Saturday, May 22, 2004

The bday bbq thing was Heather and Clothes and a whole buncha other ppl at G's house and me and L decided well hey, we'll invite ourselves cuz you can't have a party without us, you just can't, haha. It's not really like that tho, she knew we were gonna's almost like why wouldn't we be there?

We hit the LCBO and picked up Sarah's friends too but by the time we made it back to the house, the bastards had eaten pretty much everythin. There were SO many shoes in the house, haha...I had no idea who any of these ppl were. But we said happy bday to the bday dude :P

We pretty much had scraps left for food so they went out to get some McD's cuz we were starving, haha. We met Clothes' bf who's Aussie. His accent was AWESOME, I love it. I coulda listened to the guy talk all day. Me and L tried out stereotypical Aussie sayings for like a good half an hr. Somebody had brought over a Playstation so we were playin soccer. We were playin teams and royally sucking cuz we didn't even know what button did what so in essence, they were cheatin...and thus, it was BITCH! MOTHERFUCKER! FUCKIN HELL! SHIT! FUCK! GODAMMIT! YOU ASSHOLE! WTF ARE YOU DOIN! TAKE THAT, BIAAAATCH! the entire time. A buncha the guys were in the room watchin and they were pretty much blown away by how much we swore, haha. I guess we do swear a lot :P But you understand, we were playin a video game, haha, you can get really into it. Maybe it was cuz we were drinkin too, I dunno! Clothes was pickin up like every open bottle she saw in the house and takin swigs outta them, haha.

At the end of the night, we finally got around to plannin what we're doin for the weekend. Settled on Wasaga Beach and started surfin for info and see who wanted to come with. We had to call around for places to stay that still had vacancies but they were long distance so we had to go out and get a phone card. All that took hrs. looks like it's gonna be the 4 or 5 of us at the Angel's Motel right near the beach. WOOO! May 2-4, baby! We're leavin tomorrow right when Vick gets off work.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

I dunno whether to make of this day as good or bad...probably a mix of both. I went to Fish's house and Lionel was there so we chilled and I checked that friggin email of mine. But Fish's dad burnt somethin really really bad and the house reeked. I could smell it outside the front door. We were there about half an hr and Lionel's like, I can't take it anymore, I'm sorry but I have get outta here...OPEN THE DOOR! Hahaha. So we went to Lionel's house and met up with Fish later. Chilled, went to the supermarket for burger stuff. Then Fish calls and says Mickey's comin by and they'll be in the park so we should come by too. We passed by there like 3 times but didn't see them, went back to the house. We finally called them and we're like, dude where ARE you, what're you doin? They're like, OK we're gonna walk to the house. That took an hr...haha, whatever they were doin in the park there! Oh, and we had gone to the wrong park, haha. But yay, I finally saw Mickey :) We all talked a bit before he had to jet. He's such an American now, haha. He has a Master's. A Master's! And goin for a PhD!! Holy crap. So yeah, we might go to Chicago to visit sometime, heehee. It's his bday tomorrow too so he's havin peeps over. 2-4's for the 2-4, haha.

Then me, Lionel, Fish, and Lionel's brother had bbq before Lionel had to go to volleyball, haha. And we realized that for the long weekend, we could just go up to Montreal and stay in Fish's sister's house cuz she just rented it and it'll be empty cuz all the roomies are home. And I wanna go! But Fish has to run it by her and whatever whatever, all this stuff about Fish goin back to Ktown for grad and goin to be in Montreal next week anyway. I dunno. And this all just starts to peeve me cuz we (L and G and whoever else) still don't have a clue what we're doin and nobody's gettin together to even talk about it! Fuck, man.

Then I called L and they're at the movies. And in the way that she does, I was sensin the slight attitude vibe cuz I didn't go with them to the liquor store earlier (to get stuff for the bbq tomorrow). Apparently G had told me what time they were gonna go but she didn't. G tends to LIE, everybody knows it, haha. Anyway, so I wasn't home cuz I was at Fish's and Lionel's and I didn't have my cell so they went without me. I texted G from Lionel's tho, just to whatever. L's makin it like we 'had plans' to go to the LCBO, geeez. But nobody can say a thing about what's goin on for the weekend, no.

BUT no biggie, right...I'm sure we'll hit the LCBO again for the trip...IF we go anywhere. Those hookers better call me later like I said so we get this shit done with.

Oh yeah, then I forgot I had to pick up a letter from the post office before 7 for my dad, like 1 of those important ones that you hafta pick up instead of gettin it in the mail. I got home at 10 past 7. Dammit.

And that is your daily dose of me. Don't you love the way I make this whole big story about a day where really, absolutely nothing happened? Haha.

