Saturday, August 02, 2003

OK ouch. Apparently gettin a touch-up means doin the whole tattoo over again. It still didn't hurt this time but it doesn't kill as much afterwards like then either. Al kinda made me late for my appt since she came with me (she wanted a Slushie! LOL) and we were only late like 20 mins but the chick said Stuart couldn't do it til 9 that night. I was like holy crap, but OK...guess we're just gonna hafta walk around Eaton Centre and SHOP. K I've accepted the fact that I'll never find my Sag tank with the sign in rhinestones :( I'll hafta settle for just 1 of the normal ones. Anyway, I made Al go with me at 9 while G and L went home cuz they were volunteerin earlier and had met us downtown.
Can I just say Stuart ROCKS! He's nicest guy and even tho he's covered in tats, he looks like the lead singer from Weezer and isn't scary, so that's always good LOL Al's funny, she just happened to have her digital camera on her and took pix of me gettin inked :P I'm like, what're you doin, makin a photo-documentary?? But they look cool so now I have record of my 2nd time gettin tat work done. It looks a lot better tho, darker and the edges are sharper...sweet. Now I just hafta deal with this bigass bandage and not movin my arm around much. Dressin myself tomorrow morning will be interesting.
I wanna go to Caribana this weekend but I dunno if the others are gonna be down for it cuz they're paranoid they're gonna get shot up. Al said she wanted to go so we'll see.
I saw some magazine with Justin on the cover in HMV so obviously I took one. It looked kinda glossy and thick so I wondered if I was supposed to take it. It was on those racks with the free newspapers and I didn't see no price tag on it so I figured it was free. I'm like, long as the security thingy doesn't beep on me and the security guy by the door doesn't accost me :P So I had somethin to read while I was waitin for my appt but we still had time so we went into Indigo to solicit in the magazine section. I see the exact same magazine with Justin on it and I see a price tag for $3.99 LOL Hmm...either I swiped this and technically stole it or I just saved myself 4 bucks LOL Beat that, I ain't payin no money for MY magazine! heh heh Anyway, I bounced outta there quick just in case the ppl in Indigo did think I walked out without payin for it :P


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