mentioned before? Haha.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Holy crap,'s just problems today. I woke up and the power was out. I wondered if it was just my house. So it was gonna be trouble cuz that meant no electricty=no boilin water=no tea :( Haha. That also meant I couldn't fix anythin hot to eat...I was already envisioning a sandwich with untoasted bread for lunch :P So I was like, OK first gotta see if the phones work (cuz all but 1 of them are cordless and have bases that need power)...then I'd hafta find the old landline phones and put them in...then I'll call L or somebody to see if their power was out too...then I'll find out what that weird annoying high-pitched sound is. I thought it was comin from outside cuz it was kinda faint but loud enough that I could hear it wherever I was in the house. Maybe it was some power company truck's noise or somethin. Turns out it was the smoke detector, haha. I was standin under it and was like, oh it's THIS! I had no idea it used the power in the house, thought it ran on batteries. Yeah, if there really was a fire, we'd die...I don't even know if it still works properly :P I tried to unscrew the cover but it was only goin as far as it went. And it was still makin that noise like it was dyin then comin back to life then dyin again. The VCR recorded AMC but not GH so it musta happened after 2 :P P called me and while I was talkin with her, the power came back on. That disconnected the call. I called her back on the cordless cuz I thought all was good. Then the power went out disconnected. Called her back on the landline phone...power came back on again, got disconnected. WTF!!! Then it finally came back on again and it's been OK so far. But I haven't called P back just we'd probably just get hung up on again :P So I nuked some mini pizza thingys just cuz it only takes 2 and a half mins to make so it was the quickest thing to cook in case the power went out again, haha. I thought today was gonna be a repeat of the Blackout and I was like, oh no what am I gonna doooo? That meant I'd have no choice but to do hw all day cuz it was the only thing to do that didn't require electricity :P But then again, it was still daytime but kinda dark out and no lights wasn't helpin the situation. Can't read and write if you can't see what you're doin!

I saw a cop car outside and I looked out the window and there was some accident I think cuz there were a few of them blockin off the road. It was almost in front of my house, on the right like 20 steps away. I figured maybe a hydro pole got knocked over or somethin so that's why the power was out.

But it's all straight now. Reset all the clocks in the house. Gonna work on my essay and think about what to get for Fish's present and when I can get it. I was thinkin to drop by tomorrow after she's home from class...but when would I have time to get it? And I should probably hit the library at school to get some more done on my paper.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

We did end up goin to the party but L didn't go with. After some ridiculousness that is a long story, P was already at Q's. I didn't want her to go alone cuz even tho we trust Ian, we haven't known him all that long and goin to some dude's house by herself, you just never know. Like potential rape-fest or worse, esp with what happened last yr. We highly doubt anythin like that would happen but it's just not the SMARTEST move, right. Anyway, she didn't want to go by herself either but I couldn't make it there cuz my car had to be fixed. But I found a ride and met up with her. She was so glad I was there, haha. I always end up in these situations where I'm like, I'm only doin this for YOU! Oh but the adventures we have, haha.

Ian ragged me for bein late or whatever but then they all fucked around for a good 15 mins after I got there anyway :P Oh and I'm pretty sure Shane has a gf, haha. No worries! He gave us a ride to Ian's buddy's house but he wasn't stayin.

So the night was interesting. There were less ppl than I thought so I guess it was better that it was gonna be a huge ass crazy rager. We met the kids already there. Wait...I think I can remember...Blake, Jen, Carrie, Matt, oh and Chris whose house it was. Wow, I did it...and I only got it from hearin other ppl say their names, haha. They played drinkin games and I wasn't thinkin I was gonna drink at all last night. They only had beer anyway but Ian got me vodka and coke. I still wasn't playin the games tho cuz I'd be for sure the 1st one to get killed and no one wants to see that mess, haha. Ian's like, you hafta play...or else you have play me in a $10 game of pool next time. I chose pool. Yeah, I got tipsy anyway :P I think it's been a while since I last drank cuz I was gettin cross-eyed, haha.

There were a lotta smoke breaks so I got to talk to Ian a few times alone. We bonded, haha. He's a good guy, despite all that bad boy history he was tellin me about. It's safe to say him and P are dating now :P

Later in the night, they all wanted to go lawn gnome-ing, hahaha. I was like, what? I can't believe ppl actually did that. Hs ridiculousness. But it was rainin so I was like uh, no that's OK! Ian, the drunken man, kept tryin to get me and P go with them. We're like, we're gonna chill here on the couch, you guys go. He's like, no when we come back, you guys are gonna be gone, hahaha. That actually coulda been true but we'd hafta call a taxi but we didn't even know what the house number was and they woulda seen us if we went outside and checked :P I'm like, oh where are we gonna go, we don't have a car.

Anyway, good times despite what I thought. It was kinda dry at the beginning cuz me and P didn't know nobody but I ended up enjoyin it more than P did...but that's cuz she didn't get enough quality time with Ian, haha. They were all cool. Tho I think we all picked up a kinda vibe from Carrie, then we found out that Ian used to go out with her back in the day. You know how you can pick up how some ppl are a bit more, not snobby, but slightly standoff-ish, than others? I dunno, sometimes it's just surface airs and doesn't say anythin about their personalities at all. She was really nice to me tho, she even gave me a hug goodbye. Everyone was sleepin over so we cabbed it home.

Then my mom left for for her trip at 6:30 this morning. I talked to her when I got home from the party. And I was ready to sleep so I'm sorry, wasn't gonna get up in less than 3 hrs to say bye, haha. She'll call home when she's over there anyway. So she's gone for a month. I have a feeling I'm gonna be missin my mommy tho...cuz there won't be anythin decent to eat, haha. Or some mom-task problem's gonna come up, like bills or where to find somethin in the house :P