Saturday, January 14, 2006

Well tonight I'm gonna chill at home and take it eeeeasy. My tape with all my shows got eaten up in the VCR so maybe I'll finally watch my Evanescence DVD. That's what kinda sucks about a 1-9 work shift, it's right in the middle of the day and night so you can't really go out. Missed the Leafs game. I didn't even get to leave the store til almost 20 mins after 9 cuz I had to help a customer do cell phone activation crap, and I have work again at 10:30 tomorrow morning.

Thurs and Fri were pretty good tho. Thurs, me and Al went over to Chris' condo to hang and drink. Fun stuff. Fri, L came over to mine and then we called up our work buddy Godwin to see what he was up to. So we all went to Casey's for drinks and food and his friend Peter came too. He was actually kinda cute until we got inside and he took his toque (beanie/knit hat/whatever) off. He's prematurely balding and he's got the strangest shaped head. It's kind of triangular, like an alien :P I know that sounds mean but that's what it looks like. I don't REALLY care, he was an OK guy and we all had fun so anyway. I love Godwin! He's never boring.

More work tomorrow, 10:30-6:30. What kind of a shift is that? The entire operating hrs of the store on a Sunday, yet half an hr before they open and half an hr after they close.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tired. Not a bad day today tho, 9:30-4.

Chris is actually still here and not goin back to Austin til next month or so. So I'm sure we'll be doin somethin tonight. I'm free for the rest of today and tomorrow! I bought more Red Rain on my break today so I'll have plenty to mix with my vodka :)

Eyes are startin to close, time to take a nap.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Worked 1-9. Geezus it was dead today. But surprisingly I made a decent 50 somethin dollars...thanks to somebody who bought a nice camcorder with a sweet commission. I was tryin to get higher tho, cuz what I made today with my 8 hrs equals to about $7/hr which isn't even minimum wage :S Meh, you take what you can get. It was slow for everybody.

I started around lunchtime so I didn't really eat anythin so I was super hungry early on. I took my half hr break and got McDonald's. Normally McD's makes me (and a lot of ppl I know) feel kinda sick later on but I got the new Bacon Ranch McChicken and it was sooo good.

Anyhoo...another work day. But lemme tell you about customers I get sometimes. This one woman came up to the counter of my camera dept in the way that you do when you want a sales associate to help you, so I went over to her expectin she had a question or wanted to get somethin. I think she was on crack. She asked me what to get for a 13 yr old boy and I wasn't gonna suggest a digital camera cuz what would he do with that? So I asked if he had a video game system at home, maybe she could get him a game. She looked as if she was thinkin about it then muttered somethin. Then she was like, "So you don't have anyth..." and trailed off. I repeated myself and asked if he played video games. She was like in her own world. I was about to ask if this was for her son or somethin but then I thought better of it cuz she seemed like she didn't even know who it would actually be for. Then she walked away! Weirdos.

But sweet lovin, I got 2 cheques in the mail! :) One's a GST cheque and the other was a rebate from my contact lenses. Woohoo, more money! Gotta go to the bank tomorrow and deposit I can spend it, haha.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hey hey, haven't blogged in a while. But OK! Got time to post now! Prepare for the longest post ever made.

Oh man, I hafta recap since last last Fri...let's jog that failing memory.

Ah yes, Kimmy's bday jam. I remember that I didn't get off from work at the time I wasn't supposed but instead had to stay like 2 hrs more so it was a long ass day. Frig. I also remember that whatever it was I was doin during that extra time and whoever I had to deal with, I got really irritated. Work gets really ridiculous sometimes.

Anyway, Hooters! Hahaha. Surprisingly uneventful for this girl's first time. Sure, lots of women in half-tops and booty shorts but you know what? Nothing I haven't seen before. Everybody was more into how high those "shorts" were cut. Al was disappointed in the lack of "monster boobs", hahaha. To use another of her quotes, "It's not called Legs!" LOL Still, it was interesting. The girl we had was really nice. I think we just got some looks cuz all of Kim's party came in groups and it was a bunch of girls comin in alone first, haha. Me and G came with Darien so it didn't look as weird. Then again, maybe it does cuz what guy brings 2 girls with him to Hooters? :P But it was a big group of us at the end. Peter (the drunk-passed-out-against-the-cupboard-standin-up guy) was there, heehee...along with Jen, Greg, Cat and J, and some other work friends of Kim.

From Hooters we went to Mink. We had a bad experience the last time we tried to go there for Meen's bday a couple yrs ago so I was expectin snobbery but the whole night was actually pretty wicked. We didn't wait in line, no trouble with guest list, cover was free, and everybody had a good time. Ppl got TRASHED, haha. Oh Kimbo. She drank so much she didn't even take me up on bday shots for her.

It was siiiick :) I got picked up by some guy named Dan. He was so cute! I had come across him beforehand at the bar. I was tryin to reach over and get a napkin cuz somebody had spilled somethin on Kim and she somehow got it all over my arm while she drunkly brushed past me. So I had to get up in his space and he said somethin but he mumbled it so I had no idea what he said. Anyhoo, he was wearin the softest V-neck shirt...and I was all over that :D If I could've, I probably would've gone home with him, hahaha. Oh yeah, I saw Darby from work there. Not that that had anythin to do with the last's just that I had told G about him cuz I thought she might be interested and it was just weird that he happened to be there that night too.

