Friday, January 27, 2006

As much as gettin up in the morning sucks for me, I guess it's better havin earlier shifts so I have the rest of the day to do stuff. Yesterday was the usual 9:30-4. I had a personal sales target of $1300. Yeah I don't think's Jan, in the day...that means crappy numbers. Surprisingly I did about 800 tho and I still made the computer's budget so I don't think it matters. This old man made my day. Just the other day I was like, "Why do we still have this Pentax waterproof camera? Nobody's gonna buy this." Then he bought it :P Mind powers, haha.

I guess I still wanted to make the 1300 so I even stayed about 40 mins longer to see if I could rack up some more sales. Cuz that's just what a dedicated employee I am. But I then had to jet cuz I had to get the car back.

Then me, L, and Vick went to BP for the Leafs game. What is it at now, like a 9 game losin skid? Geez. Then we went to Timmy's. OMG I was so full last night, I thought I was gonna throw up. I had a cheesesteak sandwich and Twisted Rocket drink. Guess the alcohol kinda made me dehydrated cuz I kept drinkin a lot of water and then I had Vick's last brownie that she couldn't finish. Ugh. Bloat.

I have no idea what I did all day today. Meh. Goin to The Bier Markt tonight, off to take a shower. Happy weekend, y'all!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Oh yes, I'm listenin to the "Lights and Sounds" CD right now :D I'm really likin it but I guess it's one of those albums that you need to listen to over and over to get used to then love it. Talk about excited. I think it's cuz there hasn't been any good new albums comin out recently. My favourite artists/bands are takin forever to release new CDs. So let me just have this! Haha

Yesterday was pretty sweet. I got up a bit early (for me, of course) to trek downtown and hit the flagship HMV. I got there around noon and hopin I'd score a showcase ticket cuz it said the first 100 ppl who bought the CD at that location would get one. Didn't know if they were all gone yet but I wasn't exactly gonna be there at 8 am linin up outside the door or anythin. Not only was the CD $9.99 (even cheaper than I'd ever get at work with my discount) but I got a ticket too! Wicked. Except that no one else I know is as into Yellowcard as I am therefore haven't bought a CD at that HMV and therefore do not have a ticket to their show...ergo, me goin by myself :P

Anyway, after I got that business done, I went shoppin since I was downtown and I didn't have work til 6. I hit the Eaton Centre and this time actually came out with purchases! I got 2 tank tops, an AE polo and long tee, and that frickin black V-neck shirt that I've been lookin around for like a month! I don't know why it's so hard to find a simple long-sleeved black V-neck. But not like a nice designer sweater cuz I can't wear that to a bar ('spilly talkers' and whatnot), just to wear under my uniform shirt for work cuz it gets kinda chilly sometimes. Thank you, H&M...I finally found one there! I was lookin at maybe gettin Nike Shox or whatever else caught my eye but didn't find somethin I liked. They've got a hype new store called Hollister's which I almost bought stuff at but I kept somewhat of a budget. I capitalized on my gift cards tho...paid only the $1.49 tax for the CD and about 20 bucks for my AE gear.

I was very satisfied with how productive my day was. Then I had my yummy chicken quesadilla that I always get from Taco Villa with a Pepsi (you know how I love my Pepsi) and that made me a happier girl. Yeah, it doesn't take much to please me, haha. I was sittin in the food court at one of those 'made for 4' tables and a couple asked if they could sit there and tho it was kind of weird, I said sure. So they're right beside me eatin and havin a conversation that I can obviously hear every word of but I guess they didn't care cuz I pretended I was intrigued by my surroundings cuz I don't wanna seem like I was listenin in...and I wasn't, it couldn't be helped just cuz of how close they were to me. The girl was an artist and the man was a doctor apparently and talkin about paintings or somethin. I dunno if they were bf/gf or whatever cuz he was older and one of those international men cuz I could hear some kind of accent. So the girl was sayin, "So you're a doctor, the one of the anatomy must've been beautiful." I just thought that was cool. I took a couple of art classes in school and was around artsies and I love that about ppl who find appreciation in things we don't normally.

So I went back on the subway to get home, with my shoppin bags and listenin to Yellowcard. I had to use this old, big CD player that P had left in my car like a yr ago cuz L had mine, and then my batteries died. Poops. Got back and wanted to re-try all my clothes on, haha.

Then I did my pointless 3 hr shift at work. It was just bad. Not only was it pretty much just employees in the store, I basically sold nothing. ONE pre-paid cell phone...and even that was drama cuz there were old price tags still up and it was actually more expensive than the customer thought, and there was supposed to be a free accessory pack that comes with it but it wasn't ringin up automatically so that was a pain. And on top of all that, another pricey camcorder got returned under my name so I was about a thousand dollars under. FUCK! That's it, I'm not sellin them anymore cuz they always end up comin back and sendin me negative anyway. Then Vicky came in and entertained me for a bit and bought a Norton Anti-Virus or somethin and helped my pathetic budget goal :P That's the thing about bein commission - it's really good some days when you're makin $100+ and horrible when you've got no customers and not sellin anythin with all the pressure to make sales goals and include attachments and sell PSP and Clearance and Open Box items. Ah well, at least I had Godwin and Evan to keep me company.

