Saturday, June 19, 2004

Ooooh I won't even get into the drama with P and all of that. Again, I'm lazy to include all the details.

I just got back from...let's call her S, haha...her surprise grad get-together thing. Good times. We had to jet early tho cuz G had to pick up Heather from work :P S totally bugged out when she came in the door tho, totally worth it!

Me and L went to the mall yesterday to get her grad gift: a silver photo box. And I picked up a top and shit for myself :) On sale, booyah!

Then we met up with Jason, Victor, Al, and Pris at what used to be Symposium. I'm startin to get into alcoholic coffees, haha. That was fun, I haven't seen J in a long time and now he's gonna be gone for 3 months, back for a week, then gone for good. *Tear*

I dunno why I'm so tired this week. Well yesterday I woke up for no good reason at 8:30 and was sleepy all day. I tried takin lil naps throughout the day but ppl kept callin me non-stop. Why? Why, of all days? :P I think I'll take a nap right now.


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