Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'm bein terrible at updatin lately. It's Octoberbabiespalooza, don't ya know!

Mostly it's been hangin with Dar tho cuz he's leavin today! Back to England for about 8 months til he gets his paperwork cleared to come and live here.

OK I'm givin the last week and a half to you, bullet-styles...

  • The mall for L's bday present and Jack Astor's with Dar cuz he wanted the Jackass experience complete with games of pool
  • The mall again tryin to find somethin for L *Side story - I tried to be a quirky and thoughtful friend by gettin this Team Titan figurine of Robin (yeah, I don't know) that comes with a Kid's Meal at Wendy's which she gasped at when we there at skydivin. So I figured I'd go get one at the mall. I told L about my lil plan. I was hopin they'd give me the right toy cuz they were busy and I didn't want to hold them up and be like "Actually, can I get the Robin?" Cuz they'd have no clue wtf I was talkin about and I'd honestly feel really lame. I dug into the bag and pulled out a lil figure. It was a boy, with black hair. Except not Robin. It was some generic dude with a soccer uniform on. I read the package and it said 'Soccer Boy'. I'm like, who the fuck is Soccer Boy? Dammit, wrong one! L was like, wait when did you and Pris go to McDonald's? I stood there slowly realizin for about 4 seconds that it wasn't frickin McDonald's, it was Wendy's that had it!! Wow, I didn't know whether to laugh at the humour of the situation or at my stupidity...or get mad at my stupidity. McD's wasn't even doin any movie/TV promo or anythin, it was just some athletic kids somethin or another. So that was all for nuthin. Whatever, I ate my McD's and we were walkin out of the mall back to the car and I was all done...except I forgot about Soccer Boy in the bag. I threw the bag out into the garbage bin and was on my way. THEN I realized I threw out Soccer Boy too. I yelled to L, "Fuck! I threw out the toy!" And the bag was all crumpled and way too in to even consider pullin out of the trash :P God, I'm SO DUMB.
  • Pris' actual bday - we all got together at Destiny. Good times. We reminisced about hs, came up with a new adverb for Gina ("horsingly"), and L spat on Pris' food
  • Watched Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit. So good! The rabbits were THE cutest :D
  • Finally got a call about work...start trainin on Tues at 5 pm
  • Went to Golden Griddle for All You Can Eat Pancake Tuesday. I had 6, only cuz I wanted to one-up Dar who had 5. I wanted to throw up after
  • Went to Yorkdale cuz Dar wanted to look for presents
  • Dar, L, and Al came over to watch the Leafs game, ordered pizza. Damn, that was fun. And they won too :)
  • Watched The Longest Yard, Robots, and the last half of Donnie Darko

Aaaaand breathe. I'll post about L's bday jam, my 2 near car accidents, and Al's party last night later. We're goin to the airport to see Darien off. We'll miss ya, Dar!

Happy bday Shy, wherever you are! :P


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