Monday, September 08, 2003

I ate so much a while ago cuz I was SO hungry before I got home but I still want the wannabe lasagna macaroni downstairs LOL Oinkers!

Pepsi Vanilla is good :) And I like it better than Vanilla Coke...cuz I'm biased LOL No really, it's better, I can taste the diff. Gimme a Pepsi Challenge anytime, I''ll pick Pepsi every time...I can tell. Ppl say they taste the same, but I know. I know.

I wanna take a nap. But we all know that's not allowed at this hr. No, I need to take another cold shower. Not cuz of THAT ;) Cuz it was stupid hot today even tho it was cold this morning. This is why I don't get up that early.

Oh yeah, I started givin extra spaces between lines in my blogs for your viewin pleasure :)


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