Saturday, October 29, 2005

More training today, 12-4. Well actually a lot past 4 but half an hr was spent loungin around waitin for the manager to come back so it was cool. And L was workin 12-5 so that was good. She had her break while I was still there so we chatted about plans tonight and played some foosball...while I was supposed to be practicing role playin, haha.

I chilled with some more Future Shoppers. It was hectic today, esp cuz it's Sat. I dunno how they expected us to do the role playin and listen to the manager whenever he was in to talk when everybody was comin and goin in the break room and havin their lunch and whatnot.

I got my employee number and keyed in my hrs so I can get paid. And I'm not workin tomorrow so yay.

I stayed a bit after to chat with L and the other CS girls while they were also supposedly workin. That store is nuts. L and Sheeana both punctured themselves on the thumb from pressin down on the wrong end of the pen, hahaha. Then I took a Reese Peanut Butter Cup from the counter and went home :)

Woooooo, Halloween in clubland! Still no idea where we're goin but I do know what I'm gonna be. I've decided to be a schoolgirl, just cuz I'm lazy and I don't hafta buy anythin for the outfit. A naughty/slutty schoolgirl? I dunno, I'm not hoochin it up (at least it won't be a belly shirt) but I don't think regular schoolgirls normally wear a skirt as short as I will or have their tie put together so half-assed :P Or do they? I went to public school so I wouldn't know.

L and G are gonna be hookers (I know, they're just askin for it, haha) so I thought I'd go in a bit with the theme, tho I'm a lot more innocent ;) I've got my white blouse, white knee socks, black shoes, my brother's tie, a plaid skirt, and one of those old lil Club Monaco knapsacks. Unoriginal but I'm not tryin to win any contests. I was gonna do pigtails but that just wasn't workin, plus it'd be too Britney Spears "Baby One More Time".

I hafta go find a long coat to wear cuz I am gonna FREEZE.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Tired :( Up at 8:40 am today for training at 9. I probably shouldn't have went out to Fez last night, haha. Ah, the cycle of goin out late then goin to work early begins.

The district sales manager came into the store so 3 of us newbies got a talk with him. Me, this guy named Shane, and John the DSM, have consecutive bdays - the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of Dec. Weird! We were there before the store opened so we could get in on the morning meeting. They're crazy. There was a circle, a loud chant, and Star Wars light sabres, haha. The other day I saw David (main guy in my dept) was by himself and, I'm guessin, bored cuz he was swingin around a toy light sabre while we were takin a tour of the store. I was like, what the? I didn't know we sold those kinda things. So apparently we do carry some stuff like that, RC cars and whatnot. The light sabres are part of the Star Wars III promotion when the DVD comes out. They're the badass ones too...they've got the coloured light you turn on with a switch and make the noises. And they sell for $150!!

Anyway, John was cool. I met some more sales ppl on the floor. Seems like a good place to work...they goof and joke all the time. It's just the sellin to the customers part :P There's so much to just bein a sales associates at Futureshop, you don't even know! The whole friggin book's about it. With subsections and intersegments and modules. I'm worried that I miss one lil thing and ruin my whole selling/greeting/helping presentation when a customer comes in.

Yesterday I was doin e-learning programs, sittin on a stool at the computer for almost 4 hrs. OMG. But at least training that day started at noon :P And Nsync's Greatest Hits album was playin, haha.

It's not bad tho. Sometimes I'm just makin money by sittin there and listenin. We were on our own for a bit today cuz the manager was doin things and told us to talk amongst ourselves or whatever so we were chillin out in the store (instead of the usual break room where we get trained), chattin with other employees. If I pay off this month's credit card bill like that, I'm down!! More training at noon tomorrow. Yay sleep.

Geez, I hafta start bein more not go to the bars the night before work :P I know it was Thurs night and it's college/student night so it's party time but they're already startin the Halloween jams. And Halloween is on a Mon this yr! The lineup at Essence was INSANE. Good thing I didn't get drunk at Fez, I would've been fucked this morning. I almost woke up late today was it was. Had the alarm clock at PM instead of AM :P Why is there even a PM option?? Who gets up in the night?

Still dunno what I'm gonna be for Halloween, still dunno where we're gonna go tomorrow night.

Uh, I think I'm gonna go take a nap.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Training yesterday was alright. There were 7 of us, all of them guys except me and another girl. The 3 managers were there and they all talked to us. We watched some FS introduction DVD and a boring ass safety video. We got training books and got a full tour of the store. Gave our availabilities. This all took about 4 hrs. I'm goin back tomorrow at noon for more training. I love that the store is like a 2 min drive away.

