Saturday, June 11, 2005

I was SUCH a crankyass this morning. My friend Meg had the idea of instead of linin up like we did last yr, just goin next week to Much to get wristbands for the MMVAs the night of cuz she couldn't get up here today. So I was glad I didn't hafta get up early to be there before 9 am when they were givin them out. Buuuuut, L had begged and pleaded for me to go with her shoe-shoppin at 11. Not cuz there was actually any use for me to come, just that she didn't wanna go by herself. Weekends are the only time when I get to sleep in but I'm like, better remember this. She knows fully well that I hate goin with her when I'm not shoppin for myself as well, let alone before noon, and esp at the Woodbridge outlet stores. She knows it's hot out and I will be no fun at all but she makes me go anyway.

That ass. So I'm up and I get ready to go but I'm all bleary-eyed cuz I didn't get enough sleep. I call her and she tells me she had already gone at 9:00 cuz she couldn't sleep and that I could go back to bed. @#$@!&!@*#%!! She figured I wouldn't have been awake at 9 so she didn't bother callin me. Well thaaaat's great. I was dressed, hair was brushed, face was washed, mouth was minty fresh, contacts were could I go back to sleep now? Hate you!

I figured it was 11:30 anyway so might as well go about my day. But I started to get really sleepy by 1 and I did end up goin back to bed. I napped til about 3:30 and the anger had left me, haha. Sometimes when I haven't gotten enough hrs and then I go back to sleep, everythin before my nap is blurry to me and I kinda forget about it like it was all a dream. So it's like this morning didn't happen :P Which is good for L cuz I was gonna kill her when I saw her tonight.

That woulda ruined our plans at Inside...and Darien woulda been crushed, haha.

We hung out at G's tonight, lookin at camp sites and whatnot. She had parked her car out in her driveway so when she was about to take us home, she tells us to run outside cuz there'd be mosquitoes out there. I'm like, there's no mosquitoes out already, come on. She's like, no there are. Me and L go outside and we're like, where's the car? Then we look around her dad's truck cuz it's big and maybe she parked it behind there and we couldn't see it. Not there either. We're like, well what the hell.

G comes dashin outside, all ready to go go go but she stops in her tracks and is like, what? Where's the car! We had just been standin there til she came out so we're like, that's what we said! So G concluded that Heather had stolen it when she came home instead of just movin it from the driveway which is what they were arguin about before. G ran back inside to get the other car.

On the ride home, we had just dropped off L and I was touchin my neck and I noticed a bump.

"Aw fuck! I got a mosquito bite!"
"See! And you were mockin me before."
"Well you said to run outside!"
"I didn't know my sister took the car!"
"Yeah, run to where, Gina??"
"Just run! Just keep on runnin! I woulda caught up to you by the time I got in the car!"

LOL Ridiculous.

Friday, June 10, 2005

The X&Y album is really good...but not as good as A Rush of Blood to the Head. You can't do better than AROBTTH's "The Scientist", "Clocks", and "Amsterdam". Freakin brilliant. But it's still the first few spins so I can easily change my opinion.

