Tuesday, August 10, 2004

And yesterday I tried to get some sun...for about a whole half an hr...damn wack weather. Me and Aaron finally got together. Went to L's house cuz he was lookin to buy her bro's Mustang. So me and L were chillin like porch ladies while Aaron talked shop and checked out the car with L's dad, haha. Then I humiliated him at mini putt and pool :) I dared him to steal the golf ball he lost with...I named it Pinky...it's day-glo pink, heehee.

Oh yeah, his friend got some police radar-detectin radar from the States and let him borrow it. You put the thing on your dash and it tells you if it senses 1 of those speed radars that cops catch you with from far away. I asked him to try it on the highway.

"You wanna go?"
"You sure?"
"Let's do it...just don't kill us...ohh but I don't want you to get a ticket tho."

Well we hit about 190!! LOL Damn. Doesn't feel like it's that fast tho. Fun stuff.


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