Friday, October 01, 2004

Well Sept ended on a pissy note. I didn't get to sleep last night (this morning) til 5 am cuz of excruciating cramps. That Tylenol took its sweet ass time kickin in. I say with no shame or humour...sometimes I REALLY HATE BEIN A FEMALE!! Waitin for my escape from pain to come, I was actually thinkin, just take out all my girl organs! I'm not havin kids anyway! It was that bad.

So I finally woke up at almost 2 in the afternoon and considered not goin to class today since I had to leave in about an hr and a half. A cranky girl on her period is not somethin to mess with and I was not about to board the bus and go to a 4 hr lecture.

I was feelin better and went anyway. Then I forgot my bus tokens as I already started walkin to the bus stop so I had to turn around and go home to get them. At the bus station, me and some girl were walkin in opposite directions as our buses came in and my Discman cord got hooked around her coat button so we both got caught. Then I was late to class again.

It's always everythin at once!! Fuck, man. But I'm fine, really...this weekend better be good.


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