Monday, September 13, 2004

So I'm sittin here eatin KD after takin a shower before headin to G's to help Sarah with her hw and possibly goin to the movies with Shy of all ppl.

I know you're dyin to hear about my weekend, I know you are. So Sat I got up at 10 am after 4 hrs sleep, woke up a comatose Meen, etc etc, let's not get into long and boring ticket wrangling details...played basketball with L (I'm so rusty, it's not funny), chilled in the park, had McD's and gained all those calories back. Sat night Meen had a bbq get-together thing at her house. That was so much fun. Her bro and cousins and The Man's parents (coolest ppl ever) and Reema were there. I love her, she's awesome. You just hang around her and like, your soul feels healthier, know? She's quite possibly the funniest person on earth. We watched the hockey game (booyah, baby), ate, chilled on the deck, played cards, learned to belly-dance haha. That was some crazy shit. Got home 3ish. Good times.

Yesterday me, L, and G just went to dinner where I eat backwards by havin dessert first :P

And today I tanned in the backyard, got a classic random phone call from Shy. More about that later.

Now I gotta find my telephone-sized art book for Sarah and go over...and find some effin Av tix!


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