Saturday, August 14, 2004

That was karmic...talkin about Aaron. Dunno what's up with that guy. Anyway...I went over to Meen's cuz she was just loungin around and bored...and her speakers weren't workin, haha. Mo came over too. He walked in and was like, whoa are we back in 5th grade? When's the last time you and me and her were all here together? LOL And Meen has this thing where she dozes off mid-convo and then snaps awake when everybody's done talkin and chimes in with her piece LOL She's SO weird. Love her. Everybody has their quirks. I do things like walk home alone at 1 in the morning :P It's fiiiiine, relax!

So I've enrolled in school again. Ugh. I only have 9 credits left to graduate so I'm only doin 1 and a half courses for a semester. Paid the tuition deposit. I still hafta see about the independent study thing tho so I can take care of that 6 credits in one shot instead of doin a half course next semster and takin a whole yr to graduate :P

Olympics! There's too much stuff happenin all at the same time...I'll be watchin more TV than I already do, haha. There's a chick on the US volleyball team who's last name is Cross-Battle. That is AWESOME, haha!

Friday, August 13, 2004

OK I'm a lil bored. Aaron will be home from his torture class around 9 or 10. I have nuthin to do til that time, haha. Speakin on the subject of The Boy tho...I really can be an ass sometimes :P That said, he doesn't seem to mind cuz he keeps comin back for more!

Dude it's Fri the 13th. Somethin stupid better not happen today, I swear. I don't wanna deal with any shit, you hear me Universe?

Guess what? I'm 12, haha. I saw the toys they were givin with Happy Meals at McD's last week and they're those lil Beanie Baby bears! Not only that but there was a baby blue one!! How long have I wanted a baby blue teddy bear?? I would have liked it to be a bit bigger than my hand but I'm not complainin. There's a dark blue one too but they're McD's themed and that one had a Chicken McNugget on it, so no. But I got an orange one cuz they were all outta the other colours. Boo. When me and Al were at the mall yesterday, the lovely ppl at that McD's had a baby blue and let me switch! :D It's name is Big Red Shoe, haha. I call him BRS. Yes, I'm 12. I thought we established that.

Yesterday was cool. Me and Al went to the mall, got some food, visited the cute cuddlies at the pet store ("Devil cat! Devil cat!"...."Chin-CHILLA!" LOL), tried to shop for 'other ppl', hahaha. I love hangin with Al...makes me laugh all the time...we get eachother :) We were supposed to go to dinner with Pris but she had Ikea errands to do :P But yeah, she's got her condo now! It's still bein done and she's not movin in til like Jan but...sweeeet. We picked up some 'house-warming' stuff for her and we all went to check out her new place. Oh yeah, for those who don't know me and my shitbox, who don't understand the deal with it...Al knows LOL Apparently, my car is "berserko". I had to get her to back out my car in the Timmy's parkin lot and it even took her like 3 tries :P Friggin tight space and ppl comin in every time we reversed! Good times.

Anyway, Pris' apt is niiiiiice. There will be a make-out/Xbox room with the glass door LOL We chilled, looked at her Egypt pix, and talked for like 3 hrs. I have 1 thing to say: christening party, haha.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Today's word is...self-realization, haha. I think I just had a therapy session. Me and L went to Q's til we were outta money, then to Timmy's for a good ol talk. Oh man, this convo was amazing. Lemme reiterate that L has sex on the brain TWENTY FOUR SEVEN! Hahaha. And with her help (and some coin tosses!), I made some decisions about the Aaron thing. But I'm not gonna say what they are til what's done is done...cuz I just might change my mind :P

Fuck me.

Not in that way...get your mind out the gutter, ppl.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Fish, I'm so sorry I missed you! She's been takin hip hop dance classes and last night was their lil recital thing, haha. P came over and we got caught up on what movie to watch and callin our boys and her tellin me the funny ass story about her day (she dented her car and Marcus fixed it for her NO CHARGE the same day before anyone realized...after she had SLAPPED him!!), so we got to the community centre late and they were already done and gone. Damn, I wanted to see Fish get down :P

But me and P ended up sneakin into the movies (yeah baby, cuz we're ghetto like that, haha)...this and all that biz with Aaron and Marcus...Aaron came up after his akidojamudo whatever class and watched I, Robot with us. Even tho we missed a bit at the start cuz we didn't even have tix so we didn't know the start time or could go to the lobby to check, haha...and P was in the Spiderman 2 theatre while we waited for Aaron to come. "I've seen it, but I'll just sit in there til he's here." LOL

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

And yesterday I tried to get some sun...for about a whole half an hr...damn wack weather. Me and Aaron finally got together. Went to L's house cuz he was lookin to buy her bro's Mustang. So me and L were chillin like porch ladies while Aaron talked shop and checked out the car with L's dad, haha. Then I humiliated him at mini putt and pool :) I dared him to steal the golf ball he lost with...I named it's day-glo pink, heehee.

Oh yeah, his friend got some police radar-detectin radar from the States and let him borrow it. You put the thing on your dash and it tells you if it senses 1 of those speed radars that cops catch you with from far away. I asked him to try it on the highway.

"You wanna go?"
"You sure?"
"Let's do it...just don't kill us...ohh but I don't want you to get a ticket tho."

Well we hit about 190!! LOL Damn. Doesn't feel like it's that fast tho. Fun stuff.

Wow I haven't written since Thurs...4 days, that's a while considerin that I post like every single day :P

Thurs me and L hit the mall, talked about gettin me to go to Florida with them, got some food, etc, waited for the pharmacy to drop off some drugs, haha.

Fri was some GOOD TIMES. We went to Philthy McNasty's (used to be Mosquito Moe's...that 1 time we went there for G's bday back in the day but couldn't stay cuz somebody was underage...don't remember who :P). G got wasted on HALF a bottle of Smirnoff Twisted Green Apple. Oh my. Then we headed downstairs cuz they have a dance floor. G wasn't feelin too good so we jetted after and she couldn't drive :P I honestly don't remember what happened during the 6 min walk to the car from the bar but I do remember somethin was fuckin hilarious, cuz I was smashed. Oh and I accidentally smacked Al in the boob really really hard, haha. Well I meant to smack her there but just not that hard. So L had to drive G's car home and we've all had alcohol in our system (Al and L only had a little). We see cop cars ahead on the road and L's like, ohhhhh Lidia does NOT need R.I.D.E. tonight! LOL

Saw Harold & Kumar go to White Castle on Sat. Sun I was supposed to go out with Aaron again (from Thurs AND Sat) but shit happened so me and G went to Timmy's...