Saturday, July 03, 2004

Some guys got in a shovin fight and the guy who first got pushed fell into me and I got knocked back into the wall. Boys!

This small dude who looked 16 was tryin to mack on P. It was funny as hell at first but then it got sad. P was tryin to get away from him, dancin away but he fuckin followed her so they were goin in circles, hahaha. He was all, it's the braces isn't it? It's the braces isn't it? And both she and I were like, bitch, she just had hers taken off last month. He was 21 so he threw that in too..."It's cuz I'm 21, right? I'm studyin criminology!" P wasn't havin any of that. She was like, fuck OFF! She was ready to pop him one cuz her fists were up, haha. I stepped between them and got in his face but he wouldn't step off. Talk about pathetic.

The nice guys we met were jettin so, I think his name's Alan, he asked for my number to hang out and stuff. But he said he didn't mean anythin by it...which is good cuz I wasn't interested AT ALL that way, I'm not about to get into that kinda biz. Oh yeah, I forgot Aaron was leavin in the morning so I called him from the bathroom to say hey and bye, haha. Yes, I'm a player, whatever LOL


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