Thursday, September 23, 2004

Today was a long day of...pure nothingness. We spent hrs at the mall, most of that in H&M cuz L was lookin for somethin to wear to a christening. A bit formal but not fancy, stylish but not whorish. She didn't get anythin so we went to the H&M in another mall. She tried on a buncha things and I gave her my input and still she couldn't make up her mind on what to get. After about an hr, I was like, just make a fuckin decision, you damn Libra! Then when she finally bought a top and a skirt, I'm like, please PLEASE can we leave this store now??? Sometimes shoppin is a painful experience...mostly cuz I'm not shoppin for me.

Then G and Heather met up with us and G went to find somethin for someone's engagement party. Had Taco Bell and ice cream, left. Me and L chilled in the park. There was absolutely no one around, it was kinda in the movies where it's like the end of the world and you see just the lonely swings movin in the breeze.

We talked to Angela on MSN today!! Crazy. I just emailed her the other day and she was actually on, which is rare cuz of the time difference. Awww, I miss her. We said we'd ship her Timmy coffee, haha cuz they don't have it in Japan...just Starbucks.

Wow I smell good right now (used this shower gel that said "Adult Use Only"...hmmmm). As compared to how icky I was earlier when I smelled like...outside.


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