So good thing I wasn't workin New Yr's Eve day. Me and G went to the mall for last-min shoppin for that night's clothes. We picked up Sarah from work at the same time and dashed into Sirens. We grabbed what looked pretty good, tried it on real quick, and bought, haha. And we wore those tops to the club for New Yr's eve :) Then we hit 2 liquor stores. Comin home, G hit a gigantic pothole in the road and it totally killed her front tire. Long story short, we had to call Sarah's friend's brother and father to come help us with the flat tire :P Oh that was some episode. I thought for sure New Yr's was ruined before it even started. I think we managed to keep some kind of sense of humour about it tho. "Leave it, Gina! Just LEAVE IT!!!!" LOL But all was good after that. Except for G's dramatics over the tire still...and how she got the wrong kind of wine...and the big bottle too, haha.

I packed while G calmed down at home and picked up L and Dar. Then we were off downtown and checked into the hotel. We chilled, unpacked, ordered pizza. I showered while they watched the Leafs game. They won, what a good New Yr's, haha. Then Ali from work (the other one) called up both me and L and the drunken fool wanted to see what we were up to. His hotel was down the street from ours so he came by our room with a friend of his (actually named FEZ, hee!) and a bottle of liquor. We all hung out til about 10 or so. Then they left to go to Afterlife and we headed out to Republik.

It was so good. We drank, danced, celebrated at midnight, played with balloons, watched Vegas showgirls dance, laughed, took lots of pictures. I also ended up with another random named Kyle. We macked to the point of all my lipgloss bein taken off, haha. Then he had to leave and we jetted around 3.

We chilled back at the hotel and met up with Ali and Michael (another guy from work) again. They were so wasted, I don’t even understand how they were still talkin and walkin. Well, they were but Ali was talkin SO MUCH shit. And he wasn’t realizin it, which is the funniest part. He kept yellin out loud about how he was wasted and how they got kicked out of the club and weed this and weed that. So, there’s cops everywhere and security in the hotels and he’s goin on and on and we’re just like, OMG shut UP! Calm down and be quiet!

Dar and G stayed in the room while me and L went over to Ali and Michael’s hotel. We got eyed by the cops in the lobby cuz I guess we looked like we didn’t know what we were doin there. I was sure the woman cop was comin up to us but then she just stopped at the top of the steps and we continued on to the elevators. Then a security guy from the hotel came up to us and asked for room keys as proof we were actually stayin there. Good thing Ali and Michael had them on them. That shut down that security guy quick. I’m pretty sure one of the cops told him to check us out. Damn…that was close tho. I was imagining us gettin arrested on New Yr’s, haha. Cuz we had all been drinkin, me and L weren’t registered at that hotel, and Michael had a big thing of weed on him :P

We checked out their room and met some other friend of theirs. Then we went back down to go outside and find a spot to smoke up without cops or security cameras around :P We went down around the corner to the entrance of the parkin garage near the back and L went up the hill to go "make a phone call", haha. Holy crap, I hadn’t toked in a while and the stuff that Michael had was some serious Jamaican business. I think I killed my lungs for the next 10 yrs with that one j. Actually, not even…we all shared it cuz it was STRONG.

Michael went back up to his room and Ali walked us to our hotel. But we told him not to go all the way cuz it was snowy and cold out and he wasn’t really in the shape to walk by himself home. That night was jokes. Too much fun.

Me and L didn't go to bed til 6:30 am. Then we had to get up at 9 cuz friggin Darien had to get back, go to the airport, and fly home that afternoon. So I slept for 2 and a half hrs. Or more like, passed out for 2 or so hrs :P What was fucked up was that I wasn't even really tired. I was SO wired that night. We drove home, dropped Dar off at Pris' house and said our goodbyes, got Timmy's, and I don't remember what I did all of New Yr's day. I think I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Then that night we all went to Jack Astor's for dinner with Angela. Love that girl. She'll smile and giggle even if you called her ugly and stupid (just for jokes) to her face, haha.

I slept like you don't understand that night. Had some catchin up to do. The next day, me and L went to Woodbridge for some shoppin then to the mall back in our area. I finally got Evanescence's CD/DVD "Anywhere But Home" from HMV for $5.99! :D Well I guess you'd get it that cheap after it's been out for a yr :P Too bad the double flippy case it came in was broken inside and the DVD was fallin off the circle thingy cuz the plastic part was somehow smaller than the hole of the DVD. Anyway.

