Friday, August 08, 2003

I am done summer school, BOOYAH!!! Wooo! Mama's free every single day for a month...til school starts again in Sept but that's OK! I pretty much finished my essay yesterday :P 7 pgs in 1 day, oh yes, for a total of 10...and here I thought I'd just do the bare minimum of 8 LOL Rah for me. And of substance too! Not total bs. I got my sister to give me a ride to school since I was just gonna drop it off (who's gonna stay in class on the last day when there's no exam??). That was the 1st time I've actually been in her car. Long story, her bf keeps it at his house cuz of my packed driveway and since they're always out together anyway...oh and he usually drives it too LOL Bein in that car was JOKES. They were havin cigs and I'm like, well if I'm gonna smell like it anyway, might as well have a smoke too :P I took 1 of my sister's and holy fuck, these bitch sticks were mother long. Pretty good tho, should get me some B&H menthols :) No no, I said I was quittin that shit. Gotta love it tho, smokin freely in the car...cuz I can't do it in none of the rents' cars or L's or G's :P Actually had a sisterly moment and were talkin about how Matt could hook me up with some blunts LOL I'm like, for real? Nice! And my sis is like, no! Don't corrupt my sister! Like I can't get it somewhere else. But whatever, she goes on talkin about that time she practically dropped after an 8 day binge at the cottage :P We got an early dinner and they dropped me back home and they went out.
OK Demetre's...that night was the best way to celebrate end of school. P IS BACK!!! She's back home!! For those who forgot or don't know, there's all that back story about how she left home and went missin since like Nov and nobody knew where the hell she was...cops were called and all that but since she's of age, they couldn't tell her family where she was as long as she was safe. So we didn't know what was goin on with her. We were all freakin out that she wasn't keepin in contact and she wasn't answerin her vmail or pickin up her cell. It was a freakin nightmare for her parents. I just couldn't believe she'd think all her friends wouldn't be there for her and be worried about her.
Anyways, L calls me yesterday as I'm rushin to do my essay and says P called her outta the blue and says she's home. I'm like, WHAT?? This girl's been gone for like 9 months like somethin out of a movie and there she is. Apparently she got caught up with some bad ppl and they pretty much brainwashed her and somehow got her to go to GUYANA!! Holy shit. But the good thing is now is that she's back and OK and we all know where she is. L said she was comin to Demetre's and I got so excited OMG. I knew I was gonna be a Lord (well Lady) Huggington ("I'm Sir Love-A-Lot, the bear that loves to love!" LOL) before I knew she was gonna be there so you can imagine how much I hugged everybody, esp P. I held onto that girl for a good while. *Tear* Total reunion. Except Vick and Meen couldn't make it. But Fish I hadn't seen since Kim's bbq, and Lisa since forever, and Pris since she never comes out anymore. We were there for hrs, like til they were closin at 1. I think they wanted us to leave already LOL So we're all caught up with everythin, except we didn't get to talk about what happened with P. We were talkin like nuthin had happened but I guess I can always ask her about it later. Just glad she's alright. I missed her. I told her, hon you BETTER be callin me. She's like OK, oh wait, email me...I'm gonna be in NY for a month! LOL Whaaaaaat?? She's gonna be gone again, geez. Anyway...GOOD TIMES! I finally got to see Lis' 'new' car :P Since the past yr, I been like, take me for a ride in it already. Finally! And we got to smoke in there too ;)


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