Saturday, August 28, 2004

OK I honestly don't remember all that's happened over the last 3 days but whatever, deal with it or stop readin my blog, dork :)

Perdita Felicien...ah man. That sucked but she's a cool chick, she was so good about it. Canada broke 10 medals, haha...double digits, baby.

Holy crap, that hostage situation thing near Union Station. Crazy.

Wed...I think there was shoppin involved...oh and dinner! :P Oh I got my pix from the Ev concert back. Not that great but decent. I have the shakiest hands. Bad for playin Jenga...'Dangerous' Jenga LOL There's a few pix from the Maddy too. I look good, yeah! Haha.

Thurs me and G took Heather and Clothes downtown to bar/cafe/pub hop. Fun stuff. Clothes is a rock star, she can put away the liquor like a champ. I couldn't have any booze cuz I had killer pains in my stomach before we left...and I said I wouldn't drink too, haha.


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