Thursday, September 04, 2003

Aiiiii, it's Thurs and this last week of summer vacay is goin quick. So not lookin forward to startin school. Am I ever? Maybe it'll help if I actually cared about what I'm doin and if I even liked my school. Sicka the bullshit! The crapass courses, bein on hold on the phone forever, the garbage program requirements I have...I feel like killin somebody! It's SO FUCKED UP!! *sigh* Maybe I should take this semester off and make it 6 yrs LOL

BUT I got around to enrollin for classes and I'm officially in 1 internet course. I finally got thru to the registrar office but can't get an advisin appt til later in the month but they're doin drop-ins Mon morning so I hafta be there at 8 frickin 30. School's a nightmare and it hasn't even started yet. But I know this--I'll be havin some damn fun this weekend cuz it's the LAW.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Al and my sis are both back from their lil getaways. L and G got their cottage pix done. They look NICE! I look GOOD, how bout that? LOL

Things to do...get a new tape, get G's straightener, give her bathin suit back, get her cash for books with the mom's credit card :) Mwahaha, I'm so schemin evil.

I had a buncha serious adult moments. Well not so adult cuz I was just thinkin about how emotionally immature I can get :P We were out at Timmy's and somehow got into the marriage talk again and it just made me wanna...I dunno, roll my eyes and say OH GOD! Vick's unbelievable, she's talkin gettin married to Rene and like DREAMIN about havin freakin babies already! Girl, you're 23! You're still in school! But she knows and hey, everybody goes their own rate. Then I had some 'thinker' moments about school cuz I once again I had to deal with some more bs and I just got this regretful feelin, like I should switch majors or somethin cuz I ain't all that happy with what I'm doin. But that'd never happen cuz I'm in my last yr! :P I'd be insane and all that money and time woulda been for nuthin and my rents would beat my ass. Yeah so I'm feelin like everybody's gettin older but me. Nobody even drinks anymore. MEH!

Hmm...I scored some cash so I remembered I owe my bro $10, which is kinda sad to be borrowin money from your little brother LOL (Hey man, I was in a tight spot) Here's hopin he forgot. Whatever! He owes ME, with all the shit I gotta deal with him!

I went out for a smoke last night and it didn't occur to me that there'd be bugs outside. DERR!! I was wearin a tshirt tied up at the side so my back was exposed and I got bit like a mofo. 3 on the lower back, 1 on the arm, and 1 on the friggin foot. Fuckin mosquitos! Figures that this whole summer I didn't get bit once and now I'm the meal of the week. I'll probably get West Nile now. Damn Meg, distractin me on the phone LOL Tho y'all will tell me that's what I get for bein a dirty smoker :P Yeaaaah, yeaaah!

Monday, September 01, 2003

Ahh...Labour Day. Thank god I don't hafta go back to school this week. I still hafta enrol LOL Shut up, I'll do it! OK so the trip to the cottage. I think I'm gettin kinda tired writin up all these things :P So I'll try to make it not so ramblin like usual.

The night before we left, I went to bed at like 3 and I couldn't sleep probably cuz I was gettin all hyped thinkin about it so I didn't get to sleep til like 6. And I had to get up at 9, ughhhh! WHY??? You sickos! They said we had to go get the rental car and shit so they told me be ready by 9:30. The fuckers...we didn't even leave town til 11 somethin. L, Vick, and G went to pick up the ride with G's car, then picked me up, packed all our shit in G's car, moved it all to the rental, got gas, got groceries, went to the bank, and got breakfast. We got the cheapest car we could fit all us into so we got a Neon...and it was champagne coloured LOL

The drive to Muskoka wasn't too bad, under 2 hrs. The place doesn't have blankets and tp so you hafta bring it yourself and we so hit up McD's for extra napkins...and ketchup and mayo and salt and pepper LOL When we finally found the place, there was no one around. There were the buncha cottages and there was a big unfinished one in the front and we were like, k where the hell's the main office? Couldn't find it for the life of us. We figured it was the big house-lookin one but it looked totally ghetto...the bottom floor wasn't even done. Finally saw a sign sayin Manager's Office on the friggin other side of the deck upstairs so we went up but no one was in. We're like wtf, how do we check in then? We went down to lower decks to the beach and saw some ppl so at least we knew it wasn't some deserted ghost place. Went back up to wait for the owner ppl to come back. They told G check-in was 1-3 and it was 3. There was a sign on the door that said in case of emergency call this #. We're like, oh great, if someone was drownin we'd hafta call them first before they'd come back in half an hr! :P We were stressin. Hell no we came all this way and already the nightmare was startin. Oh whoops, it was some scam deal and no vacation for you, sorry! :P Did some callin around, left msgs. The ppl on the beach came back up and said their check-in was at 4 and didn't know where the owner was, but we could use their condo to change if we wanted to go in the water and stuff.

Finally we saw a van drive up tho and it was them. He said we came early. I didn't care, as long as everythin was legit. The price we paid, we got the smallest place. It was a condo that was part of 1 of the bigger cottages so we didn't get a lakeside view like the chalets, but facin the parkin lot LOL And it was up a big fuckin flight of steps. Ah well. We still had 2 bedrooms and a kitchen. Oh, and the ghetto ass '70s TV with the rabbit ears with only 3 channels that somewhat worked. Everyone else had satellite LOL Yes!

