Saturday, September 04, 2004

Be prepared for a very schizo post.

Lucid was alright. It's verrrrry nice inside but I couldn't help picturin where the old video games used to be, haha. It's huge. And we ended up payin only 10 for cover :) I dunno, maybe it was the crowd on that particular night that didn't make it a really really good time. Kim and Cat are pure jokes, we need to go out more.

Fuckin G slept over and she always ends up wakin me up early. She wasn't supposed to this time cuz she didn't have to be nowhere or drive anybody to work etc etc, but no. That damn phone of hers and its irritating ring...9 in the friggin morning, wtf. EVERY TIME! You know when you're woken up suddenly but you're still so out of it that you dunno if whatever happened in those 10 seconds you're awake was real or not? Haha.

So G jetted and me, my mom and bro went to the hospital to see my grandma. She seemed OK. The rents and my sis take turns stayin so that someone's always with her. *Sigh* Pensive me time.

I laid out in the sun this some colour, watched some clouds, caught up on the paper, what-have-you. Isn't that so picturesque? Seein clouds go by, watchin birds fly a mile up in the sky. Haha, that rhymed like booyah!

So I'm sittin here while the kids are out and the rents are at the hospital still, and I'm gonna be in tonight cuz they need someone to be home in case.

Tomorrow I'm goin with Pris for her bro Kenny's bday party, haha. We're hittin Playdium :P


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