Wednesday, August 20, 2003

L doesn't hafta write her final exam cuz of the blackout so she's free and officially done uni for good. Scary...but she can play now! :D
Yesterday we just went to the mall, rented some DVDs and watched them at her place, then chilled at Timmy's with Vick. Bowling for Columbine was really good. That is one movie you can debate so much about. I felt like bustin out a notepad for english class or somethin. Damn, some parts got me pissed...mad at those psychos with guns and ignorant ppl...I even got kinda teary-eyed at times. Let's just say I'm glad I live in Canada, but that's just me.
Still have Final Destination 2 (my choice) and Head of State (L's) to watch. Bought a 2nd studded cuff bracelet since I lost the 1st one who knows where. And I deposited a whole...$5 into my bank account LOL I'm gonna need the 60 bucks that's in there to pay for the cottage and if I take it all out, the dumb bank's gonna get me with a service charge and then I'll go minus like last time :P So I got that covered!


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