Thursday, April 17, 2003

Holy mutha! Can you say mad crazy week? OMG. I haven't posted in like 4 days LOL Pretty bad for me. No time! Spent most of the beginnin of the week 'workin' on my last essay. I'm so friggin bad at doin work...I have a shitty attention span, I have a crap work ethic, and I can't focus on stuff that I don't give a rat's ass about :P So basically, those 3 days I had to write my essay was spent thinkin about tryin to start it LOL It's the thought that counts? Nah I really did some readin and notes and shit but by the time Tues came around, I had a grand total of 1 paragraph typed out, yeah! I just can't do it, man! Anyhoo, I stayed up til 4 workin on it and woke up at 9 or whatev to finish it. I think the mad rush to type out my hw, bus it to school and dash around campus is a messed up cycle that fits me :P Ugh, 1 thing I will NOT miss these 2 weeks I'm done school and don't start summer classes yet is takin the damn bus. I hate you! I left the house super late and there was me stressin that I wouldn't get to drop off my paper on time (take-home exam, no late papers no exception but death and illness) so I needed to catch the campus bus so I wouldn't be even later but no, the fucker takes off. GRRR! I love runnin for the bus for nuthin. Doesn't make me feel dumbass at all. So I'm like, it's OK I've handed in stuff after the time deadline before and it was fine. I'm sure the prof won't take off exactly at 3 just to screw all the students who came 2 mins late. Didn't get to school too late tho, just 15 mins. The lady in the office was apparently still takin them so hey, outta my hands now. Good thing I had a buncha errands to do at school cuz I'd piss if I had to bus it there and back just to drop off somethin that'd take all of 5 mins. So I picked up a damn lecture schedule for G and dropped off my summer school deposit. I'm official enrolled now *sigh* Visited Tony at work on campus and we went for a smoke. Ahhh, that cig was SO good. After all that stressin and bein finally done, I was lookin forward to that smoke for a while!
Gettin stuff over with never feels as good as it, finally bein all done with school wasn't as sweet as it shoulda been, which is so wrong :P I was so hyped to get Wed over with. No more work, no more classes, just play til the first week of May. Even then, summer school wouldn't be too bad cuz it's only 2 days a week. Oh well, I'm FREE now! Everybody's gotta come party up with me. A few more ppl are done too and Al should be outta quaratine LOL
Good lord the Leafs game last night! ARGH!!! Triple frickin overtime all for shit. We were gonna go out or somethin to celebrate me bein done but there was the hockey game so we were at my house watchin. Little did we know it'd go so damn long and didn't finish til like midnight. So of course when playoff time comes around, we were stickin to the TV. Me and L were havin heart attacks. I can't believe they lost, we were so bummed. It was a sweet game til that point. We were like, you know what? Never noticed all the stupid ass noises we make when they almost make a goal LOL We should record ourselves. I dunno if it was the nerves from the game or cuz of the caffeine but I had the crazy shakes after. After the 2nd overtime, we dashed out for a coffee run. L's like hurry up get in the car! I'm like dude, keys! Shit, I didn't grab a jacket! LOL I didn't even have my shoes on properly and I was freezin but at least we were doin drive-thru so it didn't matter. I swear, everytime we do drive-thru anywhere L always has probs LOL Apparently the ppl didn't hear her order and we were sittin there in the car for them to say somethin but they were takin forever. L's like what the hell? Do I drive up or what? I'm like, I dunno don't look at me LOL We waited more but after like a good couple mins we assumed it was OK and drove up to the window. The woman comes out and was like, what was your order, we didn't get it and L spazzed LOL WTF is this? So that took even more of a while and we're like damn ppl! Hockey game! Come on! That'd be so bad if we didn't come back in time when they started the period again and somebody scored and it'd be over and we'd had missed it cuz we went for Timmy's LOL Anyways, blah, that whole loss just brought down the night. But at least I have less shit to worry about. I looked at the clock and was thinkin, I should get crackin, like I had hw to do or class the next day. Then I was like, wait no I don't I'm done with that, woooo! :) Feels good.
Okeydokey, I think I have stuff to get at the mall so I'm bouncin. Wonder what I'm doin on my first official free weekend. Hey it's Easter weekend LOL Didn't realize. Mmmm...chocolate eggies.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Sat's exam wasn't too bad...seein that I didn't study AT ALL. Which is kinda bad since we got the questions beforehand LOL BUT they're like essay questions and on the test, you had to pick 2 outta the 4 they gave us, so you wouldn't know which ones you'd be doin exactly...not like you could really study for them anyway. And we all know how much I hate essays. I thought I did OK but then I went over my notes after and I totally mixed up my answers LOL Damn. Here's hopin they don't really notice, I was talkin about the same stuff all in one essay so whatever! I'm dyslexic, dude I dunno. Since I didn't really have much actual fact and info to go on, I pretty much bullshitted that entire exam and I think it worked out :P You know what's even more sad? The fact that I was just as concerned with this damn test as much as seein Ax in class LOL I'm sorry, but I'll take whatever bright spot I can get in this madness. The guy's as bad off as me with all the exams and essays and shit. I can say that just sittin with him and talkin saves what would be a crapass Sat exam day like yesterday. But the bastard finished before I did so all we could say was see ya :P At least I wasn't nowhere near the last to finish this time! After I finally got home, I was like shit, I deserve a freakin break and I'm SO goin out tonight. I'm so stupid LOL I keep goin out when I KNOW I shouldn't and I have better things to do like my essay due Wed but I figured 1 night would do some good. Good god, I don't remember the last time I went out out...I think I have clubbin withdrawal :P So we went uptown. Hit Bar One then Demetre's. Didn't drink cuz I think it's smarter to save my money...for next week when I'm bustin out fo sho! I swear I swear I hafta shape up and do this last assignment properly so I can party up after and feel like I damn deserve it.