Sunday, December 31, 2006

Thought I'd do the last entry of the yr. It's been a couple weeks since the big epic Boxing Day so here's pretty much what happened since then...

Well there was a little power surge at work, which was fun. If you work in a place like that and the power goes out, everythin is fucked. But good thing for backups, that would've been a headache and a half.

The Shuffle Party was fun! Kim had a blast on her bday and a wild ass time was had by all. Namely Catherine cuz who was smashed and had too much fun with this giant Christmas ornament ball she found and was swingin it around above her head like an Amazon. "Cat, just cuz it's above YOUR head, doesn't mean it's above ours!" LOL Shuffle Parties are ridiculous. I know I always say this but, we met some 'interesting' ppl :P Al got sneakily and subtly tricked into givin a guy her number. "Argh, duped!...BRILLIANT!" LOL

I happened to get that entire weekend off so on Sun me and G went out for lunch and I went downtown to do some Christmas shoppin for Evan and Godwin cuz I couldn't find what I was plannin on gettin for them, and somethin for my brother. Yeah I was one of those ppl who went shoppin on Christmas Eve. It actually wasn't as crazy as I figured it would be tho so that was good. And I found all I needed!

Christmas I did the whole family thing, had dinner, chilled at home.

Then I went to bed at about 10:00 cuz I had to get up at 4 and be at work for 5. In the morning. And my shift was til 6. In the evening. That's right, 13 hr day from 4 am. I also had to go to Meen's WEDDING that night!

Anyway, Boxing Day seemed a little less hectic than last yr. Very busy and chaotic and still profitable but I dunno, maybe a bit slower this time around. I think it was half cuz of general business and lack of any especially good deals and half cuz they let ppl thru the door in waves instead of opening them to one mad rush of crazies.

As insane as the day is, I kinda like the energy of it and every single employee is there that day with a big morning cheer and pep talks so it's got that team spirit thing goin on, even tho the majority of us don't see anybody else outside of our own dept all day.

Lunch was on the company and you damn well believe that I took plenty of breaks that day. Things pretty much die out after the first couple hrs and there's the entire team in the dept to cover you anyway.

So I finally left about 6:30 and had hardly any time time to get ready before Al picked me up to get to Meen's wedding. Meen was doin the whole religious thing where her traditions spanned 3 days so that day was the official ceremony. I know I looked like shit and I didn't have the time or energy to dress properly so I was regretful about that. She just had to have it on that day! :P Well she couldn't really help it due to hall availability and time restrictions but still...and I couldn't miss all 3 days. I've known this chick since we were 8 and I'd really hate it if I missed her wedding.

The wedding was def an experience. I love her family, it's such a big clan and her parents are so cute. It was visually beautiful, it was emotional, it was some memories. The food was good too, even tho it was hot as fire :P It was me, Al, Fish, and Chris and J. We were takin pictures and I was standin there still not believin that our lil grade school crew of me, Meen, Chris, and J (minus Mickey who couldn't attend), everyone but me was married. It's crazy.

Got to sleep in the next day. I don't think I need to describe how much I needed and loved that. If I had to work the morning, I would've quit on the spot. Then again workin the day after Boxing Day (week, actually) is pointless since we're wiped out of stock for everythin. Basically, there's nothing to sell. I love that position tho, I don't really have to work since there's absolutely nothing I can do about the lack of products we have. Then I had some food leftover from the day before for lunch. We had to use a 2nd fridge to hold all the grub still there.

On Fri I went to Yorkdale to shop with Al. Bought Underworld for me and Mr. and Mrs. Smith for my sister. Met up with Jay, Shawn, and Snay for coffee. Caught up on things, made semi-plans for New Yrs. Then I went to dinner with Evan and Richie at The Keg.

Worked on Sat. The seasonals were gone, except they kept Lily and the other guy we don't like.

Now it's New Yrs Eve and everythin's up in the air so we'll see what goes on this time around.