Saturday, August 16, 2003

OK I thought the next time I'd be postin, I'd be bitchin more about Wed cuz just when I thought I was havin a crappy enough day, there was still the resta the night to go...and Thurs!! Best week EVER! My stupid brother was bein a fuckin idiot. We were both on the stairs and he was in front of me. I was in no mood to be screwin around but he grabbed my legs and I was half in the air cuz I was still holdin onto the bannister but I dropped and landed on my friggin head! Lucky thing tho, I hit the back of my neck on the right side right under my skull and not right on the back of my head (I've had enough injury to the back of my head already, thanks). I felt that numbin sting for a sec and got flashbacks of grade 10. I'm like, you FUCKIN IDIOT! What the hell's wrong with you!! I coulda got a friggin concussion! Dumbass piece of shit! The only consolation I got was the fact that the stupid fucker went slidin down the stairs too. So I have what I imagine is a big bruise since I can't see the behind my ear under my hair.

Thurs OMG...of course I'd be talkin about Blackout 2003. I was just in my room readin and listenin to music and everythin shuts off. I was like what the hell, but figured it was just my house cuz this happens once in a while, or at the most, it was the neighbourhood. When I talked to L later she said it was the whole city, even New York and Ohio. I'm like, whaaaaat? No way, that's nuts. And how are you gettin this outside contact information? :P (Since everythin wasn't workin) Car radio LOL
CRAZY. Cell's weren't workin proper, no TV, computer, internet, digital clocks, stereo, and most of the landline phones in the house were cordless or the kind with answerin machines attached so the bases were electronic and were out. I'm like, crap! Can't even use the phone??...Wait, they just need a phone jack...thank god. So the only workin phone was downstairs and I had to go lookin for a simple phone with just the cord. And no AC!!
We didn't know the sitch with L cuz they had her exam that day downtown. We're like oh god, what if she was on the subway?? She'd be FREAKIN!! LOL Not the biggest fan of public transit and hates elevators so she'd be the 1st to lose her mind...and with no cell service to call ppl LOL But she was at school early and was already goin home. Damn, what if you were in an the CN Tower!...or the bathroom...or on a roller coaster at Wonderland?? Shit :P But I'd hope they'd have back-up generators or whatev.
There was NUTHIN to do. My sis, her bf, and my bro were playin board games like mad ppl...dorks! Life and Monopoly are pure boring. Ya don't realize how much you rely on electricity til it's gone :P At the least I needed music, good lord. I went rummagin for a portable radio that I could put batteries in. So I just spent most of the night talkin on the phone and listenin to the news and bits of music. It didn't get dark til late and then I realized, damn it's night...that means no light! LOL Gotta find flashlights with batteries and candles and shit! It's a weird experience when you can't see anythin and you're bored outta your mind. It's like Survivor :P L's like, it's back to the basics, man...Amish country LOL Ya couldn't cook dinner stove, oven, microwave, or toaster. Time for bread and everythin in the pantry. Pris and her neighbours got together for BBQ cuz that was the only way to cook :P Everybody was goin on about how the blackout brought ppl together and all that, which is cool. Ppl were out walkin in the middle of the night. I'm just surprised there wasn't more looting than there was LOL Damn, that'd be sweet...nobody there, dark, no cameras, no alarms. Me and L were entertainin the idea LOL Playin. Downtown was crazier. Ppl were out havin lil raves and sittin outside with strangers and havin BBQs. There was no streetlights so it was just the moon and stars...beautiful. They said you could see Mars too but I couldn't find it. It was so weird seein outside so dark but there was this freaky bluish moonlight and it was all quiet. They said for ppl not to go out if you don't have to since the traffic lights were out so I couldn't exactly go nowhere. Well technically I could but everybody in my house was out so it wasn't the smartest idea to leave the bro alone with the candles and lighters (they also said not to use candles but flashlights but hey, we're careful and my dad later made it a big deal to put big plates under them). And you still couldn't do nuthin outside, cuz businesses were stores, no restaurants, no entertainment. So I'm like, oh god what am I gonna do, bust out the cards?? And play by myself? LOL I'll go sit ouside and smoke. Agh, let's all chill together y'all...sleepover! haha. Takin a shower by candlelight was interestin LOL
The power came back the next morning and everybody in the house was makin so much noise cuz they didn't hafta go to work and they woke me up. I look at my watch and it's like 7:30, fuckin hell! Coudn't go back to sleep so I rolled outta bed at 9 or somethin. But I had my stereo back, yeaaah! There still wasn't much to do tho cuz they said to conserve so the power wouldn't go out again. Hottest day of the summer and we couldn't use AC, ugh. And they said we might get rollin blackouts for a couple hrs durin the day but so far, our area's been OK. The sleep was gettin to me tho and I went to take a nap. I ended up sleepin past 1 and missed AMC, dammit. And I didn't get to set the VCR :P
They were still sayin not to go out if you don't really hafta, state of emergency and all and "non-essential" workers stay home. But the traffic lights were pretty much workin so me, G, Sarah, and L wanted to go out and do somethin before we went insane. From the news and what we saw, the gas stations were MADNESS. Ppl, man...where is it that you're goin? And with everybody at the same time? They were actin like it was the last supply of gas on earth, and they didn't even hafta BE nowhere. But G wanted to get some anyway and we were waitin in line for a while. Walmart was even it was hurricane season the way ppl were scoopin up stuff. G was pathetic, had no flashlights and 1 scented friendship candle of Sarah's LOL Loser, what happened to bein practical? LOL
The mall was closed except for Walmart and Blockbuster and Rogers were open so we hit those just to pass the time and get some AC. We got ice cream, browsed for videos, played with the new cells. Boston Pizza was open so we went for dinner.
Turns out this was the biggest blackout in the history of North America. Crazy. It was actually not that bad, only had to deal with about 15 hrs of no power. Some ppl were sayin they hoped this kinda thing would happen more often so everybody would come together and have the pretty starry night and shit like that but I don't wanna go thru it again, thanks...only if I was already at somebody's place. I need my electricity!
The subway and everythin else should be up and runnin by Mon. I wanted to go to Wonderland again this week. Let it all go back to normal already.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