Good times tho. Looked for Mars at night on the decks, chilled on the beach, went swimmin (tho G was on the rag and Vick and L are chicken shits and only went as far out as where the water went up to their necks...but none of them can swim anyway :P), played cards, went on a hike, watched TV, chilled on the docks, found some swings, watched some cuties play league softball (cottage country's idea of a big evening I guess cuz that was the most young ppl I've seen get together at 1 time), ate a lotta bbq and junk, saw the steamship thing that's a big tourist attraction there. Went into town to walk around. They wanted to go shoppin, lookin for stores in Bracebridge or Gravenhurst so we had to drive around and ask ppl. You know you're gonna get laughed at if you ask if there's a mall around LOL Hard enough just findin those lil shops. Practically everythin closes at like 7, damn! We're like, yeah, got any nightlife? LOL Let's hit a club. Lucky if you find a bar or two. Lockdown's at like 9 :P It was quiet enough as it is but things got totally dead when dark came around, spooky. We coulda went to Kee at Bala which is like the only club/bar place to go but it was far. Oh and we found the one and only movie theatre they had ANYWHERE...4 movies, 1 showin a day LOL But for $10! What is thaaaaat? We were actually thinkin about goin to see somethin if we had nuthin else to do LOL

We met some other ppl from the cottages next door and we chilled with them by the firepit at night. Some crazy peeps, it was too funny. Ah, Marty...he had like 17 beers and was still goin. He was actually OK for a drunky, I woulda been dead long ago. But he had a thing for goin for swims in the lake in the middle of the night when there was NO light...buck nekkid. He was comin out one time and they shone the flashlight on him and we all got a good look at this ass...and then he turned around and we got a full frontal LOL I don't really remember all of time we were at the firepit cuz I was blazin..."I smell weeeeed." LOL I was tripped outta my mind. I just remember everybody freakin out cuz the fatass raccoon came back out and the 'flyin' squirrel LOL The hot boys from the other cottages had a couple girls with them so meh! but at least they were the ones down for swimmin across the lake to the other side with me. They were sayin there was a water hurricane that afternoon while they were chillin on the dock and friggin sucked up a chair and chucked it into the lake, got somebody's shoe, and almost took out the girls. Crazy shit. Never knew there was such a thing. That woulda been hype to see tho (not twirlin around ppl but ya know). G the lameass got sick from swingin on the swings too much and went to bed at like 8 and slept while the rest of us were down at the fire. When we got back in, I looked in the mirror--my eyes were all red and my pupils were as big as dimes LOL Who's the sexy bitch?

Oh and I was drinkin and smokin up at the same time the 1st night. We were back inside and I was still kinda stoned but it made me nauseous all of a sudden and I puked like it couldn't come up fast enough LOL Pretty picture, I know. Wasted 4 Gravols. But I was actually OK after that. I'm usually all, blah, I feel like shit, I'm done for the night. So I had a buncha drinks left cuz I wasn't gonna do the 2 together no more :P

We went to Evans' cottage on the last day and it stormed like hell so we couldn't do much for a while except watch tennis and eat. We did get to go out on the motor boat for a while tho. I wanted to hit the kayak and canoe too.

We had to get the car back to the rental place in time tho. My sleep that whole time was so fucked up. Goin to bed at like 3, gettin up at like 8. They got me up ass early even tho there was NO reason to...

"Wake up, we're goin shoppin and walkin around, come on, get up!"
"Fuck you! Go then."
"You're comin too, we let you sleep in, let's go."
"Why?? No!! Lemme sleeeep!"
"Fine, we're goin for a walk. I wanna see you up and in the kitchen eatin and ready to go when we get back!"
"Just go without me! GEEZUS! It's friggin vacation, what's wrong with you ppl!"

'Sleepin in' to them was wakin me up with all the noise at 8 and 'lettin' me sleep til 11...after bein stoned and pukin and goin to bed that same morning. See what I gotta deal with? Crazies! The place had a bed in 1 room, a futon couch in the livin room, and bunk beds in the other bedroom LOL Me and L had the bunks. The stubborn princess that she is, she insisted on havin the bottom bunk so it was interestin gettin up there after drinkin and smokin up, and back down from there the mornings after :P Even tho it'd make more sense (and better for everybody) for the pukey-feelin person to be on the bottom bunk as to not have to scramble gettin down that stupid painful lil metal ladder and over the railguard to run to the bathroom should the need arise.

So I'm mad tired the day we get back and they got me goin to the dealership, droppin off L, pickin up Vick's mom and Rene, unloadin everybody's shit home, and G makin me to go to the MALL with her to buy jeans with my discount, thanks. I been up since 8:30 and I don't get home til like 6 and I've done jack shit. I only tolerated it cuz G bought the Neptunes CD which I'll borrow and burn 1st :) I fell asleep the min my head hit the pillow that night...and the resta the nights after that til today.