Wednesday, September 17, 2003

K I dunno what was up with today and me havin to smell ppl whose breath (or coulda even possibly been actual feet) smell like, well...feet. Or ass. Breath smellin like ass or feet...and their feet smellin like ass...there. *shudder* Ewww. Gum and showers, ppl. It's so simple.

And as long as I take public transit to school, I will be bitchin about the damn bus. Fuckin drippin shit on me while I'm ridin it, takin 2 friggin hrs to get home the other day, bein slowass ALL the time. I'm just tryin to save a lil money, help the environment a bit, and I get punished. I hate yooooou.

I got in 1 of my classes. I gave up and settled for what I've got now and sayin screw it but I don't wanna get into that again so I won't go there. Anyway, this morning's class...when I emailed the prof about gettin in, he said it was pretty full but he'd squeeze me in. Yeah, there were 9 ppl in there. Full?? Yeah, I counted! LOL

Oh I wanted a cig so bad today but I still didn't cave and buy any. But I was so close, so close. Go me. Only didn't have one cuz I didn't see anybody to bum off :P

Who's ready for a hurricane! I heard it was gonna make its way up here and I'm like, oh shit. But apparently by the time it gets here, it'll just be mad rainy and windy. So it won't be enough to cancel classes but it'll be stormy enough to possibly ruin my Fri night. If that hurricane knows what's best, it won't!


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