Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Relatives came over today...had no idea they existed but hey :P Went to the mall with L, just got a wristband/sweatband whatever you wanna call it. It's cute :) Got dinner, met up with Vick at Shopper's, went to G's house. We just layed around her room talkin and shit. I think we're gonna go see Farenheit 911 tomorrow...and pick up some booze for our yearly Canada Day bbq on Thurs.

I cut my thumb brutally. It really hurts. But I have a cool Batman bandaid. Don't be jealous.

I had a Screwdriver in the fridge and someone drank it! Whoever did probably thought it was just oj cuz it was pretty sweet. I even fuckin strained the oj too cuz my dad insists on gettin the Tropicana extra pulpy kind.


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