Friday, August 13, 2004

OK I'm a lil bored. Aaron will be home from his torture class around 9 or 10. I have nuthin to do til that time, haha. Speakin on the subject of The Boy tho...I really can be an ass sometimes :P That said, he doesn't seem to mind cuz he keeps comin back for more!

Dude it's Fri the 13th. Somethin stupid better not happen today, I swear. I don't wanna deal with any shit, you hear me Universe?

Guess what? I'm 12, haha. I saw the toys they were givin with Happy Meals at McD's last week and they're those lil Beanie Baby bears! Not only that but there was a baby blue one!! How long have I wanted a baby blue teddy bear?? I would have liked it to be a bit bigger than my hand but I'm not complainin. There's a dark blue one too but they're McD's themed and that one had a Chicken McNugget on it, so no. But I got an orange one cuz they were all outta the other colours. Boo. When me and Al were at the mall yesterday, the lovely ppl at that McD's had a baby blue and let me switch! :D It's name is Big Red Shoe, haha. I call him BRS. Yes, I'm 12. I thought we established that.


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