Tuesday, August 26, 2003

I think I totally forgot what I did yesterday LOL Pathetic. I'd like to see how I'm gonna remember stuff when I'm 60. Maybe it's just cuz I don't have school or work and I'm goin out everyday so the days all blend together. I'm always askin what day of the week it is. And then I'd be all, really? Oh, right :P

Ah yes, me and L went to Woodbridge to the outlet stores. Again, it's 1 of those shoppin excursions that I normally don't like since I don't have the money to buy stuff and it's cruel to be lookin at things I can't get but L brings me along anyway like a bf who follows around holdin the purse while she tries on shit LOL She also doesn't like to do things by herself cuz she's gay that way :) But this trip was suprisingly short. And guess what I got?? That's right, I found those zodiac tank tops I was lookin forever for and thought they weren't sellin anymore! :D Just when I gave up on the hope LOL There weren't any ones with the symbol in rhinestones but this time I bought them, no questions. Look how happy I get when I buy things :P

And I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee...weeeeeeeeee! My sleep's been kinda wack lately (I know, I don't even get up til after 12 but if you know me, you know I also go to bed at like 3-4) and these jackasses keep callin the house and wakin me up.

Awww yeaaah...less than 1 day before we leave for the cottage. Startin to get all hyped now. Mostly cuz I talked to Lis yesterday and she def hooked me up with a dime. So we're gonna hafta pick up the stuff at her work when she's off. And we hit the LCBO too so I'm all set :) And Pris is supposed to drop off my CD today. Oh excitement! I should pack soon and remember to set the VCR to tape my soaps this week LOL

Monday, August 25, 2003

It was chill kickin it at Pris' with Al, G, and L on the deck yesterday. We hugged and said bye to Al before she left today. Had BBQ, went thru old pix from hs. OMG the hair, the glasses, the plaid tops LOL Damn. Thank you hair dye, contacts, and new clothes! Actually, we were still pretty hot back in the day, just really different! LOL Jokes. We were lookin at freakin 16th bday pix...6 yrs ago, holy crap.

I stayed over at G's for a while. We got some food while everybody was out. I scanned some pix while she packed for the cottage. Turns out she has a bathin suit she's never worn. I'm like, ooh! Are those boy-shorts bottoms? Score! Tho orange's not really my colour and I'm not a big fan of the floral but hey. Then her sisters came home and I think they were on speed or somethin cuz they were loud and hyper as hell. Stopped by Blockbuster for G's free movie on the last day of her coupon LOL Those chicks do not read small print, I tell ya. "I have 20 mins before they close!"

It's really freakin quiet around here with my sis off to Fl and my dad at work. I liiiike it! And now I'ma go play, I'm out :)

Sunday, August 24, 2003

OMG that cig I had was SO good :P Who knew suckin smoke into your lungs would feel so sweet? So Al's goin to Barbados for sure on Mon. She sucks and she knows it LOL S'okay tho, she's so bringin us somethin good back...owes us BIG time! Still tho, it's poops that she won't be comin. I'm tryin to find someone else to go but everybody's got work or goin back to school already :(
But this frown's been turned upside down cuz I got my new kicks yesterday. That's right, mama finally scored her Skechers. Oooooh pretty pretty Skechers. I liked both the black and the blue ones but since like every pair of runners I have are black, I picked the blue with the sparkly lil stripe.

Me, Pris, L, and G went out last night. Pris said Al went to Wonderland and I had called Al's cell and no one picked up but I thought I got her voice mail. There was no talkin, just Beyonce's "Baby Boy" blastin. I was like wtf, did she change it? Meh. So I left a msg anyway. "Um, Alice? It's me, just wanted to know if you wanted to come out with us or somethin later when you get home...and I still wanna talk to your PUNK ASS, bye!" So Al calls me back and we were both like, where have you been? I called you so many times. I'm like, what're you talkin about, whatever. And she was actin like she had no idea what was goin on.

"Didn't you get my msg? I left you a vmail."
"Then what're you callin me about?"
"I'm goin to Barbados now so I wanted to talk to you about the cottage thing."
"Oh, yeah, I already know...wait, what's on your vmail?"
"Uh...Hi this is Alice, blah blah blah..."
"So you didn't change it?"
"Ah fuck, I called the wrong number then. I left a msg on some stranger's vmail and called them a punk ass!" LOL

That person must think I'm a total dumbass but it's OK cuz they don't know me! :P I swear I dialed the right number tho. Shows what I know...that's the 2nd time recently :P I thought I called L and I got some lady who could hardly speak english.

Well us 4 girls are still goin to the cottage and we'll be pickin up food and some gear from Al. I called Lionel about hookin me up with some stuff ;) If it comes thru...Lionel, I love you, you rock!

We're all goin to Pris' today (new deck and all...oooooh! "Are we allowed to go on it, or is it gonna like, *ka-pow!!*? LOL) to see Al before she leaves tomorrow and before Pris starts orientation for teacher's college, during which she will no longer have a social life.

Some of the familia went to Forest this morning but I didn't wanna go cuz of today. Yes it's actually called Forest, cuz well...there's a lotta forest :P It's near London or somethin. It's one of those 1 movie theatre towns, I'd lose my friggin mind if I lived there. But the aunt or whoever she is to me there owns 2 restaurants and I remember the last time we went it was cool. Of course I was nowhere near legal so playin around the bar wasn't as hype as it'd be now ;) My sis is goin to Florida tomorrow too...we're all goin on our lil vacays separately LOL So it's gonna be bit emptier these next few days. Right now I only hafta deal with my dad bein home but it's all good cuz he's alright...not as naggy as the moms about where and when I go out anyway.