Tues I went to work, had to stay longer. Wed was work again. It was supposed to be my last day in Communications cuz...yes, I was invited to stay permanently! :) I had to come in for a little meeting with the manager and he said they could offer me a position after the seasonal period. Except I was gonna be moved to...Appliances! Agh, I can't get away from it! The very first time I applied there, they said that was all they had too. Oh well, a job's a job. But for this week, I'm back in Comm cuz they're short cuz David was in an accident and recoverin and Evan'll be in BC cuz of family stuff. Travis got kept too, yay! Anyway, so I thought I was gonna be all done with the Comm dept and I'm all, oh goodbye Comm, I'll miss this area and workin with you guys cuz I'll be on the other side of the store. But later on in my shift, I couldn't wait to get outta there! Fuckin ppl. Ugh, it was just a horrible shift that day. I wasn't havin it anymore. And I found out I was gonna be in Appliances on Fri and Sat even tho I hadn't been trained yet. Woo!

I had the day off on Thurs so me and G went to shoppin. I actually bought somethin! Seems whenever I have the money, I never find somethin I like and when I don't have the money, I want all these things. I got a cute zip-up sweater for $ brown, which is new for me cuz I never get anythin brown. And I went to HMV to see if I could exchange my Evanescence CD case with another. They couldn't find where the 52 other Ev CDs that they had in stock were (just like at work where the computer says we have lots of a product but no one knows where they hell they all are :P) so they just offered to give me a replacement case and put all the stuff in that one. But the girl (I think she was new) couldn't put in the backing and the liner notes in like it was in the original and had to get a couple other ppl. So there were the 3 of them workin on it and I guess their boss or whoever came by and was like, all 3 of you? Come on, one of you get back to cash. Haha, it was kinda funny...but I felt kinda bad cuz I tied up so many employees :P The 3rd guy got it tho! That was very nice of them. Go customer service.

Fri I worked in Appliances but it was a short-ish shift so it wasn't bad, plus I was with Jack who's the store superstar and actually knows what he's doin. I'm told Appliances is good money if you're commission and it is but that depends on if you have a customer buyin a dishwasher/dryer/fridge that day. Those are big purchases and ppl just don't go snatchin them up every day. Sandra the merchandiser helped me out a lot tho so it was OK. I did a transaction for Jack cuz he had dealt with this couple the other day and he wasn't in yet so I rang it thru and did the delivery set-up on the computer. That one particular dishwasher they bought was $80 commission, hot damn! If that was mine, I very well could've been done for the day and gone home.

Me, L, G, Al, and Debbie (not hs Debbie but L's cousin Sandy's best friend) watched Rumor Has It that night then went to Timmy's. The next day was Debbie's bday party so we were all goin.

Sat I worked 4-9. I had to close by myself in that unfamiliar Appliance territory :P Man, I was still readin the Learning Centre stuff I had printed out for myself so at least I'd have some kind of idea of the shit I had to sell. White Goods computer stuff is intimidating. But I got thru that night and I even sold a sweet 5 yr PSP on a $200 vacuum. Holy, I had to discount like a bitch that day tho. These ppl emotionally manipulate me like you don't even know, haha. I knocked down the prices for this single mom who was with her daughter and her elderly mother and I just couldn't stand firm on the set price for this microwave. You're technically allowed to price beat and adjust and whatever, it's a personal long as it's above cost. But still, I'm still new-ish and not past my 3 month probation yet so I don't wanna make any waves whatsoever so I stick to what's good for the store. Then I thought of one of the company's many mottos about bein fair and keepin the customer in mind so I just went with it. It's no biggie. I just would've rather not cut all that off the tagged price. But it's better I gave it to them discounted cuz they were so grateful and I was their Future Shop hero and they woul'dve walked and gone somewhere else and not given us any business for the day at there.

Right after I was done, I had to change and get ready at work cuz I was goin straight to Debbie's thing at Sam & Pete's and L was pickin me up. Debbie's friends were all ppl I didn't know but they didn't stay long anyway. Debbie got drunk and very fun to watch. We danced. Al dropped cheese from a nacho into my drink. She switched hers with mine so I could have a new one. Then she drank mine, cheese still in it and all. Debbie had cake. G stole some of it. Retarded pictures were taken. A security guy was a dick to us. We left. Good night.

Sun morning I had to come in for White Goods training at 9. Store normally opens at 11. 4 and a half hrs sleep. Surprisingly not tired and cranky. I was even early comin in. I got to the store and nobody had come to open yet. Worked out for me cuz I got to go to Timothy's and get a coffee. OMG their large is huge! It's like a 1 litre carton of milk. So that kept me up, along with a Pepsi at lunch. So I had WG training with Jack and Dini and the manager. I think I should be OK with it now, and I'm sure I'll be comfortable with it soon. I get so scared of change and new things but I usually get a hang of it pretty fast. I still don't know one washer from another tho. These damn appliances have a lot of components to them! Training was done and then I started my regular shift at Comm. And I was done at closing. My cousin came in with her husband and babies and my aunt so I chatted with them for a bit in the returns line. And Ali was in the store too so we met up for lunch and he showed me some gay video he took of me with his phone on New Yr's, haha.

Yesterday and today I have off so I'm veggin and catchin up on chores and whatnot. I think we might go out and watch the Leafs game or somethin tonight tho. And possibly somethin with Ali, I think he mentioned :P I dunno, since we'd never see eachother at work anymore cuz they didn't keep him.

That's about it. Consider yourself updated ;)