Monday, July 12, 2004

Sweet weekend. Sat--hit up the mall, chilled at L's, saw King Arthur. I saw Flo from hs in front of us in line at the theatre! So we all got reaquainted and exchanged numbers then she jetted cuz she was watchin The Notebook. Weird stuff, esp after hearin from...outta all the ppl we were talkin about who seemed to fall off the planet, we all get an email from Shy too. Sun--me, L, G, and Meen went out for brunch at Golden Griddle (mmm apple crepes). That was wicked...summer plans, Meen 90% sure she's goin to teach in Japan in Feb for a yr...oh and her possiblity of GETTIN MARRIED!!! Damn. Then me and Sarah went to get our hair did. Mama like! Then I took a nap cuz gettin up for brunch was just too early for my liking, haha. Then a buncha us went to Jack Astor's to chill on the patio. P got that job in the salon and she said her exams went pretty good :) So things are lookin up for that chick.


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