Saturday, September 25, 2004

Hey I've reached 500 posts. My blog gets a celebration cake :)

Last night was insanity. I went to Fish's house and she's completely not ready cuz Lisa called her long distance so I was toolin around while she BLASTED her mellow mix (for stressful times) of soft hits/folk rock :P So me and Fish are off to Bean's party and I forgot that she literally lived down the street from me...but it's on the 'other side' and the street curves, haha so...we walked over. We're not on time but a bit late but still most of the ppl weren't there yet. I'm lookin around and I'm like, hmmmm...and I knowwww...Fish. Crap. Well let's go chit chat and get to know ppl.

I can go on for pages about everythin that happened but meh. I met a thousand ppl and remember 1 outta 10 names :P The guys from hs showed up so I finally saw some familiar faces. We reconnected and it was cool to see them again. Ppl got drunk and ridiculous...we all got chill and laughed our asses off...2 ppl were lyin on the ground in the backyard...etc. I've never seen so much food, alcohol, and weed. Yeah, I drank and did all of that.

There was the dude named Steve who looked like Jacob from Making the Band and Jason from this season's Canadian Idol. We were bein introduced and he goes, I'm Steve...I'm like, no your name is now Jacob. And he actually knew what I was talkin about.

There was Florence, Fish's friend, who had pink ends on her hair and is takin a language course at school for free cuz she sneaks in like she's actually in the class. She got smashed on 2 drinks...cuz she's just like me! "We don't have the enzymes!" LOL She was 1 of the ppl lyin on the wet grass outside.

There was Xavier who kept tryin to get drunken stories outta me and always answered a question with a question. Haha, that fucker was jokes.

There was a buncha IBM'ers that Bean used to work with so that made the crowd an interesting mix. They were right up there drinkin and partyin tho, lemme tell ya.

Oh and when I was walkin to Fish's house, I was crossin the intersection when I hear someone call my name. I turn and see D in her car! Even tho she lives on the street behind me, I never see her and I haven't talked to her in so long. I stopped walkin and stood on the island and we chatted for a short bit in traffic, haha.

"OMG hey! You goin home?"
"I'm just goin to the store, then I'm headin home. Where're you goin?"
"To Fish's house."
"Oh how are you? You look so good!"
"Me? You look better every time I see you! Haha."

Everyone at the light is lookin at us and I'm still technically in the middle of the road so I feel I should wrap it up...

"You still have the same cell number?"
"Yeah, I have a cell!"
"The same number?"
"OK cool, I'll call you!"

Then someone honked at her cuz the light turned green :P


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