L dragged me out tonight. Just for pool and Timmy's tho. I just didn't want to do anythin with my hair like even put it up so I just went Unabomber and had a my hoodie over my head.

But you know what took me a long time today? Puttin pictures up on my online album. They were all from Pris' bday, Al's bday, and Dar's goodbye dinner and at the airport. So many! It actually takes a while cuz I had to upload them, put them in order, sometimes rotate/brighten them, then caption them all. My photo albums kick ass! Now Al tells me there's more pix that she has that I didn't know about so they're all gonna get messed up again.

I'm supposed to be readin up on my sales associate handbook. I'm sure I'll blog again tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm on the shit computer cuz the internet connection isn't workin downstairs so I'll keep this short cuz I'm sure it'll crap out on me and lose my post if I make it a long one. Plus I'm kinda bored and I don't have much else to do right now :P Training today. Yes! It means money! Tho I'm half-scared about any electronic lingo and features they're gonna throw at me. OK, I use a cell phone and a digital camera but I only know what I need to know. I'm not lookin forward to the day (and there will come that day) that some super-informed, hardcore digital camera owner/user comes in and asks me a million questions that test my product knowledge. You know, the type of customer that'll get mad at your 'lack of service' or whatnot and threaten the manager on your ass or not to shop at your store anymore.

Anyway, proper updates comin soon. Wait and stare at your computer til then!

Hey I just realized...800th post! Wasn't it riveting? This one was gold for sure.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'm bein terrible at updatin lately. It's Octoberbabiespalooza, don't ya know!

Mostly it's been hangin with Dar tho cuz he's leavin today! Back to England for about 8 months til he gets his paperwork cleared to come and live here.

OK I'm givin the last week and a half to you, bullet-styles...

  • The mall for L's bday present and Jack Astor's with Dar cuz he wanted the Jackass experience complete with games of pool
  • The mall again tryin to find somethin for L *Side story - I tried to be a quirky and thoughtful friend by gettin this Team Titan figurine of Robin (yeah, I don't know) that comes with a Kid's Meal at Wendy's which she gasped at when we there at skydivin. So I figured I'd go get one at the mall. I told L about my lil plan. I was hopin they'd give me the right toy cuz they were busy and I didn't want to hold them up and be like "Actually, can I get the Robin?" Cuz they'd have no clue wtf I was talkin about and I'd honestly feel really lame. I dug into the bag and pulled out a lil figure. It was a boy, with black hair. Except not Robin. It was some generic dude with a soccer uniform on. I read the package and it said 'Soccer Boy'. I'm like, who the fuck is Soccer Boy? Dammit, wrong one! L was like, wait when did you and Pris go to McDonald's? I stood there slowly realizin for about 4 seconds that it wasn't frickin McDonald's, it was Wendy's that had it!! Wow, I didn't know whether to laugh at the humour of the situation or at my stupidity...or get mad at my stupidity. McD's wasn't even doin any movie/TV promo or anythin, it was just some athletic kids somethin or another. So that was all for nuthin. Whatever, I ate my McD's and we were walkin out of the mall back to the car and I was all done...except I forgot about Soccer Boy in the bag. I threw the bag out into the garbage bin and was on my way. THEN I realized I threw out Soccer Boy too. I yelled to L, "Fuck! I threw out the toy!" And the bag was all crumpled and way too in to even consider pullin out of the trash :P God, I'm SO DUMB.
  • Pris' actual bday - we all got together at Destiny. Good times. We reminisced about hs, came up with a new adverb for Gina ("horsingly"), and L spat on Pris' food
  • Watched Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit. So good! The rabbits were THE cutest :D
  • Finally got a call about work...start trainin on Tues at 5 pm
  • Went to Golden Griddle for All You Can Eat Pancake Tuesday. I had 6, only cuz I wanted to one-up Dar who had 5. I wanted to throw up after
  • Went to Yorkdale cuz Dar wanted to look for presents
  • Dar, L, and Al came over to watch the Leafs game, ordered pizza. Damn, that was fun. And they won too :)
  • Watched The Longest Yard, Robots, and the last half of Donnie Darko

Aaaaand breathe. I'll post about L's bday jam, my 2 near car accidents, and Al's party last night later. We're goin to the airport to see Darien off. We'll miss ya, Dar!

Happy bday Shy, wherever you are! :P