Saturday, July 24, 2004

Aaaaand today was 1 of my random wake-up-early days.  I hate not gettin my sleep...and I really don't like freaky ass dreams!

Last night was fun.  Me and L went ridin ("Top down, chrome spinnin..." Haha), Timmy's, you know.  I got cookies, yes!  Our convos are interesting...even tho they're not really anythin of importance.  Well, some parts are, dependin on how you look at them :P 

I'm goin to some chick that L knows from school's bday thing tonight.  I just learned her name yesterday, haha.  S'all good, we just wanna party :) 

I was supposed to go with Fish to a volunteerin meeting for the T.O. Film Fest this yr but I figured it was too early...and look at me gettin up at 9 am anyway.  But now if you're a new volunteer, they want references!  That's crap.  They never did before...I mean, it's volunteer grunt work.  I did it once a few yrs ago and I got a letter from them but supposedly you get a letter every yr askin you back but I never got.  So am I newbie again or what?  Blar.


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