Friday, May 02, 2003

This is kinda sad, bein home on a Fri night...everybody's tired or doin other stuff and leavin for school again the next day. I guess I always gotta be doin somethin otherwise I start to get bored. And when I start feelin tired, I make myself go out and do somethin heehee. But Wed was good, for a day of not really goin anywhere. Went to G's to watch some movies. Deuces Wild was good, I don't even know wtf the movie was we were watchin after...boring straight-to-video stuff. Then swung by Fish's cuz Meen said they were all doin somethin that night. I hadn't seen her in like a yr cuz she likes to drop into town without tellin anyone and bein home for weeks at a time then jettin back for again. But Meen had left by the time I got there so it was just her and Chris and J but it was good times talkin and catchin up to like 3 in the morning. They're goin back to school again tomorrow so that sucks. They should be back for weekends tho, yay.
Oh mama went SHOPPIN today! :D I blew all my money but that's OK cuz I finally got the shit I wanted. They had a green shirt that said Minty Fresh on fuckin way!! LOL What're the freakin odds?? So ya know I HAD to get it. I was like, I dunno if I can pull off wearin green but it was too sweet to pass up LOL Got jeans and new shades too...finally. Wooo! This totally made my day. You can tell I've missed shoppin for myself :P I can actually save up my chedda since Michelle Branch cancelled her show this month cuz of the damn SARS shit. At least I didn't already buy my tix :P 50 Cent and Jay-Z are doin a show and I wasn't all THAT hyped about it esp cuz of the price but I wanna go now cuz of the openers too. Toooo many concerts! LOL

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Damn, from Thurs to Mon...good times! I'm feelin this goin to bed at 5 am all weekend biz LOL Now THAT'S tha life! Finally got to chill in yesterday tho...goin out to play all the time can tire ya LOL My sleep's been all messed up. Whatever, it's only right to get my time in this week before summer school starts.
Anyway, I think I was productive today. Cleaned out Blueberry's cage thing...damn, I didn't realize how rank it was til I had to change the wood chip shit. My bad. Meen dropped by to gimme the Justin and Christina tix and my CDs. Probably goin to G's to watch movies or hangin with Meena and Chris and J. All is good...despite me not talkin to the mom. I was doin so good in avoidin her too up to last night dammit. GRRR, but I won't get into that cuz just thinkin about it gets me riled, SO...
Hmmm Sat...that was some crazy fun times. Meen had to pick up a buncha ppl in the Partymobile that we call her van (her bf, her cousins, their friends, her other friends) so me, G, and L went in G's car. This was like 10 and Meen decides to call and tell me yeah plans for tonight are on. I'm like, thanks, you weren't playin about tellin me last min huh? But hey it was her bday thing and I'd take any reason to party up so I wasn't gonna complain! Whoever got there first would call the other and we'd hook up down there. We got there first so we stood in line at Indian, which was not movin at all. Me and L didn't remember how much cover was so we'd hafta see when we got to the front and tell Meen how much, or even there was even cover at all :P The line was so slowass but it didn't matter cuz we had to wait for them anyway. I don't bring my cell with me so I leave it in the car so we were about to leave the parkin garage and I'm like wait, I don't know Meen's number off by heart and L and G don't either, derrr. So I got L to save Meen's number on her cell so we could call her later. Then when we were waitin in line I realized Meen was gonna call me on my cell...which was in the car :P I'm like aw shit, I'm retarded LOL It's OK, we'll call her on L's phone! Oh, while we were standin there, there was a buncha ppl crossin the intersection. It was a group of guys (drunk probably, what else *eye roll*) and 1 suddenly jumped and friggin drop-kicked his friend and totally fell on his side in the middle of the street! He was laughin but the dumb thing was he so fell on his ass but his friend didn't even stumble LOL Hilarious. Anyways, turns out we didn't need to be waitin in line cuz they were checkin out another spot and we were gonna go there instead. So Meen's like, just look out for the red van up the street and we'll pick you up. They decided on some place called Milano's, which was kinda small but was really cool. Only 1 person outta the group had been's like a bar/lounge with music downstairs. We're like, oooh nice place...not too loud or not too quiet, there's pool tables and booths and stuff. Me and G wanted to go to the bathroom and it was like the freakin Twilight Zone tryin to find it! It's not that big a place, we were at the tables in the back so there's that area, the pool tables, and the bar. So we're walkin around tryin to find a door and the only 2 we could see was 1 that said Staff Only and the other was the kitchen. So we're like wtf? I don't get it, there's only 2 doors here so where the hell else could the washrooms be?? G's like hmm, maybe it's by the door where we came in. Yeaaaah no, there was blank wall LOL It was so fucked up, we made our way around the place like 3 times and I'm like dammit, let's just ask somebody LOL But all the waitresses and bartenders were busy and then we spotted a flight of stairs goin down on the right by the entrance. Oh there it is!! LOL Son of a bitch, who put that there?? Honestly, the thing was like a secret passage...signs, ppl! It got even weirder tho when we got down there cuz to get to the washrooms you had to pass the dance floor area. There were velvet ropes and a frickin curtain separatin it so you couldn't really see what was goin on. Weird. Apparently since there's no cover just gettin into the bar/lounge area, if you wanna dance downstairs you gotta pay $10 and get a stamp so not anybody can sneak down there :P Never heard of that before...just weird LOL Well G and L had work the next morning so they had to jet early but of course I didn't so I wanted to stay and I'd ride home with the van crew. But I had my bag in the car but I'm like, ah just drop it off tomorrow G. So they left and I was gonna call G to tell her to remember to turn off my cell in case it rings in the middle of the night or wake her up in the morning, then I realized yeah how am I gonna get in my house? Idiot! My keys were in my bag too :P I was NOT drinkin I swear!! LOL So I had to use Meen's cell to call L before they took off for home. So they were like OMG but they'd drop my stuff off when they got to the car. They couldn't drive back to Milano's tho cuz there was construction shit goin on and it was 1 way and we didn't know if we could get back in if we left but oh well, we'd sweet talk the bouncer (nice guys, 1 was raggin on the other for gettin The Sweetest Thing LOL I was like, hey I'd watch it! He's like, see there ya go! :P) Anyhoo so Meen and her bf came with me and we waited by Indian for the car. They drove up and rolled down the window and I walked up and shouted "Lookin for a good time?" LOL L's like, you forgot your purse in my car, ho! They drove off and honked and yelled out the window so I'm like, perv! LOL Ah good times. But the 1 of the highlights of that night was the drive home. Friggin nuts, it was total jokes. I knew them all but I wasn't tight with them but all like, 7 of them together were too damn funny. The convos we had in that van OMG...I don't even wanna get into LOL By the time everyone was dropped off and after Timmy's, it was like 4 am.
Hmm Sun, we just went for a drive and more Timmy's and all that :P On Mon me, G, and L went to school for some errand stuff and then did some more shoppin in the friggin outlet town. We tried to get the $1 Jays tix for the game on Tues but apparently they were sold out...but I saw some empty seats on TV dammit!