Wednesday, June 16, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

Isn't this so hype? Cuz it's so much easier than writing all that. But I had to add that I didn't go to G's convocation after all. I didn't make her come to line up for wristbands so she didn't make me come to her grad thing. Good thing cuz it totally rained and thundered on Mon :P

Tho you might say that me standin in line (but not constantly) for 9 hrs for wristbands that we may not have ended up gettin was STUPID, I admit it. The woman made a big deal about if you really didn't wanna see these certain acts (specific wristbands for specific bands on 1 of 4 stages...the good ones were all gone) then don't take them. But we did, cuz hey they said we could move around. We'll be rebels, haha. We HAD to have somethin to show for our entire day wasted! And I hafta wear this thing for 4 more days...this sucker will not come off :P


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