K I am havin a BAD DAY! But you wouldn't tell by my surprisingly still upbeat mood. I'm lucky I'm an optimistic person! :P
I went with L to get her eye appt, maybe they'd have those coloured contact demos. Meh, guess I'll hafta to the place Al goes. L got blue ones tho. I'm like, what're you, Aryan? LOL The ideal blond hair, blue eyes...all fake of course :D
And they couldn't do anythin with my pix so I just bought a couple reprints. Black's is tight, they woulda charged me for all the blurry pix if I wanted them. Fiiine!
But what topped it all off was me almost gettin myself killed and runnin a car into someone's yard and potentially the front of their house! I had to pick up somethin from G's but L was gonna be over soon so I figured I'd take the car real quick instead of walkin. Even tho the other day I had said I wouldn't take the Ford cuz I hate drivin it so much rather than go out at all. NEVER NEVER takin it anywhere again!! I parked in her driveway (on an incline) but left it runnin cuz I was gonna be out in a sec and I started walkin to the door. I heard funny noises and knew it was that shitass car. I dash out and see the fuckin thing ROLLIN DOWN THE DRIVEWAY!! My biggest non-drivin nightmare is happenin. All I could think about as I chased it down was how my dad was gonna kill me if I mashed it up LOL...even tho I put it in PARK I swear to god! So obviously my 120 pound body was doin very little to stop a 2 ton car and it got up on the curb of the house across from G's. I'm like ohhhh shit, please don't roll up on the lawn and crash into their living room!! I pretty much almost killed myself pushin at the back tryin to stop it. Yeah I kept rollin with it too! I didn't realize til later I coulda gotten my foot ran over. I couldn't get into the car fast enough to step on the brake but I slowed it down enough for it to roll back off the curb part. Then I got in and braked...and got the friggin bottom of my pants caught on the whatever it was thingy by the door. Big bell flare jeans, geez! Then I think it was the person who lived there drivin up and goin into the garage and again, I didn't realize this til later. Good thing I was back on the street and in the car. She still looked at me weirdly tho cuz I was backed up against the curb and had this probably traumatized look on my face. Like I was doin some fucked up parkin job from all the way across the street into G's driveway :P So I parked again and didn't move for a good min til I knew for sure it wasn't gonna go nowhere. G's mom came out for a breather and fortunately didn't see any of this. I smile and say, "Hiiiiii." "Hi...Gina's not home." "Oh I know, I'm just pickin somethin up from Sarah, tralalalala." I was about to tell Sarah, do you know what the hell happened to me just now? but I didn't LOL So I get back home after sayin OMG the whole way and cursin the car out. My baby toe was stingin but I figured cuz I jammed my foot against my flip flop while stoppin the car. I look down and there's blood on my shoe and bits of the side scraped off. I was cleanin up my toe so I had my jeans rolled up and I'm like, yeah, since my toe was kinda hurtin and turned out it's bleedin, I should check the resta me too cuz my leg kinda hurts. I have a gash in my toe, scraped skin on the top of my other foot, a longass bruise on my shin, and grass stains on my knees. All cuz the fuckin shitbox couldn't stay in fuckin park. NEW CAR TIME!
So I told Al and Pris we were doin somethin tonight for DAMN sure. Make me feel betterrrrr!

Monday, August 11, 2003

This weekend was chillaxin. Y'all missed me my Honda Accord with a sunroof, baby! LOL SO much better than that damn Taurus, I hate that fuckin thing!
I can't believe it's gonna take til Wed for my Justin pix to be done. I know they're messed up pretty good but still! But the Avril pix are good...from what I can see of her :P The ones of me and G walkin home that night after clubbin are funny. I look like TRASH...but I'm smilin! :D Oh and L and G got their Wonderland pix back, they're hilarious. Got some pretty good ones with us on The Fly givin the finger.
What else is new.....I'm probably goin to Muskoka with the girls at the end of Aug cuz it looks like I can afford it now. We're rentin a place and probably goin to Gravenhurst to visit Mrs. Evans too. That'd be fuckin sweet. Hmmm...number 1 things to pack: alcohol and joints LOL Agh, I said I wouldn't buy my own packs of cigs so I wouldn't smoke as much anymore but how can go away to the cottage without smokes? :P Sorry, but I have NO choice LOL But me and L were talkin at Timmy's on Sat and I'm like, but wait...what're you gonna do for like 2 days if there's no clubs and stuff around, you can't fish, and I'm the only one who can swim? And is there a TV? What if there's no TV??? LOL She's like, well if we start to get bored, we'll play board games! I'm like, yeah OK you PAY to get away to cottage country and you're gonna play board games? LOL But they do have a TV and boats, etc so it's all good. I just hope to hell there's some cuties of age partyin next door that week too :)