Sunday, September 19, 2004

Well as usual, we couldn't decide where to go last night so we ended up at Joe. Hahaha, pick-up palace. It's always fun there except they've got 4 floors and are really tight about room capacity so all night it's "You can't go in", "It's full, go back", "We're not lettin ppl in yet". So we're goin up and down stairs a lot so that's get really annoying really fast. We hadn't been in a while so we forgot this fact and that's why we don't go too often. You can be stuck in a dead room all night sometimes or be standin in line to go to another floor for a long time. L's like, I HATE this place! Never fuckin again! Haha....while she's dancin and havin a good time a second later.

Downtown was insane, probably cuz of the film fest. The line for Lucid went across the street. I'm all, mwahaha I went 2 weeks ago with no line, silly ppl.

So I got macked by a cop and a military guy, haha. Both off-duty of course ;) Hahaha, interesting stuff. L got some and a guy got his friend to talk to G too. She actually gave her number out this time cuz she wants to get over her Chris ridiculousness :P I dunno whether to give her props for bein more open-minded about other ppl or to slap her for bein desperate and settling, haha. Anyway, the cop was Brian and I honestly don't remember the other dude's name (James?). I wasn't diggin Brian that much but allegedly he's a cop so that might be interesting. I can take it or leave it. Military guy was well on the way to wasted even tho he denied it so I wasn't takin whatever was comin outta his mouth all that seriously. Lines, drunken lines! Haha. Oh well, I did like a big skanko and made out with him, haha.

OK it went like this...Brian came up to me and we dance and after I while I said, are you gonna be around? Cuz I'm gonna go dance with my friends a bit. I gave him my number to get him off my back, haha. Then he didn't even believe me that it was real so I told him to call it. So he was like, OK if I don't find you later, then I'll call you. Turns out he did call me cuz I had a voicemail that I listened to when I got home and it was like 8 mins of loud music playin. He must've called me while he was still in the club and didn't realize :P It's really bad when you're not diggin him but his friend, isn't it? Haha! His friend was a cutie but alas, that would be rude and well, I don't like to make ppl feel like shit :P Damn! And the whole thing with military guy I don't wanna get into cuz it's long and whatever but it's all good. Gave him my number too so I could leave already, haha. Wow, that was empty and yet still fun!

Left around 2:30, called Meg to tell her happy bday cuz I almost forgot :P, went to bed at 4. I didn't smoke, drink or blaze. I'm still a good girl!

And 1 word for G...provoded LOL!!! In her world, that means perverted. Jackass.


Blogger Sharkychick said...

Haha thanks, freak. Yours'll be next :P

6:00 pm  

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