3 posts in 1 day...I must be really bored. I really dunno why I say things about stuff happenin with Fish cuz they never really happen anyway :P Turns out it was drinks and not dinner at Rocky Mountain so I did have some time to nap. Finally my dad came home and I took the car to the mall to pick up dye and Veet (bladeless razor, ooh!) before Fish called me to meet up with Mickey. Walmart didn't have my colour so I hit Shopper's who didn't have it either so I went up a Red and got some intense spicy red whatever it is. Dude, you can def see it! Before, you could pretty much only see the red in the sunlight but this one's redder than ever. Exxxxxcellent. Anyway, I was runnin late cuz I had to rinse all that shit out 3 times. Fish picked me up and we rolled over to Rocky. Apparently they do a big morph into a club on Wed nights (and only on Wed nights, err??) and I'm like, oh OK...but I figured they just opened up some space for dancin after 10 or whatever, like other bars. We got there and there were so many ppl outside waitin. I wasn't expectin a friggin longass LINE, it's a restaurant for god's sake. But I wanted to see Mickey and Fish told him we'd be there but neither had eachother's cell numbers, smart. I was like, I don't believe this shit...what is this, downtown? If I wanted to stand in line for half an hr, I'd go to an actual club, haha. Ridiculous. Fish is like, OK we'll wait a bit and see if it moves at all...these kids hafta be at school tomorrow so they can't wait TOO long, haha. Well, Fish is very very impatient and just couldn't take it so we jetted. We're like, ah we'll talk to him tomorrow...he's probably wasted with Justin and won't even notice, and at least we came! :P So I was out for about 20 mins, not even, haha.

Wasn't that RIVETING?

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I feel like fallin asleep right now. And that, kids, is why mommy doesn't get up before noon. I dunno who it was this morning but somebody was makin enough noise to wake me up at like 8 am. I think I need a nap. I've watched all that there is to watch on TV, worked out a bit, talked on the phone, cleaned up a lil, did my nails. But I'm waitin for my dad to get home with the damn car so I can get my hair dye before goin out tonight for Mickey's fuckin dinner thing that Fish is makin me go to. OK that sounded harsh...I think I'm gettin cranky. I'm not bein MADE to go, I guess I kinda want to cuz I haven't seen Mickey in so long. We've known eachother since grade school but still, we haven't kept in touch since the middle of hs and he talks more to Fish anyway. Yeah so...I dunno WTF my dad does after work to come home like HOURS later. And they wonder why I stay out so late....cuz I get the car at like 8, 9, 10 at night! Haha, so your fault.

OK I can't make it...I'm gonna go snooze.

So I'm surfin the web, downloadin on Kazaa, and I've got 2 internet windows open cuz I went to vote on some online poll thing. I always click on the other window to occupy my non-existant attention span while 1 window's page is loading. And I wasn't playin any songs at that moment so there was no sound but the speakers were up. Outta nowhere, I hear some guy talkin and scared the hell outta me. GEEZUS!! I was like, WHAT was THAT?? WHO'S TALKING?? Stupid soap opera page, it was some dude doin an intro which started playin while I wasn't lookin at it. I'm SUCH a loser, haha.

Every time I take P out, it's always fun times. She's crazy. We've made a kinda pact that we'd go out on alternating days each week to do ridiculousness. We went out today so next week it'll be Wed. "Who gets drunk on a Monday?...Who goes OUT on a Monday??" LOL

She wanted to experience the tapioca balls so we went to bubble tea. We were rummaging thru eachother's purses and she saw my cig and lighter and we somehow got on the topic of cigars. She's like, I wanna be smokin somethin too! So off we went to get her one.

We hit a couple gas stations (who knew they sold them??) and we found some. The one she got came in some protective case thing so it looked like a super tampon. Then we needed a place to smoke...Midnite Oil :)

We smoked, played pool, had a drink. Shit, cigars are intense. P was sittin there like she was nicely gettin stoned. It was just about the same thing. And I drove us home slightly buzzed, haha. Don't worry, I know better than to drink and drive...I wasn't like, intoxicated. It was just the pink in the face thing, you know the drill. I mean, I got home not even half an hr ago and my writing's fine, heh :P

Damn, I have so many things to pay for just this week: the long weekend, Wonderland, concert tix (P said she'd go with me! This is why I love her :D). Plus Vick's bday comin up. My credit card's gonna take a beating :P

Monday, May 17, 2004

Yeaaah, you know how I was talkin about Fish's thing with changin plans and never settling on a decison? Yeah. The punk didn't wanna go to the Maddy on Sat anymore, the big poop :P But me bein such the forgivin'd think after almost 10 yrs bein friends, I'd know to expect this, haha. But it's OK cuz me and L went out to the Fox & Fiddle on the other Main St for drinks and then Q's. And guess who was there? Julian, haha! And the boss dude. I should really learn that guy's name...but til then, he'll be known as Bossman, haha. So we played some pool and some foosball. I really hurt my finger windmilling the way I was, the 2nd knuckle (as in, the 2nd of your hand but the 1st of your finger), palm side...I think I bruised it hard enough that it felt like it was broken...not that I'd know what a broken bone feels like cuz I've never had that happen before :P Anyway, good times. I blew in Julian's ear and knocked his cue and bumped his ass, haha...but we still lost more games than we won, I'm sure.

Then we went to Timmy's, where I was findin everythin very very funny. Dunno what it was. And I had another smoke. Ahhhh well. We're like, so what do you wanna do now? And it's like 2:00, haha. Prime drivin hrs cuz no one's on the road. Gotta love it.

I watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas last night. That's 1 fucked up movie, but if you've never done drugs in your life, it pretty much captures what it's like, haha. I couldn't even watch til the end tho cuz I was strangely tired and I went to bed :P I think exercise might do that to me, haha...I worked out a bit yesterday and then me, L, and my brother (who wanted to come along for some reason) went for a walk/blading for almost 2 hrs. Physical activities are fine except for smellin like 'outside'. You know what I'm talkin about.

I dunno what to do tonight. Ah maybe I'll work out some more before I call ppl. Oh yeah, we don't even know what we're doin for May 24 weekend! Must plan, must plan.