Saturday, September 20, 2003

Saw new Mint Oreos and went *gasp*, what is THAT? Bought it. Ate about 1 and a half rows of it yesterday. Yup, I'm a big piggo. Well, I didn't really have much to eat so there. Actually, all I ate yesterday was pretty much crap...the Oreos, Pepsi, a Mickey D burger for lunch, and a Whopper Jr for dinner...and nachos and booze :)

Hurricane Isabel was nuthin last night so it was out for me. Hit up the mall, chilled at L's house, then we hit Jack Ass for drinks. I ordered a Zombie (stupid stupid! I don't learn!). For once and for all, I'm never gettin Zombies from anywhere but Havana cuz I dunno what the hell they make it with everywhere else cuz it's always wrong. Tasted off and it was yellow instead of orange. We got some tiny blonde waitress and it was pretty busy. She was so small and since we were in the bar room, there's bar chairs and tables and they're kinda high, and she's dartin every which way so we couldn't see where she was half the time and it took a while to flag her down to fix my drink. I asked her if this was a Zombie cuz it tasted like a Screwdriver and she sniffed it and said she smelled rum. Maybe it's me and I just can't tell my rum and vodka apart but it still tasted weird to me. But she took it back anyway. She brought another one and told me to taste it. She's like, look how I'm feedin you a drink, how romantic! LOL Oh man, they upped the rum in that one! It was like pure rum and pineapple juice, even tho it's supposed to have other shit in it too but I said it was fine. But it started tastin nasty at the end to the point where I was like shuddering. But my mouth was on fire from the friggin spicy chili shit on the nachos. It was like masochism LOL Take a sip, "Eee, nasty!" a nacho, "Ah spicy!"...take a drink, "Aw geez!"

I was playin around and I took off 1 of my rings and was like, L will you marry me? She goes, shut up, I don't wanna hear it LOL I make that sound that Kelso from That 70s Show makes when he's shocked and insulted. So rude!

We're walkin out to the parkin lot and I only glimpse a couple guys goin in walkin to the left of us. I didn't hear them say anythin. L's cell goes off and it's been ringin all night so I was just messin around and got mad at it so I was like, FUCK OFF! L and G gave me this look and I'm like, what? I was yellin at the phone. They're like, didn't you hear what he said? Apparently, 1 of the guys said somethin like, hey look at the pretty girls. And right then I had said fuck off. And I YELLED it too. So they all thought I had just screamed at this innocent dude like a psycho LOL Sounded like I was totally fed up with guys makin comments at me all night or somethin :P I felt so bad. I turned around and yelled Sorry! I didn't know! but they were already inside. He musta been like, fine BITCH LOL Terrible.

When I got home, I was just about to brush my teeth when the moms comes in and does the usual where were you, what've you been doin biz cuz I was out from 4 to 2. She stops and goes, have you been drinkin? I really didn't wanna get into it with her even tho I'm very legal and she's technically fine with me drinkin, she likes to segue into a lecture somehow with every and all subjects, so I'm like no. Even thru the nacho breath and the gum I was chewin to get rid of the nacho breath, she smelled booze. I dunno how. If you've ever had Excel Polar Ice gum, you'd know it's strong enough to clear your sinuses. Anyway, so she's like, you're lying LOL Turns me around to look at me. Yeah my face was pink. Dammit LOL OK she called me out, oh well. I said I had a bit. She ended by sayin how I should watch that a bit turns into a lot, basically warnin me about becomin an drunken alky. Good lord.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

K I dunno what was up with today and me havin to smell ppl whose breath (or coulda even possibly been actual feet) smell like, well...feet. Or ass. Breath smellin like ass or feet...and their feet smellin like ass...there. *shudder* Ewww. Gum and showers, ppl. It's so simple.

And as long as I take public transit to school, I will be bitchin about the damn bus. Fuckin drippin shit on me while I'm ridin it, takin 2 friggin hrs to get home the other day, bein slowass ALL the time. I'm just tryin to save a lil money, help the environment a bit, and I get punished. I hate yooooou.

