Friday, November 21, 2003

Yeah, I just spend my Fri night at home...on the computer...doin work and researchin. So wrong. I woulda done more of this stuff at school in the library but I had to take my grandma to the doctor's. Of course nobody told me this beforehand except half an hr before. But it's not like I'll ditch her for hw...pressing as it may be. And it's not a reason to come back to class and say I didn't have time to do the work cuz I was sick one day and my grandmother was the next :P So that whole thing ate up like 5 hrs. So I'm goin tomorrow, and downtown to pick up my theatre stuff.

Speakin of downtown, seen Mya's video Fallen yet? Dude that's ALL Toronto! I'm so proud! :D I saw the Condom Shack in the background and I'm like hey! LOL Not like I go there :P It's all down Queen St, that's so hype. And TTC subway, what! LOL I can't believe she touched all those poles tho, gross :P

Haven't eaten much all day and I'm done for the night with this hw shit...I'm out to have some soup!

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Got my 1st credit card! :) At 22 this is my 1st LOL I've gotten a bunch in the mail before but obviously they were those random ones cuz I didn't ask for any. And there's always those ppl who ask me to come sign up for one and I tell them I don't have a job and they're like, that's OK. Um yeah, and what am I gonna pay off my bills with? My big fat inheritance? Cuz that's why I'd want a credit card in the 1st place, derr. And they keep at it, it's OK, it doesn't matter, so I hafta be like, DUDE I don't have a job! That means I have no money to pay for it, understaaand? So yes, with still no job and no income, I have this powerful piece of plastic now, mwahahaha! Thanks Dad LOL But I won't be goin crazy with it tho, I've seen what it can do with L and G the pathetic and weak shoppers they are :P Hey I didn't ask for it anyway, but I hear you'd need to establish good credit history to get anythin later in life, haha.

So it's 7 and I'm at home. Yup, I got killer cramps. I was gettin ready to go to school but then the pain hit. Apparently a couple Tylenol Extra Strengths do nuthin, I need my Advil. I was deliberatin whether to go to class or not tonight, me sittin here with a heat blanket on my stomach. Yes I was on the comp while in wicked pain, if I'm busy doin stuff then I'm distracted from it instead of just lyin there. Then of course I start feelin better but by the time I left and gotten to school, I woulda been late. Normally I wouldn't care about lateness, esp since half the class wouldn't be there but...if I wanted to skip, I coulda anyway cuz if you know what you're doin on the final essay you don't really need to go. I just hope the prof doesn't talk about anythin important...or I don't need to use tonight's movie for any examples and shit. Ah well, too late now.

I KNEW I was PMS'ing! LOL No wonder I was cryin at Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and AMC and at L's grad and at Good Charlotte's "Hold On" video (well that one's understandable cuz it's just frickin sad). I was like, what's goin on?? LOL Yeah, emotional. Shoulda saw my monthly friend comin. I don't even count the days anymore cuz it just likes to arrive erratically.

The 1st thing I wanted to do was call L to do somethin LOL No! Can't! Must do essay! And presentation! And assignment book! Ugh, I'm stayin in this weekend to do work. At least we went out last night tho. And Matt and my sis got pizza so I had somethin to eat when I got home from a energy and soul-suckin day at school.

We went to Timothy's (not Timmy's, oooh change, some variety LOL) and played some pool at Q's. Can you say 2nd hand smoke? Not only can you see it like a fog in the air but it hits you in the face with that bar smell LOL Even if you're not smokin, you come home with your hands reekin of it cuz the pool cues soak it all up in there. So we smelled like coffee shop AND smoke, mmmm. But I paid for 3 games and made $3 off it LOL We play on those coin tables so it's a dollar a game. I was outta loonies so I went to make change at the bar. The guy was pickin up a buncha change from the register and I was thinkin, what's he doin, givin me quarters or somethin? cuz he knows the tables are loonies only. He hands the money and I'm walkin back and look at the change. He gave me 5 loonies. I dunno how, I dunno why. I'm like, ummm..wait, I did give him just a toonie, right? I'm such a self-doubter first. Then I'm like, is he puttin me on some tab or somethin? I don't get it. Then I just smile LOL I get back to L and Vick and I'm like, dude I just made $5 off a toonie. I know it's dishonest and all that but I never do that (I gave back $5 at Mrs. Vanelli's Pizza once even tho the guy didn't think he gave me too much change...I woulda felt too guilty and horrible, but then after I was like, damn I'm dumb, shoulda kept it LOL) and man, I just wanted to take it anyway! :P And I know it's only $3 but hey, in my mind it was just dumb to bring it back. L's like, take it and run LOL Walk away with my million dollars, don't risk it LOL But I figured I'd at least stay and play a couple games to put money in the table, heh.

