Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Craziness. Well Pris and them didn't end up skydivin Sat cuz it was too cloudy. I had woken up that morning to go with them but it was cancelled so at least I got to sleep a few more hrs. Dar was at Al's house to fix her computer and I went over to get L's present wrapped. Then it was Pris' bday thing. Dinner was at Canyon Creek Chophouse. There was a Leafs game that night so Pris held it in the lounge so we could watch it on TV. It was jokes. Sucks that they lost but that's OK.

After dinner we went to Reservoir Lounge for some jazz. Ya gotta do whatever the bday person wants! The guy we paid cover to was awesome super-friendly guy who looked like a cross between Barry Manilow and Rod Stewart. It was interesting. I've never been to a jazz/swing club/piano bar. It was kinda small and dark and cramped cuz there were so many ppl. We had to stand. Pris actually had a drink. I think I've maybe seen her have alcohol once before, in all the yrs I've known her. We all told her she had to drink cuz it was her bday but I didn't think she'd actually do it. She was takin it suprisingly well. I mean, she looked a lot better than me usually. Her face was fine and she wasn't feelin sick or slurring or whatever. She just said she gets hot under her chin and forehead but her cheeks stay cool, haha.

So we were watchin the band and the singer when Pris was feelin sketchy and we were just like, OK we're bouncin, we're gonna go get the car. Al, G, and L went to bring the cars around way down from wherever the hell we parked. Pris was like, I need to get some fresh air. So while they were lookin for everybody's jackets in the 'self' coat check, Pris was pretty much headin outside on her own so I hurried to accompany her cuz I still had my empty glass in my hand but had nowhere to put it and I couldn't go runnin outside with it. I hollered at L to help Pris up the stairs as I dashed to put my glass on a shelf. No sooner as I got to Pris and L just gettin on the first steps, Pris started to tip. L was yellin at me to hold her up and then the two of them fell, hahahahaha! I was in no position to catch either of them cuz I didn't get there in time and I was in a bad position behind Pris. She fell onto my foot, haha. They were OK, it's not like they took a rollin tumble down a flight of stairs, it was more like a trip and they just weren't standin up anymore :P

Anyway, me and Dar stayed with Pris til the rest of them came back with the cars. There was a lot of drunk talk from Pris which just made my day cuz this just wasn't Pris behaviour, haha. And I love how I was the one takin care of the drunky...cuz it wasn't me! She kept wantin to stand in doorways but wouldn't listen to me when I said she'd get hit by a door. Then she wanted to sit on the curb where the cars were parked. I think we were askin Dar what he thought about the server girl we had at Reservoir.

Dar: "Eh...she was alright I guess."
Pris: "You didn't think she was cute?"
Dar: "I wasn't really lookin at her. It was dark!"
Me: "I thought she was hot."
Pris: "Yeah, she was hot!"
Me: "I know, what's the matter with you??"

Then we were for some reason imitating the noises the characters from MarioKart Double Dash make and apparently some old guy (like pot belly, white hair, 50s) was listenin in. OK, the baby Mario character goes "Vroom, vroom!" and he heard this and was like, so, you wanna make your car louder? We're like, uhhhh...we were just talkin about a video game. He's like, oh OK...cuz ya know, if you want to make your car louder I can do that for you. It was just strange. We were just like, huh? and that lil conversation just ended right there. Then after when the girls came back, the old guy got into the car that we were sittin in front of the whole time and sped off. It was the loudest thing ever. So then it all made sense :P But honestly, why would you purposely make your engine/muffler/whatever it was THAT loud? It's fuckin annoying. Everyone can hear you comin...and if that's your point, then you're lame.

Well that was enough for Pris for one night. Love her :) I can't believe I have a drunk story to tease her about, heehee!

So their skydivin thing was rescheduled for Sun and it was a go cuz the skies were clear. I just came along to document it all. They paid for a DVD of their jump but they wanted me to take pictures and videotape everythin that happened on the ground too. The place was called Skydive SWOOP and everybody there is so effin cool. They're a buncha friendly, laid-back peeps who like to skydive...they ain't boring ppl.

So they signed their lives away on waivers, watched a safety video, and got a lil training talk from one of the instructors. They were doin tandems so Pris, Al, and Dar each got a different guy to jump with. But they all had to go one at a time cuz they had these small lil Cessna planes goin up each time, plus there were other solo freefallers goin too. They put on these bright ass, tight jump outfits. The 3 of them looked hilarious.

I was basically watchin ppl jump all day. Pris went first. We watched from the field and when the plane takes off from the runway, you can't see it anymore til it comes back around whatever thousand miles in the sky later. Pris' plane took a while to come into view so we figured she was gettin nervous and needed them to circle a bit longer before she would jump, haha. But actually it takes like 10-15 mins from takeoff to jump, we just didn't know that.

We couldn't even tell which jumper was Pris cuz there was another jumper and they were all so tiny up there. Then we figured to ask Al and Dar's instructors what colour their parachutes were beforehand so we'd know who to look for when they went. The camera guy makes it to the ground first so he can capture the landing.

Pris landed and she was alive so all was good ;) We went to go watch her DVD in the trailer while Al went up in the plane, then we watched Al's DVD while we waited for the ppl before Darien to go. Then me and Pris went to get food cuz we hadn't eaten all day while Dar went up in the plane. It was in the middle of nowhere Hamilton farmland so they didn't have much. We saw a Wendy's and went for it. Dar jumped, we ate, and watched his DVD. They're pretty funny. Good times. We were there from 11 to 5, so pretty much the whole day. I can't believe I got sunburn on my face. Obviously I forgot the fact that UV rays still come thru clouds :P

It's so crazy. Pris, Al, and Dar all said it was the best experience ever. It actually doesn't seem so scary anymore after you watch jump after jump after jump. Maybe I'll try it in a yr or 2 :P

We drove home and I had to be at Dave & Buster's with L an hr later for the Futureshop dinner thing. I haven't started officially workin so I still felt like I wasn't a Futureshopper yet. I met more ppl tho. There was a buffet for dinner then we got $10 play cards to waste. I'm up to like 3,391 points now but there wasn't anythin I wanted to get for a prize. We played pool with some of L's CSR buddies, they were chill. And Ted, one of the managers, is so gay and funny. He's fabulous.

Mon was Thanksgiving, nothing special there. Just stayed home with the they can't say anything :P

Tues me, Dar, and L went to Korean bbq. You sit at a table with a built-in grill and you cook all the food yourself. Ooooh. Tho you come out smellin like meat. My god, there was a lot of meat. It was fun tho...but I think it's a bit too much effort for a meal for an everyday thing :P

And that's about it up to today. Peace.


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