Thursday, October 05, 2006

Well I've watched all that I needed to watch. Leafs game was on tonight. Oh hockey season...too bad none of us have time to go out to the bars like we used to. Those were fun times. Hey it's Alexander Keith's bday today ;) I've recently discovered Keith's beer and I gotta say I like it. It's the only beer I'll have. I thought Molson Canadian or Sleeman Honey Brown were the only tolerable ones but I'll actually go and order a Keith's if I feel like non-hard liquor.

Work tomorrow. Pretty much same routine: go home in the afternoon, go out at night, be able to sleep in and go out on Sat. I'm down with that.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Not a bad few days that've passed.

It was casual Fri at work as usual so gettin to wear sneakers and jeans was nice. Relatively stress-free. Went to Honest Lawyer with Deb and L that night. It's always ridiculous when those two are together. Jokes the whole time.

Sat I had off so I capitalized on it and me and L went downtown to shop at the Eaton Centre. Had Quiznos for lunch, Wendy's for dinner, Deb came along later on and we all watched The Black Dahlia, and I came home with jeans and a t-shirt from Hollister and a couple more Ts from Bluenotes. I spent quite a bit that day.

Worked on Sun. I didn't know what the new schedule was for the week so I texted Evan and found out that not only did I have my normal shift but I had to stay for inventory too. I haven't done it since I've started workin there so I wasn't too sure what that encompassed or even how to work those scanner guns but I've heard that whoever has to stay for inventory usually end up bein there til the next morning. Good thing I only had to be there til 9:30, an extra 3 hrs was do-able. Plus inventory pay was hrly and it was basically counting and scanning.

It actually wasn't bad, a buncha fun ppl were there like Cash, Evan, Godwin, Travis, Kristin, YK, Nick...well, pretty much 80% of the store. We chatted and laughed as we all *boop...boop...boop* with our guns and went thru every single product in the entire store. I pretty much did just sections of the DVDs and CDs, which was pretty tedious but hey, there could be worse things I could be doin. Of course we got fed with pizza for dinner too :)

The next day Ev and them were tellin me how they still weren't done by 3 am. If I had to work til then, I would've said screw that. Once 9:30 came around I peaced out. I had to open the next day anyway so that'd just be cruel...and illegal :P

Mon just happened to be lucky and oh so sweet. I got some wicked sales with PSP (that I didn't have to push or really even try for) and that got my beginning of the month numbers rocketing :) I hadn't made $100+ in a long time. Another good part of makin that much money was that it meant I didn't have to stay around cuz I had def made enough.

So it was Darien's last day before he flew back to England so he was bent on hangin out with me. It really sucks that Al's avoiding him and he surprisingly is OK with that...cuz that means he doesn't spend as much time with her anymore and that means more of him to go around this way, haha. I'm mean. He's small doses.

He was bein complicated and was for some reason very intent on droppin off stuff for me at my house even tho I told him (over MSN which I was on at work with a laptop in the computers dept, hee) that I was still at work. Then I saw that I could actually leave at 4 so I had just gotten back to the laptop to see that he had written that he was on the way to the store and already offline. So I texted him back to turn around and go back home (Pris' house) cuz I wasn't gonna wait around til he got there when I could be goin home, and I had to get the car back in time. The guy was gonna walk too so that would've taken a while. That's mostly the only way he gets around so he inists on walkin everywhere, the idiot. Like, it's completely unnecessary for him to be trekkin to my house or to work when I could've just picked up the stuff at Pris' house. I told him to just chill til I got home. He doesn't listen or even ask and clarify first.

It made no sense whatsoever if he was to walk to my house and I wasn't even there and then I'd have to drive him back anyway. Esp if I was drivin home and I was passing him on the way! Fool. So I told him to stay put and I'd pick him up.

I got him on the corner of Pris' street and we figured to chill for an hr or so before I had to get the car back so that this whole episode wasn't completely pointless.

We went to Timmy's for a bit and chatted over coffee. Of course he then wanted to go out for dinner that night too. THAT whole thing was ridiculous since I wouldn't have a car. He put it upon himself to find a solution to this, dunno how but whatever. I said OK but as long as we got back early cuz I had to work in the morning.

So what he ended up workin out was gettin Pris to drive us and G to drive us back when she got off work. Who gets other ppl to drive them to and from dinner when THEY'RE not havin dinner with us? Retarded. It was like we were two grade-schoolers out on a date.

It was fine tho. He had initially planned on some restaurant on Main St. but it looked kinda dead (it was Mon night) and a bit too romantic couple-y. I'm aware that sometimes when we go out to dinner just the two of us, it looks like we're together or on a date...which is kinda weird yeah, esp since he always wants to pay and will make a big deal out of it but normally I don't care that much...but if we had gone there it just would've been straight awkward.

So we ended up walkin a bit cuz there weren't a lot of other choices around so we happened upon a bar/grill called Sgt. Pepper's. Food was pretty good and we had conversation that actually wasn't dramatic or profound, thank god. Cuz I'm sorry, I'm rarely in the mood for those classic Darien talks.

But it was decent. I actually paid too, haha. Not without a fight tho. I can make a scene with the best of 'em! I'm down with ppl payin but not all the time. He doesn't get that it's not right. And it makes me feel like I owe him and I don't like that shit hangin over me.

And then I made about $10 at work yesterday, haha. Talk about a difference. I expected as much tho. I won't be gettin Mon's kind of business til probably Christmas season. Today was more of the same too. Ah well.

That was a book. Day off tomorrow. I'll probably just chill and catch up on my tapes. I'm behind all on my shows by 2 weeks. Goood night.