Guess I should get on my hw that'll murder me for the next 2 weeks. Argh, assigments up the ass! But at least I should be all done by my day. Real reason to party y'all. And then I have a whole month off for Christmas break :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

L's grad was interesting. K well not interesting but you know. I say interesting to describe things that are very well NOT all that, say, riveting...or exhilerating. Or I just say it to mock you in the form of a single word. It was eye-opening, let's say that. But see, when I say eye-opening, it gives the impression that my eyes were open the whole time, when they weren't as I was sittin there for a couple hrs tryin to semi-nap. But good god, I've never seen so many camera flashes except maybe at an Nsync concert. BLINDED!

We got there super early (it's L, what a surprise...paranoid paranoid!) so there was a lotta standin around and waitin. Then again, it's grad so that's that. I dunno why I was there, I was neither the graduate nor the parent LOL OK I was the supportive friend who was in charge of takin pictures cuz the techno-challenged rents weren't trusted :P Oh and I just hafta mention when me, L, and her mom were standin around the front outside. There were still a buncha ppl around the campus but there was pretty much no one else around where we were. Some old woman (in her 50-60's, whatever) was tryin to parallel park her car on the lil walkway-street thingy across from us. She was backin up in the space and L's like, look look she's gonna hit the car behind her, she's gonna kiss it. We all looked and she sure nuff binxed it. Then she corrected it...then hit it again LOL Obviously, reversing and parkin was not her best skill. Damn, we were laughin. L's like, look she's gonna do it again! LOL OMG this woman almost went for 3. She didn't hit hard enough for the other car to go rollin but it looked like it was just about to. They really were just taps but still. Then there were a couple campus cops around. Apparently 1 saw the whole thing LOL He came up to her as she parked normally finally and was comin outta her car. And apparently she was laughin about it too cuz he said, "It's not funny ma'am, you just hit that car twice." LOL And he wrote her up. She was goin, it was nuthin, look the car's fine, and all that the whole time. She was all about to walk away and she looked like she was late for somethin or whatever but he's, nope ticketing your ass! L's like, I'd LAUGH if she was a dean or somethin LOL Terrible. We coulda been witnesses if we were that evil..."Officer, we saw the whole thing!" Coulda had it on tape too cuz we had a video camera LOL Super zoom on the kissin of the bumpers, cuz we're mean like that, heh.

Yeah that was the highlight of the day LOL Anyway so the whole convocation was pretty much an old dude talkin about ppl I dunno and about a school that I don't go to, and watchin each and every grad walk up and get hooded. Which sucked cuz L's last name's in the Ds so it was the whole resta the alphabet after her and it's not like you can up and leave when your kid's done. The old guy said a buncha stuff, I don't even remember what now tho, and I promised myself I wouldn't cry LOL Just kiddin. Good for me that I can sit for hrs, doin and sayin nuthin without killin myself outta boredom. I've trained myself well :)

Sunday, November 16, 2003

G finally got her pix done. They're fuckin AMAZING! They're the ones from P's bday and Halloween. OMG there's 1 where, I dunno why, but Pris is the only one laughin at somethin and she's ROARING like she did somethin deliciously with her head tilted back and her mouth open LOL The Halloween ones rock too. For a total of 5 mins work, we looked damn good LOL We were scannin and takin sillyass webcam pix at G's on Fri after Timmy's.

Saw Elf yesterday :) So cute. Watched a bit of the game, it was Palazzo for John's bday last night too. I should really do some hw this weekend :P Well, soon since the weekend's pretty much over now.

Tues is L's grad so if she gets an extra ticket, I'll be goin. I've been designated the videographer. I'll be the one along with her rents goin, "That one's mine, my lil girl." *sniff sniff* LOL

My sister bought the Spongebob 1st season DVD set *claps* I've been watchin a lotta Patrick eppys lately, heehee. Workin on the 2nd DVD, there's a lot to go thru! :D

My new fav word is hellacious LOL Look it up. I just love sayin it, so everythin is hellacious...that's hellacious, you're hellacious...and it's even better that nobody really knows what it means.