Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Me, Vick, and L hit up the liquor store, got some Mr. Sub, then watched Fahrenheit 9/11. It was really good but not better than Bowling for Columbine. I'm not American and I'm really really not interested in politics whatsoever (at G's the other night they were gettin into that but me and Vick were like, "YAWNNNNN...bored now!" LOL) but everyone should go see it. Interesting stuff. Aaron hadn't called for about 3 days so I knew he was gonna ring me up today, haha. And he did. I called him after to see what he was up to but he didn't pick up. I was goin for a drive an hr or 2 ago by the time he called me back. He was out drinkin with his buddies and wanted me to come over and play video games with him. I'm like, umm...I'm GOIN HOME...and you've been drinkin, g'night! Haha.

I'm irked about somethin but I'm not sure what it is. That sucks. What's my problem??? :P


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