Day off today. I actually have nothing to catch up on. Don't really have anythin to buy now, went to the bank and desposited my cheque after work last night, I think I've got all my boring chores taken care of. Nice.

I'm gonna put together all the Christmas party pix Godwin sent me. Bye bye.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Work: Sun - sucked some, around $38 commission, at least made budget, it was just me and Evan, 2 $170 Bluetooth headsets got stolen (we only noticed by the empty packaging left behind :P), Mon - also sucked, even less today but guess that's OK cuz I only worked 4 hrs, had that annoying customer Calvin back to get his Palm TX which he so needed ASAP when it came in from the warehouse on the layaway order he made me do for him then took 3 days to come pick it up. First he wanted me to double-check that he got the right multilingual version and not the english version, then he wanted to open up the box to make sure everythin was in there (it's factory fresh and unopened! I'm thinkin in my head, well you better take it anyway cuz you went and opened it and if you don't want it, all that trouble was for nothing and now it's Open Box). Then he grilled me about the return policy (what the fuck is all this for if you're not even gonna keep it?!?). Then the loser wanted to pay for the difference with gift cards and Visa. Like SEVEN gift cards. The system only lets you do 3 at a time so I had to have Kane help me purchase a new gift card by payin with 3 of his gift cards at a time so you can transfer all the money onto a single card. Then Mr. Calvin says that he's in a hurry. Like I give a flyin you didn't take enough time checkin out the damn box and all its freakin contents, and if you didn't pay in SO MANY DAMN GIFT CARDS, it'd be a lot easier!! By the time I walked him and his equally corporate/employee responsibility-paranoid gf or whoever up to the front, bagged his stuff, and handed it to him, I thought I was done. Then more anal questions about the return policy again and about redeeming Aeroplan card points. GAH!! God, I wanted to punch him in the face. Honestly, I didn't even want any commission that came from him, I would have rather not dealt with him at all.

That was a fun rant. I just wanted the world to experience that, haha. So the Christmas party yesterday...I closed that night so I had to shower quick and get ready to go. I had to convince L, Godwin, and Travis to go and they're the ones who ended up winnin gift cards in the draws :P Me? Nuthin! But it was fun. Al and G who were supposed to come as our guests flopped out and one of them would've won too cuz they were doin draws for the guests. Suckas.

There was a buffet dinner and prizes and whatnot. The pictures are so good, we had such a fuckin time takin all these ridiculous shots with so many ppl in them. We played a bit (no game cards! Boo urns!) and drank some. I asked for this thing called a Caramel Candy shooter but apparently the bartender heard Candy Apple martini or somethin :P And he didn't have martini glasses. So I had this swamp-water green drink in a tumbler glass with green apple sugar around the rim. Strange. Half of us got tipsy but most of the FS'ers had gone already so no problem!

"Lights and Sounds" is out tomorrow! I'm goin downtown to buy it and hopefully score a ticket to their showcase concert. Good thing I don't start work til 6.

Yeaaaah, I didn't vote today. Haven't done it once since I turned 18 and don't plan to til I actually care about it. And know who to actually vote for. I'd get into the many reasons why I didn't this yr but I don't want to cuz politics bore me. I dunno, it's confusing for me and yes, I'm one of those ppl who say it won't make a difference with MY one vote :P Anyway, I think if I was goin to, I would've chosen NDP...and they wouldn't have won anyway so there.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I think it shows when I've been drinkin the night before and I go to work the next morning, haha. I should stop that. G was effed up last night and L wasn't too sharp either. Watched Lord of War. A bit too intellectual for ppl gettin liquored up but it was alright for what I got from it :P

Totally forgot to call Godwin. But we're, him, and Evan chatted about so much crap today just to pass the time, it was great. We jammed to Evan's new Samsung phone which plays MP3s in stereo while on the sales floor.

I made over a hundred bucks today :) Saturdays are good. This one guy made my day...he got a pricey camera, memory card, accessory kit, and PSP. EVERYTHIN the managers tell you to sell. Freakin sweet. And I sold a clearance camcorder (the display model!). And I had an awesome lunch at Extreme Pita. And you don't wanna hear about this stuff anymore, haha.

God, my shift just didn't seem to end tho. I was all cranky with my 'girl problems' and just didn't wanna be at work. It was an 8 and a half hr day.

Then I took my brother to watch Underworld Evolutions with G, her sisters, and their bfs :P Nobody can ever say I don't do nice things for him. Good movie...prepare for vampire/vampire-werewolf hybrid sex, haha.

Work at 1 tomorrow. And we've got our very late Christmas party at Dave & Buster's that night! Free dinner and pool and possibly games. I heard that we got double the budget this time but we're somehow not gettin play cards? That makes no sense and upsets me :P Anyway, I'm actually part of the FS team this time around and me and L both get to bring guests, haha.