Saturday, July 03, 2004

Ugh, I had to lock the door after G this morning cuz she had to take her sis to work again...then I slept til 1-2 :P

Me, G, and L went to the mall after we swapped stories about what happened at the bar and how many times L threw up that night, haha. Picked up my pix, they're fuckin wicked. Our poses are pure jokes.

We went to BP for somethin to eat. We were sittin out on the patio havin our pizza when we hear a loud bang. We all turn around and there's a white car in the middle of the intersection across the street from us and a brown car that looked like it hit the power line pole. And someone was on the ground. Holy fuck. We thought the driver had gotten thrown out. We didn't see any of it cuz we didn't look until we heard the noise. Everyone went to look...someone called 911...some ppl at the corner where the brown car was went to go help. I'm not sure what happened but we heard ppl who saw everythin that someone ran a red and they hit eachother and that made the brown car richochet into the person who was lyin on the ground. That was scary shit. And a dog that was in 1 of the cars bolted. A couple guys who went over to help came back and they said it was a woman who was just standin there and got hit but she was OK. The cops, fire trucks, and then the ambulance came. So freaky.


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