Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I dunno what the FUCK I was doin in my sleep or whatever but I semi-woke up this morning with a pain in my left knee.  I looked at it and I had some mean ass bruise/red mark on my knee.  I think it was maybe cuz I had my leg bent while I was sleepin on my side and my knee was wedged in between the wall and my bed.  It hurt like a mofo.  I moved my leg and it was like I had broken it.  Plus it felt all numb.  I was like oh god, but I was still too tired to get up and do anythin about it so I figured I'd go back to sleep and see how it was when I got up again :P  It doesn't hurt anymore and the redness has gone down but it's still there. 

And THEN I was just sittin there watchin tv and flippin thru the tv guide when I thought I saw somethin on me.  I looked down and it was a fuckin spider crawlin up my arm!!!!  I panicked cuz it kept on movin higher but I didn't see a tissue around to pick it off me so I just flicked it...and washed that arm.  So violated.


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