Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Goddammn hell! Communication, ppl. So I'm supposed to go out with Aaron just now but I'm not cuz I'm technically stiffin 2 diff ppl at the same time. How, you ask?

I called L earlier today cuz last night she said she wanted to do somethin. Called her house and cell, no answer but I left no msg cuz I figured she went to a movie or somethin with Danny. This is exactly why I called make sure I can make other plans if we weren't doin anythin. So I call Aaron. He got off work and said he'll pick me up around 8ish. L calls me after she's been out shoppin and didn't even get my missed call. She was like, we're goin to G's (more Chris news). I'm like, who's we? So apparently I shafted her :P EVEN THO, she didn't say for sure ME and YOU, we're doin somethin...and didn't pick up her shitty phone that didn't even ring. So I'm made out the biggest flake in the world and I call Aaron back to say I'm havin another 'friend situation' and we'll go out after that. But he's not pickin up either so I left a msg. This is SO GAY!!

And now I'm waitin for G to get home from work so we can all bask in whatever amazing news she has for us. Then me and L will do somethin. THEN me and Aaron will do somethin. Geez.


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