I got in 1 of my classes. I gave up and settled for what I've got now and sayin screw it but I don't wanna get into that again so I won't go there. Anyway, this morning's class...when I emailed the prof about gettin in, he said it was pretty full but he'd squeeze me in. Yeah, there were 9 ppl in there. Full?? Yeah, I counted! LOL

Oh I wanted a cig so bad today but I still didn't cave and buy any. But I was so close, so close. Go me. Only didn't have one cuz I didn't see anybody to bum off :P

Who's ready for a hurricane! I heard it was gonna make its way up here and I'm like, oh shit. But apparently by the time it gets here, it'll just be mad rainy and windy. So it won't be enough to cancel classes but it'll be stormy enough to possibly ruin my Fri night. If that hurricane knows what's best, it won't!

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Oh don't I love goin to school on days I don't even have class. I left a vmail yesterday evening for the prof whose class I'm tryin to get into cuz I just NEED the credits and I'm thinkin maybe he'd get back to me this morning before class so I left my phone on and I got up early to show up at the class just in case. No call, didn't end up gettin to see him before the class. I'm like, that prick...his email doesn't work, doesn't call me, can't get a hold of him, dunno his office hrs.

So I'm waitin around doin jack for about 3 hrs. It's supposed to end at 5:30 and it's gettin past that. I'm like, what the hell are they still doin in there? Every now and then someone would come out so I guess they were doin somethin where you'd get to leave once you were done. I was thinkin I'd go to the bookstore to get my books for my other class so I'd at least have somethin to read but I was like scared to leave cuz knowin my luck he'd jet while I was gone. I call L and contemplate just leavin but then I woulda came for NUTHIN.

Anyway, it's like 6 and they're finally done so I got to talk to him. Turns out he's the nicest guy LOL He was just about to call me back after class cuz he was so busy. He's kinda young and was pretty much understanding with my fucked up situation. But the class was full...some punks swiped the last spots last week or somethin :P And seemed like he didn't even care about the proposal or prerequisite crap. Dammit! So I'm stuck in this bitch of a problem again. I thought even if I didn't end up gettin this class, (I KNEW I wouldn't, cuz that's just my life in all its suckage) at least I'd be kinda productive and get my books. Since it took so long I figured the bookstore woulda been closed by that time cuz it just FIGURES. But wow, it was still open. It's really pathetic when a stupid thing like that is considered a small victory. And it really was.

I'm friggin sleepy. And I'm really tired of this shit. It's so easy to just say fuck it and that's what I wanna do so bad. I know if I just drop it and care less than I already do, I'm screwed no doubt. I'm in no mood to do another semester when I technically shoulda been done last yr. 3 time senior, anybody? Summer school, anyone? And I don't wanna get up at 7 tomorrowwww! At least I got THIS's like pullin teeth and gougin eyes around this fuckin place. Of course, it'll be hard and boring as hell. Bitch, bitch, bitch, yeah that's right! I get to!

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Sat was pretty good...and I didn't even go clubbin or out out. Met up with Ash downtown and went out with L later. She told me about her boy's sudden frisky fingers LOL And we had a good ol Timmy's chat outside cuz it was nice out. Dunno what was up with everybody comin up to me askin for smokes yesterday, and I didn't have any! Which you'd understand was rough cuz I only had 2 to go on, even tho I hadn't smoked for a while and I was tryin so hard not to buy my own pack. So that's why I bummed off Ash :)

Oh and I got my new glasses and contacts, yay! Finally. I been wearin those old contacts for like 3 months or somethin now. And the glasses rock! Never thought I'd say that. You know those kinds that look good on certain ppl, they don't make you look nerdy or make it obvious you'd look better without? Think sexy librarian LOL I'd actually wear these out when I don't feel like puttin contacts in or cleanin them at night. Dunno why I didn't get a pair like these in the 1st place :P I look smaaaaaart LOL

Thank god I don't have class Mon cuz I'm very much not in the mood to start the school week again. Let me revel in my Sun night! Yeah, somebody's in denial about gettin dragged back into reality.'d never catch me in a trucker hat tho. Not only would I not be able to pull it off, they're just ugly to me. On other ppl, it looks fine but I personally don't like them. I pretty much don't do hats, period. Maybe ball caps. I've only recently gotten into sportin bucket/fisherman hats, whatever you wanna call them. It was the only one that I looked decent I bought it :)