Saturday, July 17, 2004

Here's a rundown of this week:

My mom wrecked out the Mercedes as she was goin to work.  She's fine. I'm tryin to keep this short but I just hafta rant about this dumb woman on her cell who stopped right in front of it and HONKED at me and my bro who were watchin the car, before she drove around it.  I'm like, bitch, what do you want me to do about it, lift it with my ass?  Wouldn't you think if I could DRIVE it, I would move it??  You know that gesture that's like 'what's this?'  She did that.  I can't believe she did that to me as if I was the stupid one. 

P called me to help her out with her booty call (cuz she's a SEX FIEND LOL).  I'll leave out the details of what happened between her and him cuz that's her personal biz didn't end well, let's say that, haha.  Drama!

I dyed my hair again.  Ruby...not Spicy red this time :P

Me and the girls went to Owl & Firkin last night.  Linked up with Alan and the boys from Fox & Fiddle (a whole CREW of them).  Had drinks, played pool.  And I had to get up for the dentist this morning, ugh :P


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