I found a photo album of my grandma's. The pictures are so '80s, like when I was maybe 3? I got kinda sad lookin at the ones of my grandma. Then I laughed when I saw my young self. I think I didn't know how to smile at that age cuz I had such an awkward, forced grin that showed mostly my bottom teeth :P But I was a cutie when I was smilin for real, I must say, haha. OMG the haircuts, the outfits (esp the matchin ones with my sister). I'm sure if I wore glasses back then, they would've been huge and horrendous too. And I had a thing with posing in that shy-child way, with my arms behind my back, yet in a fashion model lean, haha. Of course I have no memory of when these pix were taken except the one in front of the fountain in some big flower park we went to. It was those kinds that were in the ground so if you took a misstep, you'd fall into it like a swimmin pool. And that's exactly what happened to me :P I don't think I knew how to swim at that point so when I tumbled in backward, I tried to come up but bumped my head where there was concrete cuz I went underneath and I thought I was gonna drown. But I got out OK and had to spend the rest of the day with no shirt and wearin a spare jacket, haha. And that's why I remember that picture!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Well it was fun wakin up for no reason. I didn't even hafta drive this morning cuz my brother got up late (and I don't get up til he wakes me up) so by the time we were about to leave the house, Matt had already parked his/my sister's car in the driveway, blockin the car. Matt was already on the bus on the way to school, my sister was at work downtown and there was no extra keys. Fantastic. There's the car I drive in the one garage, the other car that nobody drives yet we still have for some reason on the other side of the garage, my aunt's car on the other side of the driveway, and my cousin's car T-boning the end of the driveway with just enough space where I'd come out in the morning. It's so ridiculous!! So I was figurin maybe I could maneuver around the cars like a maze from hell but there was no way I could make it without hittin their car 2 seconds out. So I said, whatever...guess you're not goin in to co-op today unless you take the bus! But he had to go and bussin it would take a while and make him so much more later that there wouldn't be a point in goin. And of course, he's never taken the bus on that route. But my cousin was at home still and about to head out so she'll drive him to and from. Which is good for me cuz that means I'm not goin anywhere except back to bed and sleepin in, yeah!

I was out late last night, couldn't be helped :P Al called me up to go to Marche and I didn't know Darien was comin too but there he was. He takes every opportunity to leave the house, haha. Poor lil prisoner. Turns out it wasn't Marche but it was the same thing, they just changed the name. Too bad they were closin 10 mins after we got there, but we just sat out on the patio like an hr after that :P

So apparently these two have all these plans for the summer...including white water rafting, big bday parties, a Hawaiin themed party at the condo, goin out clubbin when Darien's sister comes over. There's so many things we hafta get Darien to experience downtown! He'll just send out the Bat Signal when he needs us, haha.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Again with seein the naked asses. Me, Vick, and L went to the beach yesterday and saw some unsettling sights such as men in Speedos, hairy men in Speedos, fat hairy men in Speedos, and the topper of them all--a 50ish yr old skinny skinny man in a G-STRING. That was so unnecessary. Maybe he wore it to get a better all-over tan, maybe it's a lifestyle thing, I dunno...but that on anybody is sketchy, let alone on a man who looked like that. We were sittin on the sand and he comes along and sets himself up on a spot in our sightline so he was all there unless we blatantly turned ourselves around. I even caught him while he was bendin over!!! Oh god. Then we were walkin towards the boardwalk and he had up and left too so he was in front of us. He had put on some shorts by this time, and you'd think we'd seen enough grossness but no. So apparently, guys have a patch of hair on their lower back, right above the ass crack. We had never seen this til that guy last summer, and some men are way hairier than others. Clearly. Yeah, got a glimpse of that too. *shudder*

But it was still a pretty nice day. It was a bit windy so we eventually moved onto the grass cuz we were gettin sand blown into our faces...and hair and cleavage and stickin onto our sunblocked skin and up our shorts :P When we moved outta the sun, the weather was perfect. We got hotdogs and ice cream and laid out and snoozed. Felt so good. Now only if summer was always like that but without that brutal sun rays. It's like we're eggs fryin on a gigantic pan. The objective is tanned, not burned.

Then we hit the mall in our beach gear with sand all over us, haha. I got Coldplay's CD for 9 bucks, tax included. Nice. I still haven't listened to all of it yet. I don't really pay attention to what I'm listenin to when I play my new CDs but it's so that I get familiar with them. You know when you might not like a song when you first hear it but after a few listens, you like it. Then after a few more, it's pretty much your favourite. So I just like to let a whole album play in the background or somethin. I think I'm easily brainwashed that way :P

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I think it of as a great accomplishment when I actually get to work out...cuz I'm that lazy :P Plus there's no way in hell I'd do anythin outside in the heat and blazing sunshine if I can help it. We went to Timmy's, went for a walk around L's hood, then I did my usual dance/weights/crunches drill. Good thing I had to wash my hair tonight. Have I mentioned how I hate to sweat? I'd honestly take bein overheated over havin my body produce the sweat to cool itself down. I really don't like the wet and sticky factor.

