Monday, September 08, 2003

Ughhhh...up at 7 and at school til 3. Horrible. 1st day of school and I didn't even have class but I was there. Not to mention the parkin lot fiasco with the damn eletronic toll guard thingys. At least G knows the shit I gotta go thru bein in this wretched college/program/major, someone understands!

Lined up to see an advisor at 8:30, had an appt at 10, finally got some course crap sorted out, had some more hrs to kill for G to be done class. So many freshies on campus! I got on the comp to figure out what to take. OMG pickin courses with a checklist of what certain things they could and could not be, plus makin them into a schedule that works hurts my brain. This kinda thing makes me wanna break down and cry :P So I was in the library a good while. Had to go see some profs about the stupid independent studies or honours thesis courses and I got none of them. We went lookin for like 6 profs and their friggin offices and NOBODY could tell me the right answer. The school site said 1 thing, the calendar book said another, the secretaries were sayin otherwise, more ppl we asked in the dept said different. ARGH!!

So I'm still stuck tryin to figure out what I'm gonna take and the week's already started. I just hope to god I get what I want cuz then I'm screwed hardcore. I can't even take photography like I wanted anymore cuz I gotta take another 4th yr level 'elective' I'm gonna even want to take whatever it's gonna be. This sucks ass.

I'm pretty good at puttin a day behind me. Since I couldn't call any profs til tomorrow and I still technically don't have class, I said screw and went to G's to burn some CDs and took a nap in her room. Know how tired I got? Fell asleep listenin to thumpin Neptunes and dark rock Evanescence somehow :P I don't even know if I should be goin to school tomorrow.


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