Friday, September 10, 2004

They're back, they're back! :D And with presents, haha. Just lil souvenirs...I got a shot glass :P So they got back OK, the most they got was a couple days of tropical storm. L called me up today and we went to Timmy's to share stories from the last week. Hit Walmart, Rogers, swung by Al's to pick up DVDs just as Mike drove up. Watched The Butterfly Effect, I liked it. It had a director's cut and the original theatrical version (I sound like such the film geek) but I didn't like either of those know the right one is the one with them meetin and endin up together, the happy one! Haha.

Me and L both went to use the bathroom at her house, me in the downstairs, her upstairs. I went to brush my hair and I wet my brush so it doesn't make my hair static-y. We came out at the same time and were walkin in the hallway back to the den and L was in front of me. I came up behind her like I was gonna club her one with the brush and she turned around just as I pretend-bashed her. She did some violent reaction and yelled but I hadn't even hit her so I was like, OMG what? And I guess I wasn't lookin where I was goin cuz I went into the wall and bumped this 4-armed glass candle holder and it almost fell onto the tile floor. We were both like, Oooooh! Cuz her mom was home and was like, what was that?? Then I couldn't stop laughin as I tried to right the candle holder and put it back like it was. Heart attacks. So I was like, what's wrong with you, what was that about? She's like, you got water in my eye! LOL

I got Meen to go to the concert with me :) We tried the pre-sale tix again but meh. Floor or nuthin! So we'll try again tomorrow morning. Ugh, I gotta get up at 10.


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