OMG can I talk about how I got butt-flashed by a 13 yr old girl today?? When we were at Timmy's, I was sittin facin the window to the parkin lot. Some boy that was inside earlier was out there with his buddy and they were holdin cigarette packs. That kid was like 10!! I'm doin the whole, holy crap, kids these days thing...which pretty much ages me but seriously, I've done shit and I'm not surprised at what the youngins are doin now and at how old they're doin it but I dunno, at least wait til you've hit adolescence! Then some girl who hardly looked like she was even in hs comes walkin by with her friend and joins them. She was wearin a skirt that no 13 yr old (or however old she was) had any business wearin. That didn't surprise me...if your mama let you out the house with that, whatever. Didn't bother me so much. They disappear into the corner and I can't see them anymore from where I'm sittin. We're talkin and they're walkin out to the parkin lot again and I just so happened to glance out the window. It also just so happened to be kinda windy today and sure enough, a gust blew up that girl's skirt and I saw BARE ASS. I saw naked pubescent girl ass!! How many things are wrong with this??? Good lord. I really hope she knows that she probably gave others a similar free show today. Actually, I hope she didn't cuz if she went around knowin that she would flash a lot of ppl, then that is very very scary.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I'm such an IDIOT. After goin on and on about gettin Coldplay tickets on Sat morning (so help me, I even wrote myself on a note on my desk and had it on my calendar on my cell phone), I FORGOT. We went to the Maddy on Sat night and the Madballs room has a guy on acoustic guitar doin covers and was takin requests. L shouted for him to do some Coldplay. Only when he was finished playin "Yellow" did I perk up my head in realization and asked, "What day is it today? Is it the 4th? Is today the 4th??? Fuck me!" I cannot believe I completely spaced on gettin tickets. I was supposed to have been up at 10am to get them online and I let the whole day go by before even thinkin about it. Wow. I got on the computer once I got home and just as I expected, I got nuthin. But ever the optimist, I'm hopin more will open up when the date of the show comes around. I still can't believe it, where was my mind? But L and G are also to blame cuz it didn't occur to them either and failed to remind me :P

Aaaaaaaaaanyways...yeah. So Fri we hit up what used to be the Fox & Fiddle on Main St now called Uptown. We met this funny woman upstairs who's sister worked there. There was a point where we were all chattin with our waitress out on the patio and the woman and her sister were leavin and joined the conversation. The woman was standin behind L and was jokin around and tellin us how there was another pub down the street and she was petting L's hair, the way I do to ppl sometimes, haha. It was just random and hilarious at the same time. L's just like, why is this woman touchin my hair?

I think I might've had the most toxic Tom Collins so far cuz I threw up that night. At least it was just once. I also slashed myself on the outside of my wrist somehow, takin skin off. That's pretty. "Let's go, party girl." LOL And onto another bar the night after!

We met up with Chris, Pris, and Darien at the Maddy and had some good times. Darien doesn't get to go out much, let alone go downtown, cuz Pris isn't the bar/club/anythin outside home type really and he can't exactly go around the city by himself. So he enjoyed it, esp bein British and finally experiencin a pub in Toronto. You know how they like their beer. We talked a lot and got to know him better and I think he was in such withdrawal from nightlife that he stayed with us after Pris and Chris left. We bounced later on and walked down Bloor St. Nothing like takin a stroll comin out of a bar...but this time, we weren't usin our outside voices X10 and tryin to flag down unavailable taxis and laughin at EVERY SINGLE THING we came across :P

We headed back uptown and went to The Station to get somethin to eat. We chatted more...Darien tried to teach us about British money denominations like quid, pence, and pounds (confusing!), we tried to get him to Americanize how he talked, etc. We decided that he would call us whenever he wanted to go out and not his own cousin, haha. So we're goin clubbin with him on the weekend.

The Coldplay Live special of them at their Kool Haus gig was on Much today so it made the whole ticket situation worse. It hurts. It hurts oh so bad.