Sunday, August 01, 2004

As I waste away, haha...I can't believe it's Aug already. Well me and Aaron didn't end up doin anythin that day cuz his work ran late and didn't get off til like midnight. And I haven't spoken with him yet...haha, communication :P

Fri me and the girls (and a girl from G's work) went to the Bier Markt again. The cover bands are decent tho. Can you picture a 30-somethin white woman singin Nelly's "Hot in Herre"? Haha. And Alan showed up cuz I called him only cuz he had called me and I said if he wanted to come by...or not. Free drink, sweet. Then he had to jet cuz he was leavin early for Ohio for the long weekend.

I think this was the weekend of SWEAT. It was so damn hot in there, I was overheatin just sittin there. Last night we went to dinner for Nat's bday and then to Inside. That club was pure dark. Seriously, if it was on a dimmer, it would be the level just above pitch black. "I can't see! I can't see!" *Powerful strobe lights flash on* "Ugh, aw! I'm blinded! Turn them back off!" LOL So packed and they for some reason turn the a/c on and off. Were on the 3rd floor and MELTING. And there were like 12 of us together...if everybody had gone clubbin there woulda been about 20 :P And what're the odds? I thought I recognized Nat's friend and I realized we were in the same class together last yr. So weird, cuz that class had a grand total of like 9 ppl and I kinda talked to but didn't know her name kinda thing, and Nat is more L's friend (so I'm the friend of a friend) and that girl is 1 of Nat's friends who we never knew. 6 degrees of separation, haha. Anyway, it was fun. Then we went to get breakfast and G slept over.

I hear small children downstairs. No clue who they are. I'm so anti-social, haha.


Blogger Sharkychick said...

Hey, didn't even know I had this! Nice. Thanks for stoppin by ;) I'll be checkin out your blog too.

8:57 pm  

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