Friday, October 01, 2004

I just remembered there's still English Toffee Cappuccino on the side window of my car. Friggin L spilled it on there somehow :P

OK these next 3 days should be a lifter. I think we're goin to a club tonight. Jay wants to see a movie on the weekend. I got another invite to Havana for Sat so maybe we can hit there. And there's the last Jay games of the season against the Yanks for $2! Meg wanted me to come down to London but...can't doooooo itttttt, haha. Yeah I'm talkin about you in my blog!

Chris emailed everybody about goin to lunch on the 9th cuz Jason's comin back from India and it'll be the only weekend he'll be home before movin to Texas. I'm so excited! Esp since Mickey will try to fly in from Chicago and Jay's comin up too. Which reminds me to talk to him about London ;)

Well Sept ended on a pissy note. I didn't get to sleep last night (this morning) til 5 am cuz of excruciating cramps. That Tylenol took its sweet ass time kickin in. I say with no shame or humour...sometimes I REALLY HATE BEIN A FEMALE!! Waitin for my escape from pain to come, I was actually thinkin, just take out all my girl organs! I'm not havin kids anyway! It was that bad.

So I finally woke up at almost 2 in the afternoon and considered not goin to class today since I had to leave in about an hr and a half. A cranky girl on her period is not somethin to mess with and I was not about to board the bus and go to a 4 hr lecture.

I was feelin better and went anyway. Then I forgot my bus tokens as I already started walkin to the bus stop so I had to turn around and go home to get them. At the bus station, me and some girl were walkin in opposite directions as our buses came in and my Discman cord got hooked around her coat button so we both got caught. Then I was late to class again.

It's always everythin at once!! Fuck, man. But I'm fine, really...this weekend better be good.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

I just got home from bein out with L and Jay (the army guy). OK his name is Jason...strange cuz I have friends named Jay and Jason so they can all be J, Jay, Jase, or Jason :P

So L was there cuz I didn't want it to be a 'date' or whatever, haha. Nah, I was gonna hang out with L today anyway. We met up at Jack Astor's for drinks...he got L a Prairie Fire. We had no idea what that was but Jay and the bartender were in on it. So if anybody doesn't know, it's vodka and tabasco sauce! Brutal. L's face and her burnin lips was the funniest thing ever. She's like, I hate you, I hate you LOL And she was 'drunk' for the rest of the night, haha.

Then we went to Q's for pool and foosball. Nobody beats me when it counts! Q's is MY house! Haha. And L went insane...she's not allowed to have a single shot again :P

It was fun. I'm glad Jay didn't try anythin tho, haha. Cuz it's just better if we're hangin out friends-like than tryin to hook up. Otherwise, we'd hafta have the talk, haha.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004


I've been yellin like this at ppl all night. I just can't believe it. It's about damn time. I never knew what was the problem but it somehow fixed itself. The same thing happened to L recently too but her problem was only goin on for about a couple weeks. Weird. I thought with Ticketmaster workin, I'd try email. Everythin works now. And just the other day I was like, that's it, I'm callin Rogers for real! It's a very big deal to me cuz I've been goin without it for MONTHS.

I'm in a good mood.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I just copped a floor ticket to the Avril concert! YAAA!! The Ticketmaster site is somehow finally workin on my computer and although it's only givin crappy 300s, I tried for a single and it gave me a floor :) Meen can get a ticket later and if worse comes to worse, I'll get her in too. So I'm goin to Avril! Now to work on Yellowcard since they're comin 2 days before Av. Speakin of...

I downloaded their entire Ocean Avenue album and I gotta say I like it. I don't usually like punk/rock but hey, I love "Ocean Avenue" and "Only One". I even got a few songs from their older albums, the song from the Spiderman 2 soundtrack and even a cover of Michelle Branch's "Everywhere". So I burned them all into a fat ass, phat ass 80 min ultra-CD, haha. I'm sorry...but it's free and it's there :P

Monday, September 27, 2004 Brian is a NEW YORK cop!! He calls me and leaves a msg sayin it's Brian from NY. I'm like, OK I figured he's American cuz he asked me about goin to the States much....then his number was 585 so he's actually callin from NY. And he's like, call me back. Long distance? Who do you think you are?? LOL Just messin, I do happen to have that calling card still.

So I called Jay (the military's actually Jay and not James, my bad) and left a msg. Then I called Brian while he was drivin to work and talked a while. Then Jay called me back and we talked.

I don't know how I get myself into these things. This better work out the way I'm thinkin it should, haha. And that's the non-messy way!