Saturday, September 18, 2004

I'm sittin here eatin a bowl of cereal so I thought I'd post. Yes I'm eatin cereal at 1 am...after eatin nachos at the bar, haha. Tonight was interesting conversation once again. I think the phrase we use the most is "Gina, you make me laugh!" Not so much in the 'she's got a great sense of humour' way but more like 'that was so appalling and retarded that it's hilarious', haha.

Me and L also talked about how our friendship with Kare and Tash fell off. No idea what happened. And with no closure. Weird. But like I said, ppl change and shit happens. Kinda makes me sad tho. Well not SAD sad like I'm all down about it but...yeah, like I wish things were different. Meh